Wish I never looked back at this thread.
Now I want what I've never had yet, an american telecaster....
Should I do it?
Now I have to get one ha.
Deluxe or standard?
Nice. How are you finding it?
I almost pulled the trigger on a heavy relic custom shop 62 strat with Abby Ybarra hand wound pickups yesterday. But then I decided to actually learn to play my other guitars properly before justifying such a splurge!
I really really like it, I take back what I said about telecasters 18 months ago !
It's a very nice and comfortable guitar, even though mine doesn't have a belly cut, it's very well balanced and the neck is super nice.
con - the taper in the volume isn't as smooth as my Les Paul, doesn't clean up as well but that's about it.
I went back to music shop yesterday and walked out with an american standard tele. I absolutely love the it, the tone is just iconic. I'll put a pic up later.
Very nice! I know a guy was selling his due to having a new baby, a 1995 American standard...I would've bought it if not already have a tele.
Ps mine isn't a Fender btw, it's made by a Luthier call John Palir down in Louisiana in the States and he relic them in his own arty way as opposed to natural relic look.
Haha, they're near the top of the line cymbals - they were all 2nd hand but for those 5 it still cost about £600still a lot cheaper than buying new and they're all in pretty much perfect condition.
Cymbals are things I refuse to go cheap on tbh; you can make a budget kit sound good with new heads, tuning them well etc but if the cymbals sound like bin lids there's no getting around that.
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