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Gainward bring you a 512MB 7800 GT for AGP!!!!

15 Nov 2004
Cyber-Mav said:
i was told 256mb ram makes no difference when i bought my 6800NU and now it stutters in games because it has less vram and i need to reduce textures in games. my card would be brilliant if it had 256mb ram and i would probably not bother upgrading it either.

doom 3 and quake 4 can make use of the extra vram and newer games will start to make use of it too.

either way 256mb vram is useless to me. if im getting an upgrade to any new gfx card be it agp or pci-e its going to have 512mb ram as a minimum or i may as well not even bother.
...or maybe a 6800nu just isn't quick enough anymore? My 7600GT doesn't have 512mb of ram and it never slutters.
30 Jul 2005
the only way i can stop stuttering these days in games is to reduce the texture resolution in games such as battlefield 2 etc.

also i plan on keeping my current system for a minimum for 2 more years and will upgrade when quad core is on the streets in full force. with the added power of hardware video decoding assistance from the 7800GT i assume the system should last me a fair bit.

future of gaming may lie in a console for me and i will become the casual pc gamer and not a die hard pc gamer.
28 Jul 2004
llanelli , south wales
sorry i really don't see all the fuss. IF someone has no intention of going to pci-e then this new gainward card is brilliant. nobody can argue against that.

just think back only 2 years ..............brand new ATIX800 series cards come out on AGP they were £350 easy and that was the pro model not xt.

now this model come along and easts it for breakfast and is CHEAPER . as far as i'm concerned its a bargain for an AGP user
23 Mar 2006
Im going to lose out, I had to ask my Uncle to order this today and I give him cash in 2 weeks, but he never ordered and I found out why he was quiet on phone, his wife is really unwell, I know this is more important than my pc, but something always goes wrong for me when another is "doing" me a favour, never when its me doing them one.

Now i feel bad as he didnt say earlier and I dont ideally want to pester him asking if he has ordered every day. :(
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30 Jul 2005
top stuff i found another uk supplier selling the card for £249 inc vat and delivery. good thing i did the searching around, have placed my order and can;t wait for it to arrive. :D
24 Dec 2004
Knowle, Solihull, UK
amdnv said:
Im going to lose out, I had to ask my Unlce to order this today and I give him cash in 2 weeks, but he never ordered and I found out why he was quiet on phone, his wife is really unwell, I know this is more important than my oc, but something always goes wrong for me when another is "doing" me a favour, never when its me doing them one.

Now i feel bad as he didnt say earlier and I dont ideally want to pester him asking if he has ordered every day. :(

I'm sure that they mentioned something about having 900 units arriving so I would be surprised if they ran out in two weeks :)
23 Mar 2006
Sorry about typos really tired and just completed a customers build install, my hands are sore.

My Uncle left msg on my phone since I wrote above, he has ordered :D

But I feel crap now as his wife is so ill and i never knew when i asked about a dumb GPU. :(

Dont be under false idea that 900 will deff last long, they could all go on preorder or they could not sell, it can go either way, now my 6800Ultra @ 470/1250 can sell on E-Gay lol.(fitted 4 weeks ago with NV Silencer 3).
23 Mar 2006
Hmm, I know OCUk getting too dear with Del it was £8 recently, now thats ok for many parts to build pc but not a stick of ram or such, but I see its now £8.25 and you saying you can get same 512MB card + vat + del for that price above. :eek:

Im a little pee'd of now at £300 almoust this is costing me to my door. :mad:
8 Jun 2003
London, England
I too have found it else where for £249 inc vat and del :) , I am a little surprised, I would have thought as OCUK have purchased the bulk of these cards they would have been able to get a better price and therefore offer a much better deal to its customers than nearly £300 to the door :eek:


PS I know Mr Proudfoot would probably like another Mustang but charging £50 over the top of the market value is a little too much! :(
18 Oct 2002
I think the point here is that OcUK are charging the extra as they actually have them in stock. The other place I think you're talking about doesn't seem to have any AGP versions of the card available anymore. :(

£240 is the ideal price for this card I think and is the only reason I'm not buying it.
8 Jun 2003
London, England
I think you will find no one has stock yet as I believe they havent been sold anywhere yet, pre-orders only for all retailers at the mo.

I have spoken to the other retailer and they will have stock on the 13th April 06. They are not taking pre-orders. So if you want to gaurantee yourself one probably best to bite the bullet, pay the extortionate price and pre-order it with OCUK.
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8 Sep 2005
amdnv said:
Im a little pee'd of now at £300 almoust this is costing me to my door. :mad:

No-one is forcing you to buy it. If you dont want to pay extortionate prices then DONT BUY! You're in control of your wallet, and as long as people pay a price then stores will charge it. We all know by now that while OCUK have great prices for products that are freely available, when they get an exclusive they will charge through the roof in order to milk the most cash possible.

It's your choice, no-one elses. If you were being sensible you would not be buying an AGP graphics card worth £300, you would be buying a £180 7800GT, a PCI-E motherboard and a Skt 939 A64. Anyone who pays £300 for an AGP card nowadays needs their head checking! :)
8 Jun 2003
London, England
Richdog said:
No-one is forcing you to buy it. If you dont want to pay extortionate prices then DONT BUY! You're in control of your wallet, and as long as people pay a price then stores will charge it. We all know by now that while OCUK have great prices for products that are freely available, when they get an exclusive they will charge through the roof in order to milk the most cash possible.

It's your choice, no-one elses. If you were being sensible you would not be buying an AGP graphics card worth £300, you would be buying a £180 7800GT, a PCI-E motherboard and a Skt 939 A64. Anyone who pays £300 for an AGP card nowadays needs their head checking! :)

Fair point Richdog, but anyone who reccomends performing a major upgrade (CPU, Mobo, GC, mem etc.) would also need their head checking with Vista less than a year away, most of us AGP users would find it more economical to upgrade to this much improved offering from Gainward, until it becomes more clear what spec will be needed to run Vista. Also this card is not exclusive to OCUK, which is why it is strange they are charging an over-the-top amount for it. But you are correct no one is forcing you to upgrade, if you cant afford it dont buy it! I personally think it's a worthwhile upgrade but I wont be paying nearly £300 for it!!
11 Jun 2003
Sheffield, UK
With the money it would cost you a mid-range (eg 3700) chip + board upgrade and current card would see quite a bit of improvement over your current spec. The card upgrade wont have much impact as it will be fairly heavilly CPU limited + result in a card thats going to loose its value quite heavilly as AGP is properly phased out...
24 Dec 2005
afraser2k said:
I'm considering just getting a XFX 7800GT and Asus A8N Sli motherboard instead. It works out about £265 from here. :)

wise move.

I dont get spending 300 quid on a agp card when for the same money you can get a faster card on a up to date interface(pci-e) and an NF4 mobo.
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