I want to replace the trem because it's old, the paint on most of the parts has come off and it's rusted. The newer trems I've seen look much better and look like they would be much easier to set the intonation on due to some extra fine tuning / string locking features (at least that's what it looked like at a glance anyway). I can't set it to save my life at the moment, it's very annoying.
I've taken it to a shop to get it set fairly recently and to try and save the trem (he soaked the bits in oil apparently) but it quickly reverted back to being annoying/dirty/looking rubbish, even with fairly regular cleaning, and especially after subsequently changing strings (without the shops help).
No idea what Lo-Trs is I'm afraid. Pathetically, I'm not even entirely sure what guitar it is. Originally I thought it was the same as the white one Satriani has on the cover of Not Of This Earth (forget what it's called), but I'm doubtful it is.... Can anyone ID it off the top of their head?
Hopefully posting these appalling pics of it will embarrass me enough to get it sorted fairly rapidly (and develop my skills as a photographer) so I can post some better ones!