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Geforce Titan rumours.

It is a shame; but us mods are trying to address this. You've seen greater prescence from us within these threads, the announcement at the top and so forth.

People should be allowed to post, whilst those who cause trouble, RTM the posts and let us deal with them.

Huddy does a tonne of work around this forum in dealing with people and we will address this further to try and get sensible discussions going.

Huddy is a good guy and does a good job. Maybe we need seperate AMD/Nvidia sections, so people can post what they want and not fear an argument or bullying?

It seems to work well at OCN.net
This is how I worked out the Titan purchase, honestly it's not that bad really * £4 a week..

Say I wanna keep my Titan for 3 years..

Titan = £830
Sale of GTX 670 4Gb = £250
£580 difference.
Titan last 3 years = 36 months
580 / 36 = 16.1
£16.1 per month.
16.1 / 4 = 4

£4 per week.

That is if I keep the card and never sell it, if I sell the card at end of 3 years it will cost even less, maybe £2 a week :p. Not bad for high end gaming..

That how I justified my 3930k new rig to myself, delivered tomorrow, I'm quite glad now that my OCUK build was jinxed with faults as it looks like Crysis3 may like the extra cores.
Forums are terrible at the moment - if it isn't trolls lambasting people for spending their own money on something they want it's people lambasting the other vendors cards or features specific to a vendor (e.g. PhysX), but within the rules.

An example being: even being constructively critical about say AMD means you get a verbal volley from the usual AMD suspects. I don't pretend to understand it; I've always swapped between the brands as and when and don't understand brand loyalty to the point of becoming an apparatchik.

I think a separation is a great idea.
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Some of us can, not all of us though. It does work well at oc.net. You don't see the moaning of amd drivers in the amd section. You don't see moaning about titan or nvidia prices in the nvidia section. It works.

Yeah, but oc.net is so sterile compared to here imo.

For me it's not. Yes there are people who just want to bash the other side of the fence, but the majority of forum users just want good, honest, discussion. If that's heated discussion that's fine, but we don't want personal attacks, trolls, etc.

From what I see, it's just a minority of over vocal zealots that stir things up and make the rest of the place look bad.
Generally, I'd like to believe we're a fair minded lot who enjoy a good discussion.
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