Freeman of the Land / Bonkers Theories

What qualifications do you think they possess to pass legal judgements, to understand victims and the wider effect on society that the crimes can have? The ones up here are absolute wet blankets and constantly let violent criminals off!

Prime example;

I didn't read the rest of the posts. Magistrates are absolute sticklers for the letter of the law. This is not the case for a jury. You are generally far better facing a magistrate than a jury.
Sorry, they have her now. It’s a matter of time before she’s caught and the victim mentality only gets worse.

I completely cut this man out of my life and will never speak to him again. I’m infinitely better off without him, however, I still suffer from some PTSD from the manipulation, gaslighting and psychological abuse. It’s weird to say that as a 44yo guy when there are people who have been through hell in the forces and other horrendous circumstances.

Until you detach you don’t realise quite how bad being related to someone with NPD can be. I try to explain to people that unless you have a parent or close relative who is like this you just avoid them and don’t associate with that type of person.

Hopefully will get an update tomorrow.

To be manipulated and so badly betrayed by someone you trust is going to spin your head, physical pain and visual horrors can cause PTSD, but that doesn't lessen the emotional or social betrays by a parent or loved one, especially if its led to you questioning your own sanity.
To be manipulated and so badly betrayed by someone you trust is going to spin your head, physical pain and visual horrors can cause PTSD, but that doesn't lessen the emotional or social betrays by a parent or loved one, especially if its led to you questioning your own sanity.

because of my Mum I first ended up in a Mental Hospital in 1988 when I was 30 and up until Dec 2019 I was still attending Counseling sessions with Psychiatrics and Psychologists.
When she died I haven't had one problem with my depression since then and that was all through the Pandemic when others were suffering.
I loved her dearly, still do but she had no idea what she did to my mind.
I can't imagine what drew is going through because that was/is another level.
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Wonder what his logic would be, wrongfully imprisoned? Diplomatic immunity gone wrong :p .
His logic will be "see, they're trying to shut me up, they don't want the truth to get out because it'll bring down the whole system!" you know, the kind of delusional drivel not remotely based on reality.
because of my Mum I first ended up in a Mental Hospital in 1988 when I was 30 and up until Dec 2019 I was still attending Counseling sessions with Psychiatrics and Psychologists.
When she died I haven't had one problem with my depression since then and that was all through the Pandemic when others were suffering.
I loved her dearly, still do but she had no idea what she did to my mind.
I can't imagine what drew is going through because that was/is another level.
I felt the same kind of relief when the business deal finally went through as it meant I had no more ties to him at all.

He is toxic. I would get text messages about staff transgressions at 9pm having a go at me about stupid stuff, normally all fed to him by the internal snake who had an agenda to get me out so he could run the business.

I would also get messages about not being able to afford payroll at towards the end of each month and that customers were not paying us on time, he arbitrarily sent an email to all our clients telling them they were on 30 days and then expected them to just yield to his demands. At the time we were sitting on around 500k of cash in about 8 accounts (paranoia about bank failure). There were zero cash flow issues... he just liked me in a state of anxiety, the only person that could cause that emotion.

This forms part of my constant worry now that i'm trying to get over. Business is up 50% since the MBO in July 21, NET profit up 250% yet I feel bad about wanting take more out of the business and spending £500 a month on myself for a company electric car.

Our mgt accountant keeps telling me to take more but i just have this mental block that i don't deserve it and that impending doom is right around the corner.
Sadly he's been given an extension of four weeks to get the car imported by the DVLA, this gives him "lots more time to make a case against them".

Not entirely sure who is going to be suing and under what grounds.
One would hope that registering a vehicle as exported when it hasn't been exported would be another offence.
One would hope that registering a vehicle as exported when it hasn't been exported would be another offence.

That's an interesting one. I suspect the police force holding the car are letting the DVLA deal with that part - they'll need the evidence for prosecution. In the meantime he's racking up storage charges (£26 a day according to my google-fu).

To apply freeman thinking though: The DVLA can't accept the "import" until customs & excise have acknowledged its arrival at a port, the import VAT paid, its safety checks passed etc etc - obviously none of which can happen without the car being dock side. There's a lot a malicious bureaucracy could do :D
Our mgt accountant keeps telling me to take more but i just have this mental block that i don't deserve it and that impending doom is right around the corner.
If the money man is telling you to do it, I think you're safe to do it, and by the sounds of all the **** that's gone on, you definitely deserve it, especially if you've improved the business since he left.
There's a difference between taking the ****, which you aren't doing, and being rewarded, which you should be.
He's been convinced that the Met have accepted the Insurance Bond. He now thinks he will be going to court and is readying himself for this. Apparently all you need is a bible and dictionary, "only god can judge me". Interesting, as he wasn't religious at all.

He's still driving around in his partners car which must be really bruising his ego, his Bentley is also untaxed, exported and on false plates. When the business was sold he pretty much told her she had to get a new car as it was embarrassing having it parked next to his Continental GT on their drive, lol.

The mental gymnastics this person is going through hurts my head, and i'm not dealing with it.

Tick tock :)
Finally an update….

DVLA have confirmed he won’t be able to register his cars in the UK without speaking the the HMRC and paying VAT and duties

His Continental GT and SL500 are both exported, so has to do this twice.

The issue he has is we’ve been relentlessly informing the HMRC of his tax avoidance and calculated to them what he owes based on all the income he had from the business (80-90k). He’s totally ignore me all the self assessment letters…

If he engages with the HMRC now he will no doubt draw attention to himself.

It’s going downhill fast.

The CLC are asking him to pay 500 per bogus letter they send to the police and DVLA, he’s being rinsed dry by them too.

He’s currently driving around in a 20 year old battle red A Class he’s “borrowed” from a mate. Talk about an ego killer.

Suffice to say he’s the victim in all this.
Finally an update….

DVLA have confirmed he won’t be able to register his cars in the UK without speaking the the HMRC and paying VAT and duties

His Continental GT and SL500 are both exported, so has to do this twice.

The issue he has is we’ve been relentlessly informing the HMRC of his tax avoidance and calculated to them what he owes based on all the income he had from the business (80-90k). He’s totally ignore me all the self assessment letters…

If he engages with the HMRC now he will no doubt draw attention to himself.

It’s going downhill fast.

The CLC are asking him to pay 500 per bogus letter they send to the police and DVLA, he’s being rinsed dry by them too.

He’s currently driving around in a 20 year old battle red A Class he’s “borrowed” from a mate. Talk about an ego killer.

Suffice to say he’s the victim in all this.
So going pretty much as expected then. Just don't see how people get drawn into this.
Been following this thread and reading the updates, it's a sad turn if events. But I've been close to going through that rabbit hole.

After finishing uni I had a lot of free time and though I was working and socialising, YouTube videos got to me and I blindly followed all these CTs backed up by bogus articles, alternative news sites etc....

I eventually found it to all be BS, after realising no mainstream media covered any of what I was reading and though the arguement always is, they don't want you to know, I managed to see sense I did get a bit of help with some friends who just completely broke down some of my arguements and I realised I was being used and fed complete lies.

There needs to be better support and awareness of this trap, it is brainwashing and exploitation.

The Internet was supposed to be a information super highway that was supposed to make us more clever but it has done the opposite due to idiots and greed.
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Oh LOL. Question in my mind is whether that's a real "hack" of the site, or the site owner has realised the authorities or his followers are on to him and is trying to do a runner !
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