Freeman of the Land / Bonkers Theories

I'd be tempted to walk down the side of them with a screwdriver and see if he gets them done on his new insurance.
LOL, nice idea, but I'm not one for wanton damage. Its best for people like him to cause their own self-inflicted pain.
I'm trying to imagine the reaction if one turned up at Heathrow and tried to get on a flight with one of these.

Is there a correlation between between the size of someone's head and their susceptibility to conspiracy lunacy? I just wonder if it needs to be particularly small so it can both fit down a rabbit hole and up their own arse?

I wish I didn't look at that website, it was like the Infowars legal team decided they needed a new fund raiser.
Apparently the cars are no longer insured, it's ok as he has these and insurance here

The cars are a Bentley Continental GT, SL500 and 1969 E Type.

Comedy gold.

From their website (my italics):
"Warning: As this process is new, the statutory authorities wil be unaware of it. The Common Law Court will be notifying statutory governments and police authorities about our process, but be aware, if you choose to use this process just now, you are doing so at your own risk."
From their website (my italics):
"Warning: As this process is new, the statutory authorities wil be unaware of it. The Common Law Court will be notifying statutory governments and police authorities about our process, but be aware, if you choose to use this process just now, you are doing so at your own risk."
But surely that risk only applies to the fictitious legal entity, not the 'living man'? So nothing to worry about as they fictitiously tow his car away to be fictitiously crushed.
You must keep us updated on every single thing.

We had another case last week in Court.
Patient refused to wear a mask so Clinician refused to see him and patient took it further and ended up in Court.
He took one of those idiots into Court with him and my boss said the Judge just kept saying "What are you on about?".
In the end the Judge said "You were asked to wear a mask, you weren't asked to do harm to anybody else so it's your own fault for your advanced problem" and dismissed it.
I think the the thing about most conspiracy theories is that there's just enough reality about at least a part of it that it's not completely impossible that some of it might be true.
Take 9/11 for example. It's not inconceivable that US or US friendly intelligence services recognised 'something' was being planned but weren't quick enough to understand the details and prevent it from happening. Its even possible a decision was made to allow those plans to continue (with the intention of jumping in at the last minute) in order to catch the perpetrators red handed in and improve the chances of conviction but something went wrong (the authorities lost control of the situation or didn't realise the magnitude of what was planned etc).

There's no arguing that the moon landing was a coup for the US government - that in itself would be a compelling reason for faking the moon landing.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I believe the US government allowed 9/11 to happen or that they faked the moon landing but just that I can see how there is just enough of a sliver of reason to make it not completely impossible. When you add any kind of official secrecy, however reasonable, the vacuum created by the associated silence simply allows CT to be born from those slivers of not impossible scenarios and ballon into what most rational people can see as outlandish.

I think you then further add the echo chamber effect of the likes of YouTube, FB etc which will presen a never ending stream of content it's algorithms have determined will keep you on their platform it's not difficult for me to see how people do fall 'down the rabbit hole'. I don't think we're cognitively equipped to deal with information presented like this.

I imagine this freeman stuff is much the same. There's possibly some small seed of reason to a small part of it to act a hook to some people with the right vulnerabilities.
You must keep us updated on every single thing.

We had another case last week in Court.
Patient refused to wear a mask so Clinician refused to see him and patient took it further and ended up in Court.
He took one of those idiots into Court with him and my boss said the Judge just kept saying "What are you on about?".
In the end the Judge said "You were asked to wear a mask, you weren't asked to do harm to anybody else so it's your own fault for your advanced problem" and dismissed it.
This reminds me of an episode from last year (I really should start a book on this), he was booked in for an operation on his haemorrhoids…… He went in for his pre-op and refused to wear a mask in the private hospital, he then had a full blown argument with the consultant and a nurse who were insistent on him wearing a mask, after an hour the consultant said to him well it looks like Mr XXX your haemorrhoids don’t need treatment after all, it looks like you can go home and not need the operation. He actually came away and told people he won an argument with a consultant in hospital and didn’t have to wear a mask, what he didn’t realise was the consultant just wanted him out of the place and cancelled an operation he needed.


I have more episodes like this.
There's no arguing that the moon landing was a coup for the US government - that in itself would be a compelling reason for faking the moon landing.

There's one absolutely huge problem with that one though, they would have to get Russia in on it because they had spies and technology everywhere and would 100% know if it was faked.
They said their congratulations and even have a part of their space museum dedicated to the USA being the first.
I want to hear all of them :)
I’ll ruin the book.

There is one where he ended up getting 120k less on the MBO deal, he pushed me so hard I resigned, he panicked and took my last and final offer after he found out I was sat at home looking for jobs, he told everyone that he “won his war” and I “had learned my lesson”
Last year I was rang by a bloke crying his eyes out, he said he'd heard our department could arrange somebody to witness a will so I said I could send somebody.
He said his partner was in ICU dying, he'd still got capacity but not for long, he then went on to say he was into conspiracy theories and didn't believe covid existed.
The will was witnessed, he died shortly after and his partner was now alone because of the stuff he watched on You Tube.
There's one absolutely huge problem with that one though, they would have to get Russia in on it because they had spies and technology everywhere and would 100% know if it was faked.
They said their congratulations and even have a part of their space museum dedicated to the USA being the first.
You don't need to persuade me. I believe the moon landing to be real. And I agree that any real scrutiny leads any reasonable person to believe the same. My point was simply that there's often an element of any CT you can't dispute such as that it was in the US interest that the world believed they'd been to the moon regardless of if they actually had. If from that starting point you get hooked and go down the rabbit hole you become blind to the sort of logic you just presented and you, I suspect without realising it, move from points which have some basis in fact even if they won't really stand scrutiny, to increasingly outlandish beliefs. I believe as this happens victims increasingly find themselves in echo chambers - aided by platforms who will do anything to keep your attention and a society that is intolerant of such beliefs beliefs (so that the only people who don't make you feel stupid are those who also believe) which only helps to perpetuate the spiral.
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