Freeman of the Land / Bonkers Theories

I’m continuing to watch this thread with interest. My mother is following a strikingly similar trajectory to that of your father. Last year when she visited me, I took her into the local town for lunch and she lost her mind when I parked the car and opened the Ringgo app to pay for the parking. Something about the government extorting money and tracking my vehicle movements. Then when it came to paying for lunch, she insisted on paying but the place didn’t accept cash. Cue a huge scene with her going off on a rant to the poor waitress about how a cashless society was going to be the end of all of our freedoms. I had to make profuse apologies and usher her out of there. She doesn’t insure her car, it has also been reported as exported. She doesn’t drive her car, she ”travels” in it. She no longer pays utility bills and I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before the courts catch up. Earlier this year she sent me a handwritten letter with a wax seal, urging me to give up my job with a large airline and speak to some of her reporter friends to expose the chemical spraying conspiracy as an insider.

The really sad part is that she has cashed in her substantial final salary pension after 35 years in the public sector, totalling almost 7 figures and handed most of it over to some conman who is acting as her ‘advocate’ when asserting her rights as a ”living woman”. I have reported this to the police, but as she has not been deemed incompetent and the money has been handed over by mutual agreement, there’s not a damn thing they can do about it. I have reached out to the police, action fraud and others but nobody can help. It’s a hopeless and very sad situation which I am powerless to influence. Mental illness is a terribly despondent thing to deal with, but those who actively target and wilfully exploit the ill really are the lowest of the low.
Sorry, they have her now. It’s a matter of time before she’s caught and the victim mentality only gets worse.

I completely cut this man out of my life and will never speak to him again. I’m infinitely better off without him, however, I still suffer from some PTSD from the manipulation, gaslighting and psychological abuse. It’s weird to say that as a 44yo guy when there are people who have been through hell in the forces and other horrendous circumstances.

Until you detach you don’t realise quite how bad being related to someone with NPD can be. I try to explain to people that unless you have a parent or close relative who is like this you just avoid them and don’t associate with that type of person.

Hopefully will get an update tomorrow.
because of my Mum I first ended up in a Mental Hospital in 1988 when I was 30 and up until Dec 2019 I was still attending Counseling sessions with Psychiatrics and Psychologists.
When she died I haven't had one problem with my depression since then and that was all through the Pandemic when others were suffering.
I loved her dearly, still do but she had no idea what she did to my mind.
I can't imagine what drew is going through because that was/is another level.
I felt the same kind of relief when the business deal finally went through as it meant I had no more ties to him at all.

He is toxic. I would get text messages about staff transgressions at 9pm having a go at me about stupid stuff, normally all fed to him by the internal snake who had an agenda to get me out so he could run the business.

I would also get messages about not being able to afford payroll at towards the end of each month and that customers were not paying us on time, he arbitrarily sent an email to all our clients telling them they were on 30 days and then expected them to just yield to his demands. At the time we were sitting on around 500k of cash in about 8 accounts (paranoia about bank failure). There were zero cash flow issues... he just liked me in a state of anxiety, the only person that could cause that emotion.

This forms part of my constant worry now that i'm trying to get over. Business is up 50% since the MBO in July 21, NET profit up 250% yet I feel bad about wanting take more out of the business and spending £500 a month on myself for a company electric car.

Our mgt accountant keeps telling me to take more but i just have this mental block that i don't deserve it and that impending doom is right around the corner.
Sadly he's been given an extension of four weeks to get the car imported by the DVLA, this gives him "lots more time to make a case against them".

Not entirely sure who is going to be suing and under what grounds.
He's been convinced that the Met have accepted the Insurance Bond. He now thinks he will be going to court and is readying himself for this. Apparently all you need is a bible and dictionary, "only god can judge me". Interesting, as he wasn't religious at all.

He's still driving around in his partners car which must be really bruising his ego, his Bentley is also untaxed, exported and on false plates. When the business was sold he pretty much told her she had to get a new car as it was embarrassing having it parked next to his Continental GT on their drive, lol.

The mental gymnastics this person is going through hurts my head, and i'm not dealing with it.

Tick tock :)
Finally an update….

DVLA have confirmed he won’t be able to register his cars in the UK without speaking the the HMRC and paying VAT and duties

His Continental GT and SL500 are both exported, so has to do this twice.

The issue he has is we’ve been relentlessly informing the HMRC of his tax avoidance and calculated to them what he owes based on all the income he had from the business (80-90k). He’s totally ignore me all the self assessment letters…

If he engages with the HMRC now he will no doubt draw attention to himself.

It’s going downhill fast.

The CLC are asking him to pay 500 per bogus letter they send to the police and DVLA, he’s being rinsed dry by them too.

He’s currently driving around in a 20 year old battle red A Class he’s “borrowed” from a mate. Talk about an ego killer.

Suffice to say he’s the victim in all this.
Sorry, all quiet on the western front.

I'll try and get some more information this week. He's paid 6k for a letter from the Common Law Crooks to the high court informing them he wants to sue the police and company that have his car. Totally bizarre, but thats par for the course.
Likely a lot more than paying the fine would have been .... but that would involve swallowing pride and admitting he is in the wrong. I can see this costing another zero on the end by the time this is all done - assuming the car hasn't just been sold off or crushed because he's messed around for so long.
He's in the right, thats all he needs..... he will go bankrupt to prove it.

I recall in my 44 years on this earth two times he ever said sorry to me. One was when he had to apologises otherwise he wasn't coming to my wedding, another occasion was when he pushed me so far at work that i had a total meltdown and was ready to pack it in. Then he only did what he thought was the right thing to do, not actually mean it as it was an existential threat to his income.

There are so many crazy things over the years, i've been told by numerous people that i should try and write a book about it all.
Nice update for you all.

There is a warrant out for his arrest as of this week. He was visited by someone last week who came to collect over £1600 worth of fines, they left a note saying he had to respond otherwise he will be arrested.

He's not opened a single "brown" envelope since the madness kicked.

His mate at the common law court called the number of the people that visited and claimed to have sorted it for him, but added a caveat that he shouldn't be surprised if he hears from them again soon.

He still doesn't have his SL500 and hasn't driven his Bentley since his SL was impounded, so thats just sitting there and can't go on the roads or be sold as he exported it, lol, what a tool.
Any more news drew, have they caught up with him & felt his collar yet or is he still wandering about riding shank's pony?.
Sadly no more news other than they visited again with further threats, he didn't answer the door. They are chasing the meter change costs i think, he's being vague on that one with my mate.
It's a matter of time

He's instructed is bank to reclaim all the direct debit Bentley repayments on the grounds that his birth bond has already covered his debt and Bentley (VWFS?) are acting fraudulently.
He's paid his CLC mate a wad of cash to "sort it", not small numbers apparently.
Is this on appeal? The civil court fees are essentially the same whatever level of court. There are some minor differences with hearing fees but the biggest fee is always the issuing cost which is linked to the claim value. They are readily available if you search for Civil Court Fees (ex50).

Basically he is suing the police and the company that have his car for 250k each. They still have his car.

He was told for 6k we can get a judge in high court to review the case. I don't really understand what's going on around that element.
I've ruined it!

My mate has torn his Achilles so I lent him my car as its an automatic.
He's had a meltdown as he thought I was at my mates gym.

He's now arguing with my mate and trying to get money back for sessions as he's no longer going to use him

It was fun while it lasted.
Oh just lol at the lack of self awareness at your father calling someone else insensitive !

Seem like you have an excellent way to troll him though if he's that triggered just by the sight of your car :D
Par for the course. My mate was unable to get to and from his gym, so needed something so he had a livelihood!

I was looking at changing it in the new year, i don't think I can now!
Everything he's dealing with is of his own making. This is what is so amusing about his message, never did take any accountability, still doesn't.
It's detailed in this thread, plus probably more I am unaware of.
No, sorry! I was told he's swapped his number plates over to a DVLA one on his Bentley.

I shall take a drive past his house and see...
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