Only people that suffer are the ones in the oil industry. No one else will. Its funny how people have got so used to $80+ per barrel that they are now saying its "bad" its gone back to the relatively normal sub $50.
Not true.
What about the builder / joiners / sparkies etc... that build the oil company offices, or the houses for the oil workers, or renovations / extensions for these oil workers. What about the gardeners that look after their gardens? What about the childcare workers who look after their kids? What about the local shops that sell them their daily vodka and fags? What about the car dealerships that sell them their cars? Clothes shops that sell them their clothes? All these people will lose money because the Oil worker hasn't got it to spend. Never mind the multitudes of transportation, engineering, electronics suppliers, IT companies etc. that support the oil industry.
What about their taxes? As I mentioned earlier, the average oil worker probably pays over £1k per month in taxes (I think it is quite a bit more in reality). Substantially more than the UK average. Will that be made up by the VAT on the extra spend by everyone else? Sure, everyone may have a little more to spend after fuel costs, but they are spending the same amount of money, so same amount of VAT surely? There are many many tens of thousands of offshore workers all over the UK, not just based around Aberdeen and wherever they fly out of England. And they don't all just work in UK sector either, there are many that will be hit from working abroad too. Okay, they wont likely be paying British taxes, but they will be coming back and taking British brew money.
You obviously have put little thought into how the economy actually works.