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Gainward bring you a 512MB 7800 GT for AGP!!!!

24 Dec 2004
Knowle, Solihull, UK
Vita said:
Yeah I could get the Epox couldn't I....I've seen people get 3GHz on air with my CPU. Well I've seen pictures lol. But if I was to get the Epox, would it provide the same performance as the S939 sockets or less. I'm really confused. I think I've fell in love with this card lol. :p

Socket 754 is slightly slower than Socket 939 clock for clock but the CPUs are clocked higher at stock to make up

A Socket 754 PCI-E board will be just as quick as a Socket 939 PCI-E board
23 Mar 2006
Incase it matters to anyone socket 754 is only single channel Memory which was a bummer after NF2 had dual channel and NF4 has dual channel and actually uses it 100% as onboard memory controler unlike 10-12% gain on NF2, but 10-12% is better than no gain on NF3.

That alone made me skip NF3 mobo.
26 Mar 2006
United Kingdom
Well thanks for help. But I'm going to stick with AGP till next year I guess. I'm not the sort of doing one upgrade at a time. But will do this one, and then a big major overhaul next year.

JUST WANT THIS CARD SO MUCH! :D. If I could I'd buy all 1000 and then sell them on ebay and make a prophet. But I'm low on funds at mo :o lol



4 Jul 2004
LoadsaMoney said:
I don't deny that SM3.0 games exist, i know they do, but theres hardly hundreds of em, not exactly flooded out have they
There hasn't exactly even been hundreds of new games released in the last few months though has there? But the fact remains, most decent games that are released do support SM3.0 or HDR through SM3.0 instructions.

LoadsaMoney said:
Its different, x1900 is not much over the x1800, no one should get rid of an x1800 for an x1900

No ones saying that ppl should get rid of their x1800 for a x1900, neither should ppl get rid of their 16 pipe 7800GS for a 20 pipe version, the benchmarks don't strike me as being that much better. There seems to be more significant gaps between the x1900 vs x1800, especially at higher resolutions, tbh.

LoadsaMoney said:
I don't know why you all have this thing that Nvidia can not do any wrong, and that no Nvidia owner would ever be unhappy as its impossible as they have a Nvida card, fact is there will be some unhappy Nvidia owners its true im sorry, you have to face up to it sometime, not every single Nvidia card owner is happy, and no its not impossible, you can deny it all you want.
You've lost me there :confused:

LoadsaMoney said:
The point i was making was that the 7800 GS was as far as everyone knew going to be the last ever high end AGP card, no more high end AGP cards were coming after that, so everyone rushed out thinking, right seen as this is the last ever AGP card, then after this thats it, ill get one seen as its a high end one, see me through for a while longer before i make a jump to PCI-E, but then Gainward bring out the 7800 GT, so some of them must be thinking damn, if id known this was not going to be the last ever AGP card, and there was an even higher end one coming, i would have held off for it as it would have lasted me longer than my 7800 GS, then i could have went PCI-E, and also the fact that these cards were not cheap, they were more expensive than much higher end, much faster PCI-E cards, they could have had a faster PCI-E card, and a PCI-E motherboard for the same price, but they were happy paying that expensive price for them, as they thought they were the last ever AGP cards, so the high price was justified, but sadly as we now know thats not the case thanks to Gainward, im not blaming Nvidia for this, as its Gainward who have brought out the GT. :)

You're forgetting that this new 7800 costs a whopping £280 though, i can't see many current 7800 owners being gutted any more than early x1800 buyers.

In your position, it just seems hypocritical to patronize anyone who bought a 7800GS!

Imo, this new 7800GS is a good card but at £280, i'd be seriously considering going the PCI-E route :)
26 Mar 2006
United Kingdom
egt said:
Imo, this new 7800GS is a good card but at £280, i'd be seriously considering going the PCI-E route :)

I think it's abit overpriced but you do have to consider that it is 512mb of RAM, 20 Pipes, and an Artic Cooler. And it's AGP! So, think about it. Worlds fastest AGP card....Can't wait to overclock this beaut.
19 Oct 2002
Reading UK
amdnv said:
Incase it matters to anyone socket 754 is only single channel Memory which was a bummer after NF2 had dual channel and NF4 has dual channel and actually uses it 100% as onboard memory controler unlike 10-12% gain on NF2, but 10-12% is better than no gain on NF3.

That alone made me skip NF3 mobo.

Yes 754 is single channel memory due to the on die memory controller being single channel.

NF2 Ultra i.e. socket A was dual channel, but the AXP couldn't use it as its max bus bandwidth was 3.2Gb/sec which happens to be the max for single channel. (6.4Gb/sec in dual PC3200)

Yes the NF4 is also dual channel, but the memory controller is NOT on the board, as ALL A64 processors have on-die memory controllers.

The NF3 ultra is a 939 chipset, which as a consequence takes 939 pin A64's, which I'm sure you know have dual channel memory controllers. Hence the NF3 is dual channel (apart fro the 754pin versions, but that was mentioned above).

I have a NF3 and I'm happily running in dual channel.
30 Jul 2005
i don't think this card is too badly priced since a pci-e 512mb version is not much cheaper. its the 512mb ram thats jacking the price up. and that 512mb ram seems useful to me looking at how games are getting very texture intensive.
15 Nov 2004
Cyber-Mav said:
i don't think this card is too badly priced since a pci-e 512mb version is not much cheaper. its the 512mb ram thats jacking the price up. and that 512mb ram seems useful to me looking at how games are getting very texture intensive.
I personally don't think 512mb of RAM makes that much sense in a GT. I think this has 512mb to artificially increase the price. Look at the 512mb 7800GTX cards - they were only that fast due to increase core and memory speeds (I'll try and dig out the Tom's benchies). I'm not denying that cards like a x1900xt and the 7900GTX use 512mb well, just that cards in the lower high-end like a GT don't need it so much.
19 May 2004

If i ordered the card with next day delivery would it arrive only on the following Monday and if i paid the extra for Saturday delivery would it be shipped for this Saturday?

30 Jul 2005
Wakinglimb said:
I personally don't think 512mb of RAM makes that much sense in a GT. I think this has 512mb to artificially increase the price. Look at the 512mb 7800GTX cards - they were only that fast due to increase core and memory speeds (I'll try and dig out the Tom's benchies). I'm not denying that cards like a x1900xt and the 7900GTX use 512mb well, just that cards in the lower high-end like a GT don't need it so much.

i was told 256mb ram makes no difference when i bought my 6800NU and now it stutters in games because it has less vram and i need to reduce textures in games. my card would be brilliant if it had 256mb ram and i would probably not bother upgrading it either.

doom 3 and quake 4 can make use of the extra vram and newer games will start to make use of it too.

either way 256mb vram is useless to me. if im getting an upgrade to any new gfx card be it agp or pci-e its going to have 512mb ram as a minimum or i may as well not even bother.
26 Nov 2002
It all depends on how long you plan on keeping the card though. Your 128MB card has only just started to suffer with newer games, so its had a good two years of decent performance. And its the same with 512MB cards. This thing is, I very much doubt you'll be keeping this card two years, as you'll want all the funky DX10 effects no doubt less than a years time.
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