Fuel price discussion thread (was ‘chaos’)

Our fuel card suppliers rang us on Thursday and said dont fill up until Monday unless you had to, as diesel was going to be £1.62 per litre and unleaded £146.03 for this week. Petrol stations just running behind until they get new stocks in but I expect most to be that price by the end of this week.
Just got our updates from our fuel card suppliers for next week and the price of diesel and petrol have dropped another 5p for next week :)

I hope this trend in dropping prices continues!!!!!!

£1.54 for diesel and £1.40 for unleaded inc VAT.

If any fuel stations are more than a few pence above those prices then somebody is making a killing in profit.
Which fuel stations aren't more than a few pence above those prices, particularly for diesel?

The cheapest diesel within 10 miles of home is 179.7p.
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Which fuel stations aren't more than a few pence above those prices, particularly for diesel?

The cheapest diesel within 10 miles of home is 179.7p.

I meant at normal times our fuel cards are only a few pence cheaper than fuel stations. Thats my point. They are buying the fuel from the same place the fuel card companies are and so should only be a few pence more expensive than the fuel card companies. At the moment there seems to be up to a 20p gap. In my 30 years of dealing with haulage, thats unheard of!

Hence some people, and it can only be the fuel stations, are currently price gouging and making massive profits.
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Which fuel stations aren't more than a few pence above those prices, particularly for diesel?

The cheapest diesel within 10 miles of home is 179.7p.

Costco seems to be between £1.47 and £1.48 around most of the country for petrol. Diesel £1.69

At least one petrol station are reflecting the current cost of refined fuel

£1.419 for petrol and £1.639 for diesel

Costco seems to be between £1.47 and £1.48 around most of the country for petrol. Diesel £1.69

At least one petrol station are reflecting the current cost of refined fuel

£1.419 for petrol and £1.639 for diesel

That essar station isn't too far from me but unfortunately just far enough that it's not worth the drive. 1.57 seems to be the best I can get for petrol within a reasonable distance.
Gosh, Costco prices have come down quite significantly in the last week or so. I wasn't able to fill up at my local Costco before doing a round trip to Cornwall last week, so I overpaid by about 15p/litre. That's an extra tenner gone :eek:
Still 187.9 where I am. I can't see much of a drop happening either as it's never been lower than that since the huge price hike

Thats amazing. Diesel has now dropped to below £1.70 around here and I still think that is at least 10p to 15p overpriced. Lots of people making a killing atm.
The Essar station mentioned above is now around 136 a litre for UL, if they can manage to keep it that low then the bigger stations are absolutely creaming it in.
Yep back in my 306 d turbo days diesel was cheaper than UL.

Filled up at Costco yesterday. It wa 142.9 for UL, wonder how much lower it will go. IIRC UL was down at 120 before Russia kicked off with Ukraine.

I filled up yesterday as I was a bit low and thought ah, i won't bother with costco it is never that big a saving to go out of my way, or so I thought, I should have checked first, it cost me 179.9 for petrol at the Shell ( I only use E5) cosco was 149, that's 30p/litre, 20% :eek: blimey, how's it spread so much recently.

I only fill once every 4-6wks so I don't really watch the prices but that seemed a bigger spread that normal.
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