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Geforce Titan rumours.

27 Feb 2012
So a thousand pounds for a card that isn't as fast as a £700 one makes it a bargain.


In your opinion the card is poor value for money, i respect that.
However, in my opinion paying, let's say for arguments sake £850 for a single GPU that's potentially as fast as SLI 680s @surround gaming very good value for money.

Note i said potentially as the NDA isn't lifted yet so any leaks are rumours and may not be true.

At the end of the day it's my money, I've earnt it and i hold the key to whether something is worth it or not, it's no different to buying a brand new GPU on first day of release...knowing it will drop in a few months time.
7 Apr 2012
Tampa Bay
I'm only going on what we have been shown.

Those who are subjective actually weigh up what they have seen. Then you have those who are selective choosing to ignore something because they don't like it.

Funny how all of the people who are/were buying Titan all of a sudden stop believing the rumours because they're not as nice as they were !

Up until yesterday charts were making their way out. They were so convincing that people actually sold their cards in order to buy Titan.

Yet today all of a sudden those charts can't be relied on at all because they show it in a different light.

Really strange that isn't it? and I'm expressing anger just because I decide to believe in today's rumours.

That's my prerogative.

Well that's not technically true, the initial rumours (of great performance) inspired interest and curiosity (especially if they're true). But the point there is "if". Everyone has collectively being waiting for official results while also churning out all rumours (both good and bad).
4 Jul 2012
Indeed. We said that yesterday too.

As I said - I won't have people accusing me of being nasty. I'm just stating how it is, just like those who were quick to show off were showing how it is when the Titan supposedly beat a 690.

So showing off and gloating is OK, but simply talking about what we were shown today isn't?

I personally can see exactly where you are coming from, and have been in the same position as you at times on these forums, where people will get upset and cry because you've said something that they found inconvenient, or didn't align with how they wanted to see things.
25 Jun 2011
I think if this was a mainstream card that would probably be the case (like a 685/680 Ultra or something) but the limited aspect will surely add to the cost me thinks.

Its funny you should mention a 685, I saw some supposed 'road map' thing the other night while looking for Titan news that showed a 'GTX685' with some similar specs to Titan :p
24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
I'm pretty sure the only person who actually sold up was Gregster, and he's been pretty vocal about the reasons why, in that, it's not just because of Titan, but he was generally not happy with the performance of his 680s compared to what else was available.

This will be a win win situation for him really, if Titan turns out to be a bit rubbish, he's got the option of 2 watercooled 7970s which will be a lot faster than his 680s, with a bit of change in his pocket from selling the 680s.

Spot on.
23 Apr 2010
West Sussex
If the graphs are true i.e 40-45% increase over a 680 then a 600-700 price tag would be fairer..

Double or more than is really poor price wise. But it is all dependant on which graphs and prices are most accurate.

It's the world's fastest single GPU and thus, charge what you like as people will pay it.

Just like the 7970 that even *I* ended up buying.

But how can you charge £430 for the pleasure when you already do for a 680?

These things are going to be rare and super expensive. One look at the cooler said it all. At least they have done that right and used some semi expensive materials to at least make it somewhat worth it financially.
4 Jul 2012
I'm not even getting one, so I don't care either way, and I can tell you that your negativity is bringing the thread down.

In any case, the thread has been derailed enough. I'm looking forward to the reviews and benchmarks tomorrow.

The point in this thread is discussing Titan and the rumours and info on it.

His views on Titan are being taken as "negative", he's perfectly entitled to such views regardless of how you see them because it's all based on conjecture and whatever.

Would you be happier if we all resorted to vomiting rainbows over eachother, and anyone who disagrees with someone, gets permanently banned for being a mean horrible negative nancy?

Why is Andy even Angry, I mean why so emotional? it's not as if it's life or death or anything, it's just a new GPU launch, he's not even interested in one by all accounts, regardless of performance.

Relax and look forward to the reviews, try not to derail the thread with your own personal views/rantings, it's really not that serious.

Who's to say he's even angry? How do you measure apparent anger in this situation?

You know that not liking what someone is saying doesn't mean that they are angry, right?

Or that someone saying something you think is negative, isn't the same as being angry.
23 Apr 2010
West Sussex
Well that's not technically true, the initial rumours (of great performance) inspired interest and curiosity (especially if they're true). But the point there is "if". Everyone has collectively being waiting for official results while also churning out all rumours (both good and bad).

People believed it.

If they didn't they would have soon lost interest.

I have watched so many GPU releases now that I lose count. And each time the rumours can usually be believed. IE -

Fermi is too hot and uses too much power. Fermi underperforms and that is why it is delayed - ETC.

AMD Tahiti is underwhelming. Kepler is amazing for a mid ranged part,and actually out performs the 7970 which costs far more to make.


And rarely do those rumours turn out to be fake. Seriously,they just don't.
4 Jul 2012
It's the world's fastest single GPU and thus, charge what you like as people will pay it.

Just like the 7970 that even *I* ended up buying.

But how can you charge £430 for the pleasure when you already do for a 680?

These things are going to be rare and super expensive. One look at the cooler said it all. At least they have done that right and used some semi expensive materials to at least make it somewhat worth it financially.

Funny you mention this, I think people are far too easily pleased when it comes to high end graphics cards.

I've lost count of the amount of times I've seen people fawn over a graphics card because of how it looks, and claim that it's worth the price because of how it uses "premium" materials in its design.

Interestingly, these "premium" materials aren't ever really as premium as the price would have you believe, in that they aren't that much more expensive at all, it's just done to make people feel like they are getting more than they really are.

There's nothing wrong with liking the way a card looks, not at all, but the justification of prices based on a few token "expensive" materials has always confused me.

It's like the whole Apple thing where people justify the cost of the items because "it's made out of aluminium and glass" as if that aluminium and glass accounts for the vast cost difference.
4 Jul 2012
People believed it.

If they didn't they would have soon lost interest.

I have watched so many GPU releases now that I lose count. And each time the rumours can usually be believed. IE -

Fermi is too hot and uses too much power. Fermi underperforms and that is why it is delayed - ETC.

AMD Tahiti is underwhelming. Kepler is amazing for a mid ranged part,and actually out performs the 7970 which costs far more to make.


And rarely do those rumours turn out to be fake. Seriously,they just don't.

Kepler being midranged was never confirmed, it was always a rumour.
7 Apr 2012
Tampa Bay
People believed it.

If they didn't they would have soon lost interest.

I have watched so many GPU releases now that I lose count. And each time the rumours can usually be believed. IE -

Fermi is too hot and uses too much power. Fermi underperforms and that is why it is delayed - ETC.

AMD Tahiti is underwhelming. Kepler is amazing for a mid ranged part,and actually out performs the 7970 which costs far more to make.


And rarely do those rumours turn out to be fake. Seriously,they just don't.

Well I'm not disputing if the rumours are true or not and that's my point in a nutshell.

If the card performs great and has an affordable price (for me anyway) then great and I may buy one, if not then I won't.

Just because some news says there will be only 10 FPS increase in Crysis 3 doesn't mean I have to look away and forget about it?
9 Mar 2010
Fabric Nightclub, London.
It's like the whole Apple thing where people justify the cost of the items because "it's made out of aluminium and glass" as if that aluminium and glass accounts for the vast cost difference.

Just to stop you there: I don't think I've ever seen anyone claim this. It's usually because of the high end components inside, sound card and stuff like that.

But never mind that.

We will find out tomorrow if the rumours are correct or not. It doesn't help that some people have a more aggressive attitude over things like this. Saying you hate everything equally isn't a great precursor to input.
19 Oct 2008
People believed it.

And rarely do those rumours turn out to be fake. Seriously,they just don't.
The problems with rumours however is that they can be stated in such a way to form both positive and negative opinions just as they are about Titan. This thread (and I haven't read all of it) has swung from "great" to some later comments "disappointed" when it hasn't been officially released yet :) and no official reviews have been put up, unless the one earlier today was real which was pulled.

Same example of the Fermi cards. People said they ran too hot and used too much power, but actually, a lot of people these days talk about the 480 very fondly, I do. I persoanlly dont care how hot a card gets as long as it's under the limit (and as long as the hot air is exhausted out the back), and don't care about power usage either. Back in the day people were calling the 480 a failure because of these points which was simply untrue, it was and still is a good card IMO. I still put a 10% overclock on mine (when I would have been happy to leave it at default speed) and it was rock steady stable for the very lengthy time i had it
23 Apr 2010
West Sussex
Funny you mention this, I think people are far too easily pleased when it comes to high end graphics cards.

I've lost count of the amount of times I've seen people fawn over a graphics card because of how it looks, and claim that it's worth the price because of how it uses "premium" materials in its design.

Interestingly, these "premium" materials aren't ever really as premium as the price would have you believe, in that they aren't that much more expensive at all, it's just done to make people feel like they are getting more than they really are.

There's nothing wrong with liking the way a card looks, not at all, but the justification of prices based on a few token "expensive" materials has always confused me.

It's like the whole Apple thing where people justify the cost of the items because "it's made out of aluminium and glass" as if that aluminium and glass accounts for the vast cost difference.

Usually we end up being completely insulted. A cheap blower fan and a cheap plastic shroud. The 680 and 670 leave a lot to be desired if I'm honest, the plastic 'extensions' on my 670s look really tacky like they're made out of uber cheap plastic.. Doesn't even look like ABS plastic lol.

It isn't just the cooler on Titan. Nvidia have, and always have, use VERY expensive memory. Look at the price difference between the 2gb and 4gb 680 and 670 !

AMD use cheaper memory.. It was only recently Nvidia ditched Rambus whose memory was astronomically priced. The reason? Nvidia make Tesla and Quadro so they use the same stable memory on both.

6gb is pretty much absolutely as daft as a brush tbh. Why couldn't they cut it to 3gb and cheapen the cooler? because they know people will pay it.

Titan will only hurt us in the long run. Nvidia go "Oh look, we can charge £1000 for single GPU card".

I was talking to a mate of mine today. He runs a chip shop.. Any way, sorry if this sounds OT I promise it isn't...

Any way a few years back a sack of potatoes trade price was £3. It shot up to £7 because of fuel shortages. The price of a bag of chips went from 50p to £1.20.

Any way a few months later the price of potatoes went back down to £3 yet no one dropped the price of the chips back to 50p.

Why? because like fools we just rolled over and accepted it.

That's what Nvidia have been doing for ages, and the world is full of silly sods who happily oblige due to their egos. And it makes it an elitist thing with stupid price tags which has taken out the fun.

I remember back in the Athy XP days every one could afford a decent PC, overclock it and throw in a Radeon 9800 Pro.

Now? lol you need to rent your house out.
4 Jul 2012
Just to stop you there: I don't think I've ever seen anyone claim this. It's usually because of the high end components inside, sound card and stuff like that.

So that means that it's not been said because you've not seen it?

You're not even sure what Apple products I'm talking about, are you?

We will find out tomorrow if the rumours are correct or not. It doesn't help that some people have a more aggressive attitude over things like this. Saying you hate everything equally isn't a great precursor to input.

People are accusing him of being angry and aggressive, and I'm failing to see how or where.

What I can see is that people don't like what he's saying. Do you mean to say that you define something as aggressive if you don't like what you are hearing or reading?
18 Nov 2011
The Doghouse
They posted the Crysis 3 one as a part of their slides. They didn't post the other comparisons no, but by the time we saw that (after seeing the Nvidia C3 one) we knew pretty much that Titan was going to be an enormous let down.

Another reason you will find people happy is because a whole shed load of us just spent a fortune on Nvidia cards. Be it 670, 680 or 690s. Then we are told Nvidia were about to release a new one and we all bent over waiting to see how hard we were going to be shafted.

Price drops, hard to sell ETC.

You can't exactly blame us for letting out a huge sigh of release and having a bit of a chuckle can you?

It's kind of like when AMD just said no new GPUs for X long. People were chuffed, knowing their purchase would be worth what they paid for it for a while longer.

Nvidia have screwed plenty of us recently by charging us top of the range money for a mid ranged part. So excuse me for letting out a guffaw when they like, totally fail with their high end card.

I think this post shows quite clearly how "disappointed" Andy will be if Titan fails :rolleyes:
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