Freeman of the Land / Bonkers Theories

Another visit from Ovo Energy today about his meters, something didn't go his way as he wasn't bragging about anything, just a short message to my mate who he cancelled an appointment with..... I will try and find out more.
Ooo juicy. Has he used one of those crooks who by-pass the meter and been found out :D Usage dropping to zero tends to set off alarm bells and he sounds arrogant enough to think he'd get away with it.
That's exactly what he did, and in his NPD Arrogance wrote to the energy company telling them he storing their meters and was charging them storage fees.
Round Two - OVO Wins
What a clown, after lying to them during their first visit, OVO returned with a warrant from the high court to gain access to his property.

Well, it didn't go well, despite arguing with them about the warrant being on an iPad he let them in!! A simple threat of being cut off made him cave immediately.

They replaced his electric meter with an official one. He's not saying if it's prepayment.

While my mate was in stitches listening to the story he kept muttering that he didn't "follow the process properly". Apparently the gas people won't be so lucky, we'll see...

I wonder if he will start to see sense, I predict not.

Anyway, i'll enjoy the saga.
Surprised they haven't gone after him for theft whilst the old meter was by-passed.

Did he not explain that the new meter would be subject to rent payments for it being on his property :D
Not sure, he is telling a story, so doesn't want to look like a complete fool.
I suspect he has a prepayment meter and will be liable for all the additional charges to date.

He has said that he was in credit with OVO so suspect they may take some of that.

This is a liar and a grifter with NPD, I take it all with a pinch of salt. He's definitely left out details when recounting his story.
If he's tampered with the meters and or in debt due to standing charges etc then the new meters will be prepay and they will have a debt charge on them.

Depending on the amount they can take upto £9/week iirc from his top ups to recover the debt.
Are you in the know or read online, interested to know the process? I can get my mate to needle him.
I've never seen this site before. Is it geuinely a place to dump the greatest hits or conspiracy theories? It's funny and scary all at the same time.
It's where all of the nutters hang out.

Check out Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes, they claim to have inside info from Q, from QAnon. My father follows those two as well, has even bought some of the useless guff they peddle.
I knew he was seriously in trouble when i did some research and found this -

He bought a special box for his phone (iPhone) so it couldn't be tracked or hacked.
My mate asked him what happened when he needed to use it... dead silence.... he hadn't thought about that.
It finally happened.

Arrested last week at the side of the road. He captured it on video. I sadly haven't seen it.

He was pulled over by a traffic police officer who noticed his plates and clocked they were not real.
Lots of arguing ensued and he recited his spiel to the letter, claiming he was all above board. He even stated that he had written to the Chief Constable and as he hadn't received a written reply in 14 days he had every right to continue his activities.

He was in his SL500 with the roof down, due to the arguing the office reached in and grabbed his keys.
After more arguing with the police office he was arrested and offered to walk to the car, he refused. Two more officers turned up with a van and had to carry him and put him the back of the van, they were moaning about how heavy he is LOL. Hopefully they will do him for resisting arrest as well.

They have impounded his car, one officer was laughing at him for not having insurance.
According to "Graham" at the Common Law Court (LOL) insurers on a mobile phone helpline he has to get a written statement from the police to say he isn't insured so they can intervene. Briiliant....

He is attending the station today to hand over documents to sue the officer for kidnapping and theft of his car. That's going to go down well.

Apparently they were pretty annoyed by him and his behaviour, which is very easy. I wouldn't be surprised if they throw the book at him

There's more I've probably missed out but I'm still laughing at this too hard to detail it.

The wheels are literally falling yet he remains indignant, this could be epic.
To be fair knowing my hairdresser doesn't know him, only his name and what i've told him so he'll probably have to declare it.

I might take popcorn.
He went to collect his car and produce documents on Monday.

The desk sergeant told him that the documents are false and he wont get his car back until he has produced insurance, tax and the right plates. They are charging him to store the car.

Get this, the insurance guy from the common law court suggested he taxed and insured his vehicle to get it back and they would pursue the police in court.... he has told my mate he's getting "really good advice" about what to do next, I guess abiding by the law makes sense....

I'm interested to see how this goes down as surely he will get a court date which he may take one of two ways, either ignore it or go to town on them.

Apparently when he was arrested he spent four hours in the cells after winding them all up in the station.

This is going to spectacularly back fire, unfortunately for him his NPD prevents him from being wrong, the hole he is digging is getting deeper.
He’s been to the station twice this week.

He’s been advised by his numpty con artist team of fake lawyers to get tax and insurance etc, so he did that, turned up at the station yesterday to be told that he’d exported his car and there was no chance he was getting it back.

Part of this whole charade is sending the v5 form off to the dvla saying the cars been exported, they believe that if it’s not on the system then they can’t touch it. Not entirely sure how you tax and insure an exported car, but anyway, this is pure gold and couldn’t happen to better person.

He’s been given until Tuesday to get the correct paperwork to release the car or they are selling it. It’s a blue 2017 SL500 with a decent spec.

He believe that he is getting “very good advice”, they have asked if they can use his video on their website as he said what he should say correctly, this no doubt kicked his NPD into overdrive.

Still maintains he’s in the right and looking forward to his day in court to expose the police and “theatre of corruption”

He’ll end up in prison and the Daily Mail.
I just don't get the thought process. Is it just a case of being so far down the rabbit hole that even when he does all these things and still doesn't get the car back he still thinks he's right?
Precisely, if you’ve ever spent much time with a person with NPD you see the traits. He is prevented from being wrong and back tracking by his own ego. A lot of the people that get sucked into this are narcissists.
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These numbskulls believe that if you tell the DVLA that you've exported a car then it vanishes from the DVLA system with no trace of it so if anyone tries to look it up, they'll come back with '404 car not found'.

In reality, it remains on the system but with a status of 'exported'.
This is what has wound up the police he’s been dealing with. I think he is going to be facing the full effect of the law
It's quite likely as IIRC things like the "export" form are a signed declaration on a legal form, which normally puts it as something rather more serious than the initial offence.
Same with dodgy insurance documents etc.

I think the police/cps tend to deal with these sorts of cases quite harshly if the person has done it over a prolonged period with signs of it being planned, as it's hoped it'll discourage others.
I hope they go after him for fraud.
I was excited that there might be further updates on the Freeman of the land issue from @drew

Disappointingly, it's just lots of talk about mortgages in the previous century.
There will be more, tomorrows d'day for the car thats impounded, then we have his issues with no insurance etc.

Then we have the tax evasion, fingers crossed that should catch up with him...
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