So continuing my foray into the Fujifilm world I took delivery of a 50-140mm yesterday, a lens I have long sought after.
However possibly between a combination of high expectations and being spoiled by my 90mm f2 I haven’t found the lens to be especially sharp wide open at 2.8, particularly at wider focal lengths (50-100mm).
Now I would never expect a zoom to be as sharp as a prime, especially the 90mm, but what is odd is that my 55-200 is noticeably sharper wide open than the 50-140 although admittedly wide open on the former ranges between f3.5-4.8. When the 50-140 is stopped down to f4 and beyond it is pin sharp and much better than the 55-200mm and easily rivals the 90mm.
To notice the differences requires a 100%, even 200% zoom so maybe I’m guilty of pixel peeping?
For anyone on here that has experience of the 50-140 what have your own observations been?