Gang of 12 'allegedly' rape British Citizen in Cyprus

Well this is false... not that there aren't some other things claimed to be her... but that isn't the only video - her face and name are available online, the picture of the hotel room is in the press... not exactly hard to verify whether a video was shot in that room or a different one...

The Cypriot Police confirmed to the defence that there were no video clips demonstrating consensual group sex. I don't know what videos you watched while trying to find porn videos involving under age men engaged in sex with a woman who had not consented to be filmed, but they're not of her.
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LOL sure, I'll just start dumping some porn in here
So it's your first hand analysis of these alleged videos, hey? Interesting...

What about sources for her name and face you say is readily available? I've struggled to locate them.
So it's your first hand analysis of these alleged videos, hey? Interesting...

What about sources for her name and face you say is readily available? I've struggled to locate them.

social media - I'm not going to post the name in here as UK newspapers have refrained from doing so and I'd assume the mods aren't keen on it... if you're really interested then go ask them for permission and get back to me and I'll post it
I must admit my first reaction was to think she was consensual, regretted it the next day and then dug herself into a hole with the police. But the more I read, the more I think she probably was raped and retracted her statement under stress. She was a fairly young woman in a foreign country, (probably) dealing with a traumatic event and police who are not as professional as we have here. I'm willing to be persuaded back again but that's what it looks like to me. If that's the case then poor girl.
I must admit my first reaction was to think she was consensual, regretted it the next day and then dug herself into a hole with the police. But the more I read, the more I think she probably was raped and retracted her statement under stress
Indeed. I was an initial skeptic, as can be seen earlier in this thread, but the more details I found the more I swayed towards her truth.

social media

if you're really interested then go ask them for permission and get back to me and I'll post it
My trust is available
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Have people actually sourced this video where a woman is allegedly being raped? What is wrong with you?

Yup, and since some of the boys are underage, they're cheerfully sourcing child porn too and apparently give not a snot that she didn't consent to it. What charming people they are.
Yup, and since some of the boys are underage, they're cheerfully sourcing child porn too and apparently give not a snot that she didn't consent to it. What charming people they are.
That's a point actually, why aren't the men involved being charged with filming child porn?
Perhaps the videos dont show any children engaging in sexual activity ?
No idea, I haven't watched and I certainly won't be searching for the video. But surely there are all kinds of implications if that happened. From the people filming it, to anyone engaging in a sexual act with a child.

What a complicated case this is.
That's a point actually, why aren't the men involved being charged with filming child porn?

I don't think Cyprus has any interest in punishing the boys for anything, that's why they stitched up the girl and let her rapists go free. I don't think any of the real videos circulated show group sex. Since the Cypriot Police never bothered to take video off the boys phones before returning them, I'd guess any videos of the actual event were deleted by the boys pretty sharpish.
Have people actually sourced this video where a woman is allegedly being raped? What is wrong with you?

Yup, and since some of the boys are underage, they're cheerfully sourcing child porn too and apparently give not a snot that she didn't consent to it. What charming people they are.

It's the internet. It's not real.:rolleyes:

(At least it isn't right up to the point where old Bill knocks on your door and does a Garry Glitter on your sorry ass!)

My trust is available

I got sent a bunch of pictures and video over WhatsApp today, it's supposedly this girl and the Israelis . If these are the real videos from this incident then it's absolutely not the slightest hint of rape, she's participating and enjoying it
I got sent a bunch of pictures and video over WhatsApp today, it's supposedly this girl and the Israelis . If these are the real videos from this incident then it's absolutely not the slightest hint of rape, she's participating and enjoying it

They're not. The Cypriot Police confirmed to the defence that they have no videos of consensual group sex.
Why does it not show her name and face anywhere, she's 19 not 9!

Because rape is a hypersensitive issue these days and so the press have decided not to publish it - they've all collectively gone with the narrative of her being the victim and those awful Greeks being all backwards and inept... not that there weren't legit criticisms about how they handled the interview etc... but the coverage has been appallingly one sided. Rather than being able to check multiple sources, look at say the Torygraph and Daily Fail for aspects the likes of say the Indy and Guardian might conveniently leave out in this case you need to take a look at say Greek coverage, social media etc..

I'm not sending anything from the e-mail I have registered here. Like I said go ask permission from the mods if you want the name and can't find it online, I'm not just going to post it without someone saying it is OK - not that it necessarily breaks any laws but if the UK press haven't then mods might not be happy about it.
but the coverage has been appallingly one sided. Rather than being able to check multiple sources, look at say the Torygraph and Daily Fail for aspects the likes of say the Indy and Guardian might conveniently leave out in this case you need to take a look at say Greek coverage, social media etc..

Name a single, salient, verifiable, fact not mentioned by the UK media.
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