lol someone posted this on another forum regarding these new cards
How about this wild theory.
NVIDIA hit a max with their CUDA cores and also a max with clocks. Meaning, they simply can't put any more of them in a chip and get more performance, and clocks topped at that magic 2ghz on current processes.
One little hint of that is Titan V, with it's amazing 5120 CUDA cores and ultra-fast HBM2 memory, is -barely- able to beat the Titan XP in games.
So, the company scratched their head... what can we give gamers to make them buy a next generation, we can't just sell Pascals forever... because we cant' give them more performance, it has hit a ceiling.
The answer was... well, ray-tracing.
But this wasn't meant for consumer cards, actually, that 10 years in development was VERY LIKELY for the media industry, giving ray-tracing acceleration to content creators, to sell incredibly expensive Quadro chips.
But when there was no alternative for the consumer chips.. BAM ! Harvested Quadro chips now sold as cut down RTX 2070/80/80 Ti.
I have a strong feeling that the new and amazing RTX chips will not beat Pascal equivalents at all (maybe 10% if lucky, and only at 4K), and that is because they will clock LOWER than pascal, due to the very big and complex chip (and power hungry, and hot)
Even more crazy wild theory:
- Even so, yields are very low for these (as they are originally huge, professional chips), and their availability will be weak for the entire next year.
- This pre-order stunt was done to grab as much cash on these defective chips before the truth comes out, because with those prices will be a very tough pill to swallow with just 10% performance uplift.
- They had no choice, and HAD TO RELEASE SOMETHING, because with the fall of mining craze, the market is inundated with 2nd hand Maxwells, Pascals and everything else, meaning very few people (relatively) would buy NEW ones.
- They know something about AMD, possibly Navi or Vega 2 WILL be much faster than expected, and it will beat both Pascal and Turing in raw horsepower, in all existing games.
The ray-tracing is supposed to be the savior of this gen, and that's why they pushed the marketing so hard for it, inventing crappy meaningless performance values (Jiga-rays, tensor-flops), instead of bragging of how much faster they are in all games run at 4K, like they did with previous 3-4 gens.
History will prove this theory right.. or wrong.
Guess we'll find out soon enough.