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Gainward bring you a 512MB 7800 GT for AGP!!!!

8 Sep 2005
andyroberts said:
Fair point Richdog, but anyone who reccomends performing a major upgrade (CPU, Mobo, GC, mem etc.) would also need their head checking with Vista less than a year away, most of us AGP users would find it more economical to upgrade to this much improved offering from Gainward, until it becomes more clear what spec will be needed to run Vista.

Vista has been further delayed, you are looking at around a year before its released, and longer than that before it is widely adopted and in mainstream sue by the hardware community.

Dont be fooled by the hype, anyone upgrading thei CPU/mobo now will get a lot of life out of it, it's naieve to think that they will be redundant just because a new OS is coming soon.

The PCI-E mobo and CPU will be 100% fine for Vista so will not need to be changed when its released, and the £180 7800GT can be easily swapped out for a DX10 GPU when the time comes.

A £300 AGP card will be almost completely worthless in the coming months, the depreciation doesnt even bear thinking about, it makes much more sense to get a 6800GS and OC it to Ultra speeds. And on top of that £300 you will need to buy a new CPU/MOBO when Vista arrives anyway.

The 7800GT + cheap Skt 939 rig is a wiser purchase in every respect than a £300 AGP card at this point in time, it's more cost-effective, has better performance, and also future upgradeability. :)
24 Dec 2005
Richdog said:
It's your choice, no-one elses. If you were being sensible you would not be buying an AGP graphics card worth £300, you would be buying a £180 7800GT, a PCI-E motherboard and a Skt 939 A64. Anyone who pays £300 for an AGP card nowadays needs their head checking! :)


Without a shadow of doubt that is the best option.
What will you do in 12 months time?

No one will want to buy a second hand AGP gfx card.

Man I mean 300 quid for a AGP 7800 :eek:

60 quid more gets you a 7900 GTX!
24 Dec 2005
Richdog said:
Vista has been further delayed, you are looking at around a year before its released, and longer than that before it is widely adopted and in mainstream sue by the hardware community.

Dont be fooled by the hype, anyone upgrading thei CPU/mobo now will get a lot of life out of it, it's naieve to think that they will be redundant just because a new OS is coming soon.

The PCI-E mobo and CPU will be 100% fine for Vista so will not need to be changed when its released, and the £180 7800GT can be easily swapped out for a DX10 GPU when the time comes.

A £300 AGP card will be almost completely worthless in the coming months, the depreciation doesnt even bear thinking about, it makes much more sense to get a 6800GS and OC it to Ultra speeds. And on top of that £300 you will need to buy a new CPU/MOBO when Vista arrives anyway.

The 7800GT + cheap Skt 939 rig is a wiser purchase in every respect than a £300 AGP card at this point in time, it's more cost-effective, has better performance, and also future upgradeability. :)

I have lost a few quid down the line on gfx cards 50 quid here 50 quid there when I have come to sell on and upgrade.

But the financial loss for anyone getting this card just isn't imaginable or bear thinking about. :eek:

In 12 months time the 7800 AGP will be as desired in the secondhand market not one iota.
18 Oct 2002
Unfortunately us P4 Socket 478 owners can't simply buy a new motherboard and transfer over the CPU and RAM.

My Northwood can do 3.7GHz, plenty of CPU grunt.

But switching to PCI-E would mean new mobo, CPU, RAM and the graphics card.

Mind you, I think theres a socket 478 board out there somewhere with PCI-E. Not sure though.

Makes no difference to me now though as I've given up PC gaming and using just using a small Shuttle system.
24 Dec 2005
GuruJockStrap said:
Unfortunately us P4 Socket 478 owners can't simply buy a new motherboard and transfer over the CPU and RAM.

My Northwood can do 3.7GHz, plenty of CPU grunt.

But switching to PCI-E would mean new mobo, CPU, RAM and the graphics card.

there are s478 pci-e mobo's I have seen them ;)

The ASUS P4GPL-X i915PL S478 PCIe 2xDDR GLAN 4xSATA IDE is one of them
Oh and this can be had for around £45 :)

And new ram would not be needed.

Now get a 7900 GT in it and it still costs you less than a 7800 AGP card
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2 Apr 2004
easyrider said:
there are s478 pci-e mobo's I have seen them ;)

The ASUS P4GPL-X i915PL S478 PCIe 2xDDR GLAN 4xSATA IDE is one of them
Oh and this can be had for around £45 :)

And new ram would not be needed.

Now get a 7900 GT in it and it still costs you less than a 7800 AGP card

and P4GD1 if you can find them, (edit: both work with CT479+ dothan too) i wouldnt hold much hope

i think i will be going over to a p4gpl if i feel the need to upgrade

i could get a 7800gt pci-e + new board and save £50 still.... people buying these agp ones for £300 are stupid imo
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24 Jan 2005
easyrider said:

Without a shadow of doubt that is the best option.
What will you do in 12 months time?

No one will want to buy a second hand AGP gfx card.

Man I mean 300 quid for a AGP 7800 :eek:

60 quid more gets you a 7900 GTX!

Or just get the x1900xt for £5 more :o

Very confusing.
23 Mar 2006
Richdog I will ignore your BIG MOUTHED comment as your are a idiot. (the big cap letters is shouting btw as you did).

True nobody forced me to buy but I did try look elsewhere before I ordered and this was only retailer I could see until after I ordered, at 2am this morning I found it for £50 less, OCUK are not the cheapest for GPU's infact, Ive never bought any of my own flagship (each new build) of cards here, only customers basic/mid range cards.

And nice of another to point out about others telling people to ditch current rigs and build pci-e, I agree thats thats not ideal for some, I can build a new pc anyday as I do build 1 per day normally, but I am not ready yet to get rid of my current set up which probably cost many times more than a current high end amd64 at time I built.

OCUK have had £1000's of my cash an customers cash also, but fact is the new £8 normal DEL and a premium of £50 onto this card is bit much, this is my opinion and I have ordered it anyhow so I will live with it.

P.S you also know nothing of Vista, you may have not read one my posts about where I come from and relationship with MS, "our" IRC server works with MS after years of messing them about with releasing stuff, I have had nearly every alpha and beta build of Longhorn/Vista, its was widely said last week publically Vista will be Jan 07 now this is just about April so your adding 3 months onto that makine it April 07, it was orignally Oct 05, then Oct 06, now Jan 07

Then all who bought a 939 recently or buy AM2 with really bad high latency DDR2 ram incomming June will wish they waited till Vista, cause new hardware specs will appear to coinside with its.

OBV this is not same if (1) your totally rich or (2)Your current PC is old and your in dire need of one, i for one have no gamming issues inc input into the Oblivion thread here, and I will be giving PC a boost going from my 6800U to this new card and I can get very good cash for my card on E-Gay.

Easyrider, lots will want to buy 2nd hand high end AGP card in near future, many dont even know what PCI-E is, I see 6800U going for £225 and still 21 hours to close bids, fact is the 6800U is last of its kind, and this new card is limited edition so will be easy to sell on.
The fact new AGP cards have been made shows there is a massive market (Gibbo's) own words.

Its totally wrong to tell others to ditch rig and buy a PCI-E based rig if they have spent fortune last time around and want to wait for new tech with Vista, Most telling them t ditvh rigs are probably not the same ones who paid £400+ for 6800Ultra's agps last time around.
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28 Jul 2004
llanelli , south wales
i like how i keep hearing about losing money on cards / financial loses .. blah blah.

this maybe a fairly savy website and people who come here are abit more streetwise than joe blogs. but not everyone goes about selling all thier stuff every few weeks/ months / years ( take your pick ) . if i'm buying a product you can bet i get my moniesworth out of whatever it is. IF at the end of the day i decided at to sell it and get something else i'm not going to think " bugger me, if i'd only got that thing instead i could have had more sell on value" . i've bought that product to provide a service for ME . if i can get a few quid on it by selling it to someone else ( assuming its in good condition ) then thats great. but at the end of the day i want something else/ newer / better . thinking of making money from it whenever down the timeline doesn't come into the equation. i buy a product for the here and now.
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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
I have a AMD 3200+ Barton setup and it's on a abit kw7 mobo, I had a 6600GT on it first then got a 6800NU then a 6800GT, each time I saw double the gains in all new games, with each update I could enable more settings and use FSAA with less of a hit, this will again certainly be the case for the 7800GS/GT AGP cards too, another 2x boost in setting increase with less of a hit is always good and as Epic said about UT2007, to run with HIGH ingame detail at a res of at least 1024x768 all you need is a 6800 card and a 2ghz cpu (anyone wanting more info read the gamespot interviews among others)

Now if UT2007 runs with high ingame details nicely with a 6800 on a standard cpu it will certainly run on a higher end AGP system with 2gb ram with higher resolutions and details.

Newer games are becoming more and more scalable as developers begin to realise this as a good thing (Valve/Epic etc) and the bigger games out already run flawlessly on very different machines even on higher detail settings.

I don't see myself needing to upgrade to socket 939 or PCIE anytime soon since I play games a lot and my system allows me to play the games I like with everything up anyway I se eno reason to have to go through reinstalling windows and rebuilding a new base unit just to stay up to date with the new format standards especially when the new sockets are coming out in the middle of the year...
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23 Mar 2006
Thanks for positive input, I read it with interest. :)

Im wating till Vista for newer tech and far lower latency's on DDR2 as for now its too high IMO and they admit at launch it wont be any faster than current 939 rigs. :cool:

P.S, Not sure even if I was minted (rich) If I would buy/build with every single release of new hardware, you can skip gens and still game well, all that matters is thats YOUR happy with onscreen effects, not anyone else on WWW. :)
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8 Sep 2005
amdnv said:
Richdog I will ignore your BIG MOUTHED comment as your are a idiot. (the big cap letters is shouting btw as you did).

Your are an idiot? if you're going to resort to petty and immature insults at least spell it right. :p

Besides, im not the one spending £300 on a GAP card... I think we all know how much common sense that represents...
23 Mar 2006
Listen, Im not going to get into flame war and get banned for a n00b like you :p

I and any others here can buy what they want, you will be wanting new rig when Vista is here I'd bet, im by no means a expert but I know a damn lot more than most esp due to my "irc" connections.

Why not just let others do what they want unless they specifically ask your advise about agp v pci-e, my current set up games flawlessly for me, and will do even more so with newer/faster 512MB card esp overclocked.

Cant you be happy for me and others ?, after all I do see a pci-e amd64 every damn day I build one (well most days), but there not replacing a rig likes mines thats cost £1000's overtime to build, only crappy dells or such. :o

BTW, I see many typos in posts, but I aint lame enough to dig them yup about it, it takes a little use of the old grey matter to understand what they mean, normally a misshit key next to correct one, possibly not all here are prim english speaking, correct ? :)
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8 Sep 2005
amdnv said:
Listen, Im not going to get into flame war and get banned for a n00b like you :p

I and any others here can buy what they want, you will be wanting new rig when Vista is here I'd bet, im by no means a expert but I know a damn lot more than most esp due to my "irc" connections.

Ahh the joys of being a keyboard warrior eh? If you disagree with someone they're a noob, and of course you know far more than anyone else due to your "IRC connections".

I bow down to your obviously far superior PC hardware knowledge, as well as your eloquent and incredibly mature reasoning. You had me at the word "N00b".

Enjoy your card... :)



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
lol, arguments

24 Jan 2005
It's not a big deal to just replace the mobo and go to PCI-E though.

Considering you can get a new mobo + almost any graphics card for the same/little more than this AGP one is going to cost.
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