Well as we all know graphics cards used to cost £10 and £20, for midrange and top end cards, so they have eventually climbed to the lofty heights that are being suggested and will keep going up, oh wait no they haven't.
GTX480 $499 - 529MM2(top consumer bin)
GTX580 $499 - 529MM2(top consumer bin)
GTX680 $500 - 294MM2
GTX780 $649 - 561MM2(not top consumer bin)
Geforce Titan $1000 - 561MM2(not top consumer bin)
GTX780ti $699 - 561MM2(top consumer bin)
GTX980 $549 - 398MM2
GTX 980ti $649 - 610MM2(not top consumer bin)
Geforce Titan X $1200 -610mm2(top consumer bin)
GTX1080 $699 - 314MM2
GTX1080ti $699 - 471MM2 (not top consumer bin)
Geforce Titan X(Pascal) $1200 - 471MM2(not top consumer bin)
Geforce Titan Xp(Pascal) $1200 - 471MM2(top consumer bin)