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Geforce Titan rumours.

The problems with rumours however is that they can be stated in such a way to form both positive and negative opinions just as they are about Titan. This thread (and I haven't read all of it) has swung from "great" to some later comments "disappointed" when it hasn't been officially released yet :) and no official reviews have been put up, unless the one earlier today was real which was pulled.

Same example of the Fermi cards. People said they ran too hot and used too much power, but actually, a lot of people these days talk about the 480 very fondly, I do. I persoanlly dont care how hot a card gets as long as it's under the limit (and as long as the hot air is exhausted out the back), and don't care about power usage either. Back in the day people were calling the 480 a failure because of these points which was simply untrue, it was and still is a good card IMO. I still put a 10% overclock on mine (when I would have been happy to leave it at default speed) and it was rock steady stable for the very lengthy time i had it

Well if people think I've been sent by AMD and have a tinfoil hat on then they really need to check my PC spec in my sig.

If Titan is a con I will say so, spade a spade and all that. If it's uber super duper? I'll say so.

Funny how I've only been the bad guy today for believing what I have been shown. Wasn't the bad guy before that for doing the same !
I remember back in the Athy XP days every one could afford a decent PC, overclock it and throw in a Radeon 9800 Pro.

Now? lol you need to rent your house out.
Well to be fair you can build very competent rigs for around ~£600 (less too probably) and they obviously dominate Athlon counterparts :p

Also it's just economics, inflation everywhere unfortunately.
So that means that it's not been said because you've not seen it?

You're not even sure what Apple products I'm talking about, are you?

Considering all of them with a screen are made from aluminium and glass, I'd say all of them. And I've been reading countless reviews of MacBooks etc, as I've recently purchased one, and not once has it been said that just because they use alu and glass they are worth the price premium. It's usually lumped under the heading build quality, which in itself is perfectly fair - build quality demands a premium.

People are accusing him of being angry and aggressive, and I'm failing to see how or where.

What I can see is that people don't like what he's saying. Do you mean to say that you define something as aggressive if you don't like what you are hearing or reading?

No, it's the attitude he's putting them across in. Saying stuff like LOL nice try, OMGZ LETS BUY ONE !!!!1111oneoneone etc is not really the attitude accepted in this particular sub forum, as evidenced by the note at the top.

Anyway, I believe the thread has been derailed enough, and it will be down to the moderators to step in if believed necessary.
FFS man that's what the last 49 pages have been !

Nothing but speculation. If we didn't believe in it there would be about three pages with the leaked stuff on :D

No, the last 49 pages have been discussion on whatever info was available at the time.

Since your arrival it has turned into mindless tripe.
Usually we end up being completely insulted. A cheap blower fan and a cheap plastic shroud. The 680 and 670 leave a lot to be desired if I'm honest, the plastic 'extensions' on my 670s look really tacky like they're made out of uber cheap plastic.. Doesn't even look like ABS plastic lol.

It isn't just the cooler on Titan. Nvidia have, and always have, use VERY expensive memory. Look at the price difference between the 2gb and 4gb 680 and 670 !

AMD use cheaper memory.. It was only recently Nvidia ditched Rambus whose memory was astronomically priced. The reason? Nvidia make Tesla and Quadro so they use the same stable memory on both.

6gb is pretty much absolutely as daft as a brush tbh. Why couldn't they cut it to 3gb and cheapen the cooler? because they know people will pay it.

Titan will only hurt us in the long run. Nvidia go "Oh look, we can charge £1000 for single GPU card".

I was talking to a mate of mine today. He runs a chip shop.. Any way, sorry if this sounds OT I promise it isn't...

Any way a few years back a sack of potatoes trade price was £3. It shot up to £7 because of fuel shortages. The price of a bag of chips went from 50p to £1.20.

Any way a few months later the price of potatoes went back down to £3 yet no one dropped the price of the chips back to 50p.

Why? because like fools we just rolled over and accepted it.

That's what Nvidia have been doing for ages, and the world is full of silly sods who happily oblige due to their egos. And it makes it an elitist thing with stupid price tags which has taken out the fun.

I remember back in the Athy XP days every one could afford a decent PC, overclock it and throw in a Radeon 9800 Pro.

Now? lol you need to rent your house out.

Well fortunately, nVidia aren't the only GPU manufacturers.

Plus, it's a bit more complex than that, but I can see where you're coming from.

Everyone can still afford a decent PC, but what's happened is that the low end is actually still very high in performance terms relative to the past.

Because whilst hardware has been moving ahead, software hasn't, so for the vast majority of people, bargain basement hardware has been getting better and better relative to previous years.

Speaking of a 9800 pro as well, I got one "back in the day" but they weren't that cheap.

Actually, I think I paid the same as I did for my 9800 pro as I did for one of my 7950s, which would technically mean that I paid more for a 9800 pro then, than I did for one of my 7950s now due to the pound being stronger then, and the inflation over the years.

Realistically speaking, high end tech prices have been coming down quite a bit, nVidia's prices used to be ridiculously high, where £500+ was the norm for their single GPU release, those days are over I think.

It's hard to judge Titan because of the strange position it's in, very limited run and all that, but it won't be £1000. If the USD price is $800, we should see it for £650 or less here, as we don't get screwed over on price the way people often suggest.

It's always surprising how often you see people state that we live in "rip off Britain" and that we always get screwed on our hardware prices, but when asked for proof, they very rarely respond, and if they do respond they always ignore the VAT and US salestax thing.

The vast majority of the time, in the UK, we pay the USD price with VAT on top, give or take a few percent. Sometimes we even pay a bit less pre-tax.
If anyone does decide to go Titan pm me if you have a 680 going I will take it off your hands if the price is right. This is a depending on the true! results that get released tmoz. I really hope they are great then I will purchase one no question. Then if anyone is in the market for a 680 I will have one going cheap ;)

I have 2 ASUS reference 680s. I sell them for 320 each and I live in London. Let me know if you're interested.
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