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Geforce Titan rumours.

Yes, that's the case normally. But this isn't a normal run. The titan is made up from binned Gk110 parts that didn't make the Tesla cut. We know from Gibbo and 8 Don that the yields are terrible. And they don't make huge volumes of Tesla parts, not near as many as consumer cards, so there won't be that many to begin with.

Knowing all that, Do you really think that there will be enough cast offs from the Titan run to make another series of cards? Not a hope.

The Geforce Titan uses the full GK110 found in the K20X,but probably those which would not quite make the cut. The K20X is a much more limited availability part than the K20.

Most of the GK110 based Tesla cards will be the K20.

The K20 is more easily available than the K20X and uses a partial GK110. There are likely to be far more GK110 GPUs available for the K20,so what happens to the ones which did not quite hit K20 standard??

At the very least,I can see if not a GK110 based GTX780(GK110 salvage part),I can see them being sold in another consumer card,unless they become Quadro parts instead.
Waiting until the next generation to see what's there. The problem I've got now is that two 7950s are already overkill for 1920*1080 so a single 8950 (for example) is going to be a good deal slower. But if I wait until the 9950 then the sell on value of the 7950s will be poor.

So the sensible option is to upgrade to two 8950s or whatever but that will be more overkill... it would at least keep me on the upgrade curve though. 1st world problems and all. :D

I would stick with what you've got until next generation if I were you. :)

lol "1st world problems and all" :D.

Good move and point about devaluation times. I'll probably take the same path as you tbh.

It will keep you up there for benchmarking purposes with incremental changes and give you an avenue to learn more about the next gen cards for wisdom that can be passed on to others.

It will niggle Greg if you keep with AMD as you and him used to rock team green on here together, oh how times have changed :D.

If you have cards that are not really being used at your resolution then try some downsampling and i guarantee that your cards will be used like they should.

Downsampling is used for Anti aliasing in games that dont support AA ie: Console ports.

Its also used when you have extra grunt in your cards and you want some extra eye candy.

Rusty has had 2x680s and now on to 7950s. He also used to have a triple screen set up which he has ran on both the AMD and Nvidia cards so he knows what power he needs.
lol "1st world problems and all" :D.

Good move and point about devaluation times. I'll probably take the same path as you tbh.

It will keep you up there for benchmarking purposes with incremental changes and give you an avenue to learn more about the next gen cards for wisdom that can be passed on to others.

It will niggle Greg if you keep with AMD as you and him used to rock team green on here together, oh how times have changed :D.


If I was able to without getting banned, you should see the amount of spuds Gregster has thrown at me since switching to AMD. Oh the abuse :(. All in the free speech realm of email so I can't even count on the mods to help me with a suspension.

;) :D
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If I was able to without getting banned, you should see the amount of spuds Gregster has thrown at me since switching to AMD. Oh the abuse :(. All in the free speech realm of email so I can't even count on the mods to help me with a suspension.

;) :D

Let that be a lesson to ya and there is more where that came from :D
One or Two Titans...single 2560x1440p 120Hz monitor

I've beed reading this forum for a couple weeks now. Very interesting banter and debating. I have a dilemma. I have a single 2560x1440p, 120Hz monitor. My single GTX 680 muscles through Black OPs II at 120fps at that resolution, but that is a console port, so not very demanding. I'm wondering if a single Titan will be enough to max out settings and push those pixels in BF3 (64-player maps), C3 etc. (using minimal AA because of the higher res), or if I'd need two of them...:confused:
Not really surprised at the price cost. The GTX 690 seems more appealing, at the time of writing, without saying anything else.

You would have to laugh though if AMD launched new cards in the next month, or so, and batter it on performance, as well as cost.

Not sure what to do, I'm only running 1200p at the moment anyway, everything is just overkill, but I don't mind that. I think AMD will now have the last laugh.

If I was able to without getting banned, you should see the amount of spuds Gregster has thrown at me since switching to AMD. Oh the abuse :(. All in the free speech realm of email so I can't even count on the mods to help me with a suspension.

;) :D

hahaha - Poor Rusty, all he wanted to see was the 3GB difference on high resolution gaming :(. :D

Let that be a lesson to ya and there is more where that came from :D

It's going to be hell for all AMD users with your twin Titans. I think you should change spuds to boulders for all the ill feelings you're going to get for the price though. If it's a logical debate, fine, if it's bah humbug (not THE Humbug, just the saying) then release a boulder in the direction of the butt-hurt individual.
them benchmarks looks pretty bad at high resolutions :confused:

Was expecting the Titan to be on a level of the 690 at high resolutions but that doesn't seem to be the case.

The Titan seems to be a card for those who are going to buy two of them for Sli. TO use one at this price, might as well get something faster and cheaper or same price, unless planning to add another later. Still good though, no doubt about that.
hahaha - Poor Rusty, all he wanted to see was the 3GB difference on high resolution gaming :(. :D

It's going to be hell for all AMD users with your twin Titans. I think you should change spuds to boulders for all the ill feelings you're going to get for the price though. If it's a logical debate, fine, if it's bah humbug (not THE Humbug, just the saying) then release a boulder in the direction of the butt-hurt individual.

I am always up for logical debate and nobody needs to tell me that I have wasted money. What gets me chuckling is when someone justs posts nothing more than a jealous attack. That just makes said person look rather daft :)
The Geforce Titan uses the full GK110 found in the K20X,but probably those which would not quite make the cut. The K20X is a much more limited availability part than the K20.

Most of the GK110 based Tesla cards will be the K20.

The K20 is more easily available than the K20X and uses a partial GK110. There are likely to be far more GK110 GPUs available for the K20,so what happens to the ones which did not quite hit K20 standard??

At the very least,I can see if not a GK110 based GTX780(GK110 salvage part),I can see them being sold in another consumer card,unless they become Quadro parts instead.

WEll, I don't think so. I dont believe there will be as many binned K20's as the the K20x. Simply because there isn't as many restrictions about heat and power use in the workstation market. And you also have to look at the disabled memory controller and 2 SMX cores on the the K20, these are probably disabled to make the K20 look a different product, but it also means more yields for the K20.

Now while there will be more k20's than K20x's, the market still isn't that big. It's a low numbers-high price market. There still won't be the volume needed to make a consumer card in high quantities.

And while the Titan isn't a next generation GPU, it has several things that hopefully will make into the next gen and be improved upon. The power use, cooling, noise levels are all amazing. Jury is still out on the GPU boost 2.
Who cares what other people think Greg as long as you're happy that's all the matters. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but no one is entitled to ram it down your throat.

With all that said and done though, I wonder what AMD's next move will be. Maybe I'm being extremely optimistic but i bet they have something up their sleeve.

I hope that whatever it is, is priced reasonably though or you can count me out of it.
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I am always up for logical debate and nobody needs to tell me that I have wasted money. What gets me chuckling is when someone justs posts nothing more than a jealous attack. That just makes said person look rather daft :)


Just kidding :D.

You can't always be up for a logical debate, as that's when the spuds are being thrown at Rusty, Humbug and a few others. I do hear you though, there will be some that just can't understand but as long as they're not too emotional about it then they can save some face.

I can't wait till you start posting benchmarks and smashing everyone's scores. When KingPin does it everyone is like wooooooh!!!!, yeah!!, when you do it you get nay sayers. I think it's time you joined the likes of 8pack and get sub zeroed out your head :D.

(Hear, hear LtMatt!)
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