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Geforce GTX 780, 770 coming in May

17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
The 780 is rumoured to have a 30% performance gain over the 680 plus it's going to use the GK110 Kepler Architecture (this is what the Titan is based on) and will apparently have 5GB GDDR5 VRAM; so, essentially, the 780 is the "Titan LE". And if rumours of its price are correct (~$500 as suggested on techpowerup) then I will be very happy, although that seems slightly optimistic.

Yeah, if it is 30% faster than the GTX 680 then its only 10% to 15% slower than the GTX Titan

Some how i also think its not going to be half the price, i think we will be looking at a solid 600 Sterling.
Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
Yeah, if it is 30% faster than the GTX 680 then its only 10% to 15% slower than the GTX Titan

Some how i also think its not going to be half the price, i think we will be looking at a solid 600 Sterling.

I think the actual performance between the two will be around 7 or 8% (13 SMX v 14 SMX units).

I can imagine these forums in a few months time "don't buy a Titan, get a GTX 780 and overclock it up to or beyond Titan performance."

What that does for the price who knows, but I think it won't be good.
26 May 2009
Makes sense to me :)

I want to know what NVIDIA do with the GPU names once the 900 series reaches end of life.

Well considering they went from the 9000 series to the 200 series I think we can expect the 20 series next ^^

Actually, a Pentium MMX 200 launched in 1997 at $550, which is around $781 in today's money. Which is about what Intel charges for their top end CPUs.

Actually, the 3770K (modern day equivalent of the 200-MMX) retails for $330 stateside, the 200-MMX was a mid range chip with the 166-MMX being the entry chip and the 233-MMX being the top MMX chip (with the 200-Pro their top end CPU).

I'm not ignoring it I'm just still seeing that you're under estimating its effect.

So your ignoring it then? :p

Marine is pretty bang on the money here, this post pretty much summed the whole scenario up:

Inflation does exist, but that doesn't mean it is normal to expect tech stuffs to rise in price accordingly because of it; just look at the price of monitors, camera, memory crashes comparing to their initial high prices...this is mostly due to lower production cost and high competition. The launch prices of graphic cards going up on the other hand is most due to lack of competition with the Nvidia and AMD monopolising the graphic market, and as someone put it having a "secret handshake under the table" and pushing the price of graphic cards up.
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3 Feb 2012
So your ignoring it then? :p

Marine is pretty bang on the money here, this post pretty much summed the whole scenario up:

It's 'you're' and I'm not exactly sure what your post is saying? It looks like you haven't read the whole thread because what you're saying is not along the same lines to what I interjected originally.
26 May 2009
It's 'you're' and I'm not exactly sure what your post is saying? It looks like you haven't read the whole thread because what you're saying is not along the same lines to what I interjected originally.

What I was saying was, you literally say your not ignoring his point, while totally ignoring it because its pretty damaging to your argument ^^
30 Nov 2011
Marine is forgetting that cameras, monitors etc get cheaper over time because they use the exact same technology and as volumes increase the production costs get smaller per item and once you cover the original development costs then you can afford to drop the price as more of the "profit" is actually profit and not just repaying earlier costs

if you look at monitors that have actual "new" features now, like OLED or 4K, they are ludicrously expensive, as expensive as say 1080p when it was very first released

with graphics cards, they are always relatively low volume and always chasing new technologies, so their production costs are pretty constant, there is no volume / longevity in the same way that there are with mass consumer products

what marine says is not at all damaging to Rusty's argument, and Rusty is pretty correct in saying that whilst these factors can play a part in pricing, they are not the only factor
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26 May 2009
what marine says is not at all damaging to Rusty's argument

The bit that was in reference to (the bit he said he wasn't ignoring) was as it pretty much summed the whole scenario up with the GPU price gouging. I think the issue is that Rusty seems to be confusing Marines stance that inflation is not the main reason with a stance that inflation is not relevant/applicable, despite the fact Marine has made his point clear numerous times.
3 Feb 2012
What I was saying was, you literally say your not ignoring his point, while totally ignoring it because its pretty damaging to your argument ^^

Not really because again, if you'd read the whole thread you'd see that Marine's argument evolved from saying inflation doesn't affect tech products to the most recent post which I didn't disagree with as it was not what I interjected about in the first place and it was going down the lines of: "I'm going to make a point which is correct so that I'm not wrong". I wasn't too interested in engaging with this in truth so I knocked it on the head.

p.s. it's 'you're :p.

Edit: there you go Andy has it in a nutshell.
26 May 2009
Not really because again, if you'd read the whole thread you'd see that Marine's argument evolved from saying inflation doesn't affect tech products

I have read the whole thread and he never said that, he merely said it doesn't effect it that much, hence my comment above that you seem to be confusing Marine's stance that inflation is not the main reason with a stance that inflation is not relevant/applicable.

Of course it effects prices however its not a major factor, hence why despite inflation rising monitors/etc have gone down, CPU's have almost halved in price (comparing the 200MMX mentioned earlier to a 3770K), and GPU's have increase at a much greater rate than inflation.

p.s. it's 'you're :p.

I know, but on the internet either is acceptable.
3 Feb 2012
I have read the whole thread and he never said that, he merely said it doesn't effect it that much, hence my comment above that you seem to be confusing Marine's stance that inflation is not the main reason with a stance that inflation is not relevant/applicable.

Of course it effects prices however its not a major factor, hence why despite inflation rising monitors/etc have gone down, CPU's have almost halved in price (comparing the 200MMX mentioned earlier to a 3770K), and GPU's have increase at a much greater rate than inflation.

Well if you've read the while thread I'm confused as to why you're muddled up.

To say it is not a major factor is just plain incorrect though... that and currency exchange rates can affect the prices massively. Anyway, we've already been through this with multiple people confirming my point of view so it's not just me who interpreted Marine's comments as such so... It was never a question of affecting or not affecting: it was the degree as to which it affects the price that was debated.

Now back on topic, hey? :)
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3 Jan 2012
yes back on topic..

anyone know which gpu boost these will be using?
im assuming same version as titan but has it been written anywhere?
26 May 2009
Anyway, we've already been through this with multiple people confirming my point of view so it's not just me who interpreted Marine's comments as such so... It was never a question of affecting or not affecting: it was the degree as to which it affects the price that was debated.

Actually its been pretty even on both sides (depends if you consider the guy who tried to back you up by bringing Pentium MMX pricing into it without realising it backed up Marines point lol) but as no way to really answer the issue as its so subjective I can see why its so divided, guess we'll just have to agree to disagree ^^

Now back on topic, hey? :)

Sure, the 7xx look like great revisions like the 9xxx were, hopefully the prices will fall after launch, its a pity to see Nvidia still going the price gouging route especially considering the insane value for money AMD currently represent but I guess if people are willing to pay that much extra just for a name then Nvidia can continue it :(
22 Sep 2010
Newbury, England
If specs are as suggested 25-30% performance over a 680 seems likely (resolution dependant). After all its has ~60% more stream processors and 25% more memory bandwidth.

Add in the 5GB and your going to be looking at £600 tho.

Defo interested tho. :p

~15% off Titan speeds for £600 is relatively good value!:cool:
28 Feb 2013
If specs are as suggested 25-30% performance over a 680 seems likely (resolution dependant). After all its has ~60% more stream processors and 25% more memory bandwidth.

Add in the 5GB and your going to be looking at £600 tho.

Defo interested tho. :p

~15% off Titan speeds for £600 is relatively good value!:cool:

If the performance matches the rumours I have seen (which you have mentioned) and the price is £600 then I will definitely be buying one - I'm just hoping that the rumours of its release are true because I want to start building my new computer in June.
30 Nov 2011
Sure, the 7xx look like great revisions like the 9xxx were, hopefully the prices will fall after launch, its a pity to see Nvidia still going the price gouging route especially considering the insane value for money AMD currently represent but I guess if people are willing to pay that much extra just for a name then Nvidia can continue it :(

it is hard to make an argument for dropping prices when your market share is increasing

I blame anyone who bought nvidia cards in the last 3 months... :D
26 May 2009
I blame anyone who bought nvidia cards in the last 3 months... :D

Sadly that includes me and my GTX670, but I only replaced my HD7950 because I was fed up of waiting month after month for AMD to sort the drivers (which they did the month after I changed /facepalm) I did like the HD7950 and still think its great bang for buck (more so with the current games bundle).
27 Apr 2012
I think the actual performance between the two will be around 7 or 8% (13 SMX v 14 SMX units).

I can imagine these forums in a few months time "don't buy a Titan, get a GTX 780 and overclock it up to or beyond Titan performance."

What that does for the price who knows, but I think it won't be good.

What chip are these based off of? GK110 or GK104?

Somehow I think that the 700 series won't have much leeway in terms of overclocking if it's just a revised GK104 chip... GK110 definitely.
30 Nov 2011
What chip are these based off of? GK110 or GK104?

Somehow I think that the 700 series won't have much leeway in terms of overclocking if it's just a revised GK104 chip... GK110 definitely.


internally it seems to be code named Titan LE, but leading rumours are that it will be released as GTX 780 at $599
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