Games you're playing, and games...

Does anyone think they don't give the gamepass games a proper go because they are essentially free? I've tried quite a few of them and very few of them really clicked with me.
I absolutely love World War Z and am enjoying Gears 5 at the moment but other than that there isn't much that grabs me yet. Had a few days off work and tried a few out:
Fallen Order - Ok, feeling its a bit repetitive. If it wasn't a SW game I'd likely not have even tried it.
Tetris - Really enjoying it which is quite surprising.
Day Z - Dear me. Fired it up, queued in a lobby forever. Started on a beach. Found a house that had a hat and a glow stick in it. Punched a zombie to death. Punched one outside to death. Punched another to death. Ran across the road to another house. Collapsed and died mid way. Uninstalled. I did then watch a beginners guide on Youtube and realised it wasn't for me anyway.
Ace Combat - Repetitive, and not much fun.
Ashes Cricket - Awful. Looks like a PS1 game.
Payday 2 - Looks like a 360 game
Sniper Elite 4 - Some ok bits. Not really for me.
Streets of Rage 4 - Great for 20 minutes.
Moto GP 20 - Terrible.
The Hunter Call of the Wild - Even worse.

Outriders demo currently downloading.
Does anyone think they don't give the gamepass games a proper go because they are essentially free? I've tried quite a few of them and very few of them really clicked with me..

It's partly that, knowing I've got something for free means I will barely play it. It happens the same when I get PC games - I've only played 2 out of 100+ Epic store games. But also because there is so much available choice. If something doesn't grab me within five minutes, I'll put something else on.
@Vandle 100% it's why despite people claiming how great value it is, for me it doesn't have much at all. Mainly for that reason and also because I am pretty selective with what I play as most games seem to be quite long so it makes no difference how many games are available if I'm playing the same one for a month or more.
I had GP for 6 months or so and only ever completed Senua's Sacrifice. It's the same with EA Play and PS Now. There's a lot of choice there but if I am not feeling it in a very short time then I just delete it and move on.
You guys are weird. I'm not sure how the game being "free" at point of play makes you not play the game.

Of course it's not good value if you know precisely what you like and you only play a few games a year, but one of the biggest benefits is playing new series or genres. I would never have purchased 90% of the games I've completed on Game Pass, and I have some new favorite games/genres (Yakuza series, A Plague Tale, What Remains of Edith Finch, Telltale series, Life is Strange, etc.).

Another big benefit is if you have friends then you all have the same pool of games to play together (World War Z, Borderlands 2, Warhammer Vermintide 2, Deep Rock Galactic, Worms, Wreckfest, Halo 5, Halo MCC, Battlefield 1/4/5, Grounded, etc...)
Just fired up Little Nightmares 2, looking forward to this, loved the first one! :D

Also realised this is a PS4 version (I am playing on PS5) and there is due to be a PS5 version out in 2021, wonder what the difference, if any, there will be?
You guys are weird. I'm not sure how the game being "free" at point of play makes you not play the game.

Of course it's not good value if you know precisely what you like and you only play a few games a year, but one of the biggest benefits is playing new series or genres. I would never have purchased 90% of the games I've completed on Game Pass, and I have some new favorite games/genres (Yakuza series, A Plague Tale, What Remains of Edith Finch, Telltale series, Life is Strange, etc.).

Another big benefit is if you have friends then you all have the same pool of games to play together (World War Z, Borderlands 2, Warhammer Vermintide 2, Deep Rock Galactic, Worms, Wreckfest, Halo 5, Halo MCC, Battlefield 1/4/5, Grounded, etc...)

Simple. I have no investment in it. I subscribe to netflix when there is a series I want to watch specifically, I don't care about all the other stuff on there. I know what games I enjoy generally and gamepass on pc I use as a glorified demo thing if I'm curious and if I like it I'll buy on psn.
In that sense it has value, also because I paid I think just under £80 for 3 years. Normal price gamepass isn't happening for me.
I play a fair few games a year but for example yakuza, played same one for over two months, why would I want to pay a monthly sub for that? Personally, as with everything I prefer to pay a one off cost and be done. There are more games already than I could ever hope to finish so I don't need a back catalogue I have the privelage of paying a subscription for. I can just about stomach the 50 quid (usually get for 35) it costs for psn as they often give me one title at least a month I want to play instead of ten pixel art indie rogue likes which gp seems to be loaded with at least on pc. However my sub is for the online, the games are a bonus.
For people who bounce between multiple games every 30m it's perfect.
Then of course there will be a point where there are multiple big releases at same time on GP, that would also doesn't work for me but if it works for you great.
Its strange that the structure of GamePass changes your behavior of how you play the games, I dont treat the content any differently, in fact its better for me because I dont have to go througha refund process like on Steam or miss out on a refund and get stuck with game I dont want because I didnt have time to try it.

I've had my Series X under 3 weeks and I'm using a similar structure to what I did on my PC in terms of what I'm playing. I've got a story driven game installed and playing through, previously Jedi Fallen Order and currently Gears 5. And then a couple of pick up and play games like Wreckfest and Forza.

Works great for me and with the amount of games on there including the Bethesda stuff incoming I'm more concerned about finding the time to play them all!
Its strange that the structure of GamePass changes your behavior of how you play the games, I dont treat the content any differently, in fact its better for me because I dont have to go througha refund process like on Steam or miss out on a refund and get stuck with game I dont want because I didnt have time to try it.

I've had my Series X under 3 weeks and I'm using a similar structure to what I did on my PC in terms of what I'm playing. I've got a story driven game installed and playing through, previously Jedi Fallen Order and currently Gears 5. And then a couple of pick up and play games like Wreckfest and Forza.

Works great for me and with the amount of games on there including the Bethesda stuff incoming I'm more concerned about finding the time to play them all!

It probably depends on your budget pre game pass. Before game pass I would buy a lot of games, mostly the big releases and the indie darlings.

Because of that, having a big pool of games via game pass doesn’t make me act like a child in a candy store and just sampling everything.
It's great to have the choice for sure. If gaming ever goes down a pure subscription route that's when I'll probably move on. I have 0 subscriptions as it stands and I'd like to keep it that way ideally.

Still playing Division 2 but the fun has definitely dropped since getting to the end game stuff, I may drop it soon. It's like with Diablo 3, I enjoyed one playthrough but didn't fancy repeating it all for better gear. Also started an overdue replay of FFVII.
By free I mean the game doesn't owe you anything so you don't owe the game much of your time if it doesn't grab you immediately. I find it similar to the old days when I had a chipped PS1 and literally shared 100's of games with my mates. Gaming budgets was a huge factor then but it's not today. Games (and champagne) seem to be the only thing that is getting cheaper in life!

I don't play as much as I used to these days due to a few factors. Lack of absolute stand out must haves arguably being the biggest. I used to pre order or at least be a day 1 purchaser but have felt a bit let down lately by some of the offerings with a lot of them being hurried and unfinished but that's for a different thread I guess.
I think if I had bought say Day Z on day one I would have owed it to myself to at least put 10 hours into it, rather than the 10 minutes that I did on Tuesday :D

Back on topic a bit more, looking forward to trying Outriders out this weekend. Hopefully it can be my fix until Division 3 comes out and may well pause my GP membership. A used WWZ is on ebay for less than the cost of one month of game pass!!
I'm playing Ride 4 the most at the moment, it got a 60fps update a few weeks ago. For someone who doesn't normally play bike games, it's a challenge. I'm enjoying the singleplayer (except for some time trials), the online is completely dead though as Xbox One is separate online from Series X due to the 30fps vs 60fps, for some reason they haven't bothered linking Series X & PS5 online... It's basically the bike version of Forza Motorsport to play while i wait for a new Forza Motorsport game to finally arrive.

Also playing a bit of Dirt Rally 2.0 & Modern Warfare every now and again, along with various GamePass games i haven't really got hooked on yet.
For not giving games a go cause they are 'free', id say i don't have that issue.

Games played on Gamepass and played through :
Gears 5 and dlc
Quantum break
Doom eternal

Games played and dropped
Resi 7
Fallen Order - nearly bought this before, but its not gelling, so glad i didn't. May try again

Currently playing
The medium

And there are a bunch of games available I'm genuinely interested to try. But lot of time is still on games paid for end of last year.

But i will give a game a fair whack of at least a couple of hours.
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