OK, at last update there were 47 entries in the table, probably pushing mid 50s with the latest posts.
Now, I know I took it on myself to put the results in a table, nobody asked me etc, but do we really need everyones' results? 20 odd 4ghz i7s all scoring within 20 points of each other helps nobody get a quick overview of the performance differences between CPUs.
Basically what I'm asking is for suggestions of ways to thin out the results to a more meaningful sample, rather than just listing the results of everyone who happens to stumble into this thread.
Ideas so far are:
Just keep the top 50 - Good for epeen, terrible for getting an idea of performance of different chips.
Fastest clocked of each CPU - Keeps a range of chips, but may give an unrealistic idea of what kind of OC to expect.
Stock speeds only - Terrible idea for an enthusiast forum, also doesn't give any indication of expected performance. Very few people here run any chip at stock.
Fastest and lowest clocked of each CPU - Potentailly OK but there's one issue. Where do you draw the line of lowest clock? Stock, Mild OC etc.
Mean results from each cpu - This will find average score and average OC, but will make updating the table a terrible job as I'll need to redo the whole thing from scratch every update, rather than just adding new data.
Only one entry per person - good for limiting table size, bad if people want to compare the same chip at different speeds.
Thoughts? Better suggestion?
At this point I'm unsure what direction the thread is taking, best scores or wide spread of CPUs tested. Obviously how I thin out the results will pretty much shape this decision, hence the need for imput.
easyrider, it's your thread so your call will be final.
Everyone else, I know I just asked for opinions but we don't want the thread cluttering anymore than needs be. Only respond to this if you have a very different idea to those I suggested, or you feel very stongly for/against one of the suggestions.