Gear Thread - Pics

A particularly bad photo of my Alto sax:


It's a 1933 Selmer Cigar Cutter, an amazing saxophone. Plays beautifully - better than anything I've ever played before (including a few mk6s).

My Tenor is a Yanagisawa T901, nothing too special, photographed here alongside my alto:


It's going to be replaced this summer, hopefully with something American from the 40s/50s :cool:
My beautiful Gear

As you can tell from the pictures am a bassist!

Warwick Streamer Rockbass 5-string - Red!
Tanglewood Curbow 4-string - Brown Wood!
Vintage V900 4-string - Dark Blue!




Amp & Cabinet!



And i have quite a few effects pedals too!

Boss Bass Overdrive
Boss Mega Distortion
Boss Auto-wah 3
Morley Dual Wah Pedal
Electro-Harmonix Q-tron
Ken Multi Flanger Pedal
Zoom 607 bass effects pedal

Heres a pic of my kit.

Hofner Western Jumbo 5154 (Number 964) | Westfield Strattocaster with custom eletrics | Epiphone Special II

Sadly the Epiphone's pickups aren't too good. The westfield sounds much better than the Epi for some reason :(
My modest set-up, ain't been playing for that long, mainly do rhythm stuff, vernturing in to lead guitar now though \m/:



Kit is:
Westfield Strat Copy (soon to be accompanied by an epiphone lp or explorer)
Marshall AVT20 Valvestate
Ibanez DS7 Pedal, used occasionally for an over the top metal sound.
Leads are Venom Vipers i belive.
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VDrums with a few extras added. TD-10 unit is just acting as trigger to MIDI interface - the Juno-cased PC in the corner does all the actual work via Edrummer's Partner trigger software (freeware, and it rocks!) triggering Gigastudio and Cubase VST with various sample kits. Just bought FXPansion BFD sample set, but a bit disappointed with it. Considering trading it in for Drumkit from Hell Superior....

****Updated 10/8****

L to R: Epiphone SG 400 , Fender Gemini II Acoustic , Dean Edge EC1-5 Bass
Peavy Rage 58 amp , Stagg Bass Amp & Zoom GFX1 efects pedal.

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Some of my guitars, some of them my brothers, the parker and two of the jems are mine (the white and the yellow) i have a mode four half stack and he has a vintage marshall half stack too. Pedals include my Boss GT3 and his rack mount Boss Pro, i have a few other guitars mostly 7 strings jackson/ibanez and he has a few strats/les pauls.

Has to be close to £20k worth of music gear in my flat but we are both full time musicians and its been bought over many many years!

Great advice, seriously nice collection there even if they aren't all yours :p

I think my favorite is the..hmm..Jem7vwh? :D

What do you think of the Parker? I'd love to try one, i think they look awesome.

Is that a Malmsteen strat too? And finally..where do you live? >=D Hehe.
Only had the 7 a few weeks mate :) the parker is an excellent guitar, if your an avarage guitarist getting a parker will make you a good guitarist imo. its just so easy to play ive never played anything like it and dont think i ever will.

You know your guitars too :D that is indeed a malstreem, i really cant stand single coils tbh, dunno why but i just dont like the sound!!

Currently looking for another guitar!! hoping for a vintage SG (even though everyone says the epiphone G400 is just as good as any SG ever made, Gibson or otherwise) or maybe something a little different :)

We are in Manchester and if your ever in town and want to jam, drop me a line :)

A Dean Evo Dragster that I just got for my 21st, and a Yamaha RBX170 bass. I've got a Peavey Microbass and a Peavey Rage, both just 15w practice amps, but they work :)

Only been learning bass a small while, and I got the itch to learn guitar as well, but the guitar I had was a bit awful, so I got a new one of them too. Thought I may as well, birthday and everything :D
I'm bored, so here are some new pictures of my guitars.

The (I think) never-before-seen-on-these-forums accoustic: (Stagg something-or-other)

Both of my guitars together, the Stagg accoustic and an Ibanez RG550:

My workspace, with my computer that I use for recording, and my amp and pedals. Basic, very basic, but it gets the job done. Plus I play through headphones a lot anyway.

And just for Andelusion, to test his mystic powers of tremolo-angle-identification, here's a pic of my current trem angle (left as thumbnails for those of you who don't want to be bothered with an internet diagnosis). It's better now than it was, which is good, though I'm not sure if it's correct.

lol Mystic powers um :eek:

Trem angle looks spot on, if you're still getting dead spots on the neck it'll be due to neck bow/trem height which i wouldn't adjust yourself unless you're confident.

Refer to that tech guide if you fancy having a tinker!
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