*** GB News *** (stay on topic!)

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I have only just senn this thread and seen the website.. however....

The problem with budgets are... if you don't spend what you have been allocated, in government, you typically get a REDUCTION the following year, no matter what is planned.
So... people INTENTIONALLY spend the full amount of their budgets so they don't get left short. e.g. putting in mini-roundabouts just to get the budget fulfilled.

The intentional -unneeded- spending is almost certainly what they are referring to.

So, why do they make sure they spend the full amount? Because getting the money back after it has been reduced is hell. (no excuses, as I see problems on both sides).
Explain it to me again, like I am 5 this time [/the us office reference]
Just watched a few mins, was 5 mins straight of ads and then a shot of a plant in the corner while they introduced the next guest :cry:

One of the ads was for Richmond's meat free range, I bet that angered most of their target audience.

Just awful.
I didn’t say far right did I?

British Fascism wasn't necessarily Far Right , until the rise of Hitler and Nazism - neither was Mussolini's (until Hitler got his claws in, in the late 1930`s) - in fact Italy was a haven for fleeing Jews - Mussolini's mistress was also Jewish. Ideologies of the Right as just as nuanced as those on the Left - uless you happen to be a media outlet with a message and paper to sell....
"Broadcast said 57% of GB News’ opening show’s audience was male, while 52% were aged 65 years or older and 82% were from the ABC1 demographic."

Literally, old white, affluent males.

How can they tell who's actually watching the show? is there a camera on every TV or is it just by who pays the bills in the house?
So maybe the young ones still living at home are watching it?
Genuine question as I don't know how that works.
British Fascism wasn't necessarily Far Right , until the rise of Hitler and Nazism - neither was Mussolini's (until Hitler got his claws in, in the late 1930`s) - in fact Italy was a haven for fleeing Jews - Mussolini's mistress was also Jewish. Ideologies of the Right as just as nuanced as those on the Left - uless you happen to be a media outlet with a message and paper to sell....
Well I’m certainly not far right or a fascist.
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