Freeman of the Land / Bonkers Theories

I thought i'd provide an update on the barminess.

He's now received two fines, one for non paying of car tax plus a speeding fine that he intentionally got on a average speed area...
He has written back to the DVLA saying no one of that name is at that address as he's changed his name.
In the same letter he's also detailed how he will win in court effectively highlighting he is the person they seek.

He has three cars all untaxed, checked online. His latest one is that this weird group he is part of will insure his cars for just £250 and that if there is a claim its paid from the money allocated at birth....

He has also stated he will be removing his gas meter and electric meter as he "knows someone" that will do it for you. Apparently according to these nutters our utility bills are only for the rental of the meters so hes removing them and sending them back....

We'll be keeping an eye on the local magistrates with popcorn, it wont be long.
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Unfortunately he’s gone so far down the rabbit hole that even when he’s in prison or has no money, he will be telling who ever will listen, as well as himself, that he is owed xyz and will soon have it.

I’m sorry you are going through this. I would try and take him for everything he owns, as he’s going to lose it anyway.
Is it too early to order the popcorn?

I'm not sure if tampering with electricity/gas meters is a criminal offence, but I can quite see the distribution networks disconnecting him before the meter or something when he's caught doing it, assuming he doesn't blow himself up or set fire to the house first.
Is it too early to order the popcorn?

I'm not sure if tampering with electricity/gas meters is a criminal offence, but I can quite see the distribution networks disconnecting him before the meter or something when he's caught doing it, assuming he doesn't blow himself up or set fire to the house first.

I'm pretty sure the criminal offence is literally called tampering with a meter!
Unfortunately he’s gone so far down the rabbit hole that even when he’s in prison or has no money, he will be telling who ever will listen, as well as himself, that he is owed xyz and will soon have it.

I’m sorry you are going through this. I would try and take him for everything he owns, as he’s going to lose it anyway.
I have the business, that's all i wanted from that idiot.

Is it too early to order the popcorn?

I'm not sure if tampering with electricity/gas meters is a criminal offence, but I can quite see the distribution networks disconnecting him before the meter or something when he's caught doing it, assuming he doesn't blow himself up or set fire to the house first.

Yes its a criminal offence. Expect to see lots of this in the news in the next 12 months for obvious reasons.

Since your posts I had a form come into our Department at our Trust and even my Lawyer boss couldn't work it out so sent it to the Trust Solicitors in Brum to make their way through it.
The Courts threw it out but it goes to show what some people believe.

It's truly astonishing, at the height of covid "he" claimed that most of the worlds leaders are going to be hung for treason and genocide.
Bad news this kind of thing, it reminds me a little of anarchists on social media that would indoctrinate young people. They would even run away from home, disown their family and friends to joint these horrible little groups that resemble some type of cult.

I guess the best thing would be not to fall out and to stay in touch as much as possible, maybe seek advise from groups who deal with people who have been indoctrinated with various ideas or whatever
I'm pretty sure the criminal offence is literally called tampering with a meter!
I couldn't remember if it was a civil thing or a criminal one:)
It was covered in what I thought was juice, I edited most of it out.
if it's a thumbprint be careful of it, IIRC some of these people think it has to be blood for it to be valid, although that maybe mainly the American idiots rather than UK ones at the moment.

Since your posts I had a form come into our Department at our Trust and even my Lawyer boss couldn't work it out so sent it to the Trust Solicitors in Brum to make their way through it.
The Courts threw it out but it goes to show what some people believe.

I love you have shared that with us for lols but I would DEFINITELY be removing it from your website.
Is sad to hear and I know a woman who has lost all contact with her daughter through this. She does have mental health issues, probably bordering schizophrenia and should simply stop smoking hash.
She believes everything, Flat Earth, does not believe in Space, believes in multi universes though where aliens come through portals. CERN is a facility to open portals for demons..... eh I think that might be the storyline of DOOM. Is just crazy. Does not believe in a single photo of space or a single video of rocket launches. All fake, CGI, staged, or done with holographics. But will believe every facebook video of "proofs".
I admit thought I am a bit fascinated by how the world of social media has reinforced this craze and people end up with 1000s of friends on Facebook etc who will just back them up and applaud their ideas like they are in some fight for the future. Really it is just a pool of people gathering only with people who will not challenge their ideas but reward them.
Look up "allegedly dave" on youtube dmurhpy225 username.
Flat earther who promotes urine therapy! Yes drinking it! 10 years ago he has a video of being nicked by the cops for no licence, no insurance, no tax. He is exercising his right to travel using his own private property as he is not in a contract with the state. But happy to use the states roads of course!
It is mostly sad to see really and of course can be amusing especially the flat earthers who actually did experiments that prove curvature. I still love the famous Bob who spent a lot of money on a gyroscope and something was wrong with it as it was showing a drift of 15 degrees every hour! :rolleyes:
Social media has quite a pull on some people and people just get into an almost brianwashed state like cultists.
Social media has quite a pull on some people and people just get into an almost brianwashed state like cultists.

I have followed a woman called Louise Hampton from the very start of Covid with around 25,000 followers and it's been a horrible read and quite hard to see what she writes and then followers who are worse than her.
Just realised she hasn't come up on my Timeline for a while so looked if she is on Telegram and wow, she's still at it.
She's been suspended several times on Facebook but seems she's been banned now.
You may wonder why I would follow somebody like that but I also like reading them on OCUK, I like to know what's going on in people's heads.
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