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Geforce Titan rumours.

I've been trying to justify the cost of this thing all morning and in all honesty when i consider the added cost of a waterblock i just can't! :(

I picked up my Cosmos II, i7-3930k and a X79 MSI Big Bang Xpower 2 mobo all for about a grand and i'd hardly call those low end parts, but this will cost me the same once i stick a block on it! :rolleyes:

And yes i know the arguments for it and why it's priced as it is so guys don't waste your time listing them for me :)
Even though you argued and never acknowledged the fact that performance was always there when they were both overclocked and that matching out the box performance was available June/July when you kept pointing out performance not arriving since November/December?

Well there was always this thing which was repeated on the forums that the 7970 matched the 680 when both were clocked up but I'm not convinced that was the case prior to 12.11. Some of the early benchmarks on the thread certainly backed up they were close but not matched. Granted they were very close but based on the hardware alone, the 7970 should not be aiming to match the 680 it should be surpassing it by the margin it is now. I think that is the point.

Even taking your point as true about June/July (which it isn't) that's still 6 months to get even. This doesn't undermine my point about providing poor performance for the release day price; it strengthens it.

All of which is completely irrelevant to the Titan so I'm not sure why it came up. Please email if you want to debate this further... :)

Spoffle was certainly onto something about some looking for censorship while having civil discussions.:(

What on earth are you on about? Censorship is forced silence when something is being said which is damaging/harmful. How am I supposed to censor you on an open forum? How is anything you're saying damaging/harmful to me? :confused:

I'd say 90% of the posts in this thread are people bickering about why they think it's a stupid card/price or not.

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Indeed. But not about AMDs high prices at that point in time, so on yer bike! :p :D

As above: my whinging was more to do with the price they were charging in relation to the amount of time it took to release better drivers. I think that was a fair point to make even if the AMD socialists around here closed rank and shouted at me.

Yeah true, if I had an ounce of care of trolling through your post history to see, it would be hilarious if I found the odd one or two slip ups. I'm never going to do that though so on my bike I go :D.

I agree that the driver team even though they deserve the praise for raising the performance of the AMD cards, they also deserve a scolding for not having the performance while people had 7000 series cards in their systems. Although, if it was the other way about, you, I and everyone else would be paying higher prices for the products (both Nvidia/AMD). So even though it wasn't great for those who paid the initial high price and didn't get the performance till a long time down the road, it was still better for everyone all around in the end which nobody can really complain about (unless you were one of those who bought the card in the first month of release).

I'm mostly an ATI/AMD card user but obviously rocking Nvidia in my rig shows I'm not biased. I'm torn though on what we're talking about. Yes I agree that the driver team got it wrong, but with prices dropping for everyone due to AMD's mistake/strategy I can see more benefit for the financial aspect due to the current climate where everyone is paying more for everyday purchases on nearly everything.

What is more meaningful to you?.
I'm mostly an ATI/AMD card user but obviously rocking Nvidia in my rig shows I'm not biased. I'm torn though on what we're talking about. Yes I agree that the driver team got it wrong, but with prices dropping for everyone due to AMD's mistake/strategy I can see more benefit for the financial aspect due to the current climate where everyone is paying more for everyday purchases on nearly everything.

What is more meaningful to you?.

You and I both. I've had a pair of 7950s and a pair of 680s this generation so I'm fairly unique (no comment LtMatt! :D).

I'm delighted prices are dropping. Although, I can see your point that the poor initial drivers could have drove down the price initially that wouldn't explain the subsequent price drops (i.e. post "Never Settle" et al) so I don't see price drops and comparatively poor initial performance as connected completely. I think AMD are just nailing the price/performance ratio at the moment and sweetening it further with game packages.

You could argue the current price/performance at the moment (especially when clocking up your cards) is as good as it has ever been and I put 5800 series in the same bracket.

Let's be honest, from when they "changed strategy" with the driver side of things, performance has incrementally (sometimes massively) improved.
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Why bother to read reviews??

For exactly the reason you stated - to highlight issues and to get a feeling for the product before justifying whether to spend our hard earned money on a product.

So basically by your weird logic,Nvidia has no problems ever in Hardware or software. Considering that both AMD and Nvidia have had their fair share of issues,I think not.

So when The Techreport reported AMD stuttering and no other site did,it was all wrong. But funny how AMD confirmed it and is working on fixes. Nvidia V-Sync stuttering which was also fixed??

I have never said that any company is infallible when it comes to product launches, but I would find it highly unlikely in this instance - NVidia have a lot at stake on this launch, and given the time between announcement and the benchmark embargo being lifted, I wouldn't be surprised if reviewers had to submit their reviews to NVidia prior to publishing them.

Moreover,Hardware.fr are are a very good site and are the major French review site. They know what they are doing.

Then that is clearly ignorance on my part - I have not heard of that, do not know their reputation and cannot even read French :)

However,this will go around in circles with you,so I agree to disagree with you and thats that!!

At least we can agree on something :)

I'm not trying to attack you or anyone else, or as someone commented early inflame the thread - I like a good debate and discussion as much as anyone - the problem is the majority of people (myself included) are obsessive about proving their opinion is the only one.
I'm not trying to attack you or anyone else, or as someone commented early inflame the thread - I like a good debate and discussion as much as anyone - the problem is the majority of people (myself included) are obsessive about proving their opinion is the only one.

I do think many of us on forums do have a bit of OCD of sorts when it comes to our opinions!!

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Geforce Titan is a full GK110,right?

So there must be failed GK110 GPUs too and some make into the normal K20.

It would be quite cunning if Nvidia sells a binned GK110 as a GTX780!

Nope the Titan is made from Binned Tesla parts.


Which are GK110 GPUs. As I mentioned in another post the best parts will be for the Tesla cards. The full fat GK110 chips(2688 stream processors) will have the best ones for the K20X and others for the consumer cards.

So what you have are also chips with failed SMXs, which did not make it into the K20 which uses a partial GK110(2496 stream processors). The best will go to the K20 and the others won't. So there is probably a larger number of these parts too. There are no consumer cards using this ATM.

It is unlikely Nvidia is discarding these. So the GK110 based GTX780 might be a possibility or even a lower end Geforce Titan SKU.

The same process has been used by AMD and Nvidia for years.

OTH,it could be quite possible that yields are fantastic on the GK110,meaning most are Tesla standard and have 2688 shaders,and very few have disabled SMXs.

However,that does not explain what we seem to be hearing though.
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You and I both. I've had a pair of 7950s and a pair of 680s this generation so I'm fairly unique (no comment LtMatt! :D).

I'm delighted prices are dropping. Although, I can see your point that the poor initial drivers could have drove down the price initially that wouldn't explain the subsequent price drops (i.e. post "Never Settle" et al) so I don't see price drops and comparatively poor initial performance as connected completely. I think AMD are just nailing the price/performance ratio at the moment and sweetening it further with game packages.

You could argue the current price/performance at the moment (especially when clocking up your cards) is as good as it has ever been and I put 5800 series in the same bracket.

Let's be honest, from when they "changed strategy" with the driver side of things, performance has incrementally (sometimes massively) improved.

Yeah I remember watching the change and the sadness in your writing at the rehousing of "The Beast".

From what you're saying it made me think if AMD realised the increases they could make a lot earlier than we think, so continually dropped prices until the 7970 was "fixed" (driver). At that point it would hit the more expensive Nvidia products the hardest. That is pure speculation and maybe a hint of paranoia though :).

I agree that the price/performance ratio isn't alarming *cough Titan (:p joking jab) but actually quite decent. I doubt the 7970s would be sitting at £299 today if the Never Settle driver was released in the first few weeks of the launch. Thing is, is that the Never Settle driver has been out for months now and the 7970s are at the lowest £299, the MSI Lightning cards have went up over £100 though as well as the Asus Matrix Platinum cards so it has had an effect :(.

What your next GPU move Rusty?. I was thinking of selling my Lightnings and going 2x7970 or 2x7950. I'm not sure what I'd get for my cards now though.
Waiting until the next generation to see what's there. The problem I've got now is that two 7950s are already overkill for 1920*1080 so a single 8950 (for example) is going to be a good deal slower. But if I wait until the 9950 then the sell on value of the 7950s will be poor.

So the sensible option is to upgrade to two 8950s or whatever but that will be more overkill... it would at least keep me on the upgrade curve though. 1st world problems and all. :D

I would stick with what you've got until next generation if I were you. :)
Waiting until the next generation to see what's there. The problem I've got now is that two 7950s are already overkill for 1920*1080 so a single 8950 (for example) is going to be a good deal slower. But if I wait until the 9950 then the sell on value of the 7950s will be poor.

So the sensible option is to upgrade to two 8950s or whatever but that will be more overkill... it would at least keep me on the upgrade curve though. 1st world problems and all. :D

I would stick with what you've got until next generation if I were you. :)

If you have cards that are not really being used at your resolution then try some downsampling and i guarantee that your cards will be used like they should.

Downsampling is used for Anti aliasing in games that dont support AA ie: Console ports.

Its also used when you have extra grunt in your cards and you want some extra eye candy.

Which are GK110 GPUs. As I mentioned in another post the best parts will be for the Tesla cards. The full fat GK110 chips(2688 stream processors) will have the best ones for the K20X and others for the consumer cards.

So what you have are also chips with failed SMXs, which did not make it into the K20 which uses a partial GK110(2496 stream processors). The best will go to the K20 and the others won't. So there is probably a larger number of these parts too. There are no consumer cards using this ATM.

It is unlikely Nvidia is discarding these. So the GK110 based GTX780 might be a possibility or even a lower end Geforce Titan SKU.

The same process has been used by AMD and Nvidia for years.

Yes, that's the case normally. But this isn't a normal run. The titan is made up from binned Gk110 parts that didn't make the Tesla cut. We know from Gibbo and 8 Don that the yields are terrible. And they don't make huge volumes of Tesla parts, not near as many as consumer cards, so there won't be that many to begin with.

Knowing all that, Do you really think that there will be enough cast offs from the Titan run to make another series of cards? Not a hope.
OTH,it could be quite possible that yields are fantastic on the GK110,meaning most are Tesla standard and have 2688 shaders,and very few have disabled SMXs.

However,that does not explain what we seem to be hearing though.

If most were Tesla standard they would be selling them as Tesla cards.

And if that was the case, then why the low yields?

Nvidia say they don't have yield problems but what else were they going to say?
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