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Geforce Titan rumours.

23 Apr 2010
West Sussex
Well then. Don't put conjecture forward as fact. Just like everyone else.

When was I?

I told you before, if I chose to believe something and be objective and not selective then that's my prerogative surely?

I believed EVERYTHING posted up until now so why should I stop?

Because you don't like it?

As I maintain. 49 PAGES can not be wrong. People obviously believe at least some of it.
4 Jul 2012
Considering all of them with a screen are made from aluminium and glass, I'd say all of them. And I've been reading countless reviews of MacBooks etc, as I've recently purchased one, and not once has it been said that just because they use alu and glass they are worth the price premium. It's usually lumped under the heading build quality, which in itself is perfectly fair - build quality demands a premium.

Well, build quality doesn't actually demand a premium, but what you are talking about is material quality, not build quality but that still doesn't have to demand a premium. Aluminium and glass isn't actually particularly expensive, and funnily enough often has the opposite result in what people want. They say they want premium, that they want their stuff to feel "quality" yet when they drop it, it hits the ground harder and breaks because of the added weight, yet they still fall for the "premium materials" thing.

Note that I wasn't talking about professional reviews, I'm talking about when people feel the need to justify their purchase by saying things like "but build quality(material quality really)" as a justification for why they've spent so much.

Personally I'd have more respect for such people if they just said "I didn't care about the price, I wanted so I bought" or even better, not feeling the need to justify it at all.

No, it's the attitude he's putting them across in. Saying stuff like LOL nice try, OMGZ LETS BUY ONE !!!!1111oneoneone etc is not really the attitude accepted in this particular sub forum, as evidenced by the note at the top.

Anyway, I believe the thread has been derailed enough, and it will be down to the moderators to step in if believed necessary.

But that doesn't say angry or aggressive, which really does make it look like you consider aggression, something that you don't like to see or read.
23 Apr 2010
West Sussex
I'm angry and aggressive because I chose to believe today's rumours.

Funny that, I wasn't angry or aggressive when I was saying "Fair play !" and "wow that's one sexy card" and so on yesterday :rolleyes:

So as long as I only believe the rumours about Titan that allow people to gloat and show off and pose I'm OK?

LOL this isn't 1942.
4 Jul 2012
No. Fortunately the other one is AMD who charged £439 for the 7970 at launch due to the prices of the 3gb 580.


They're both as bad as each other.

In some circumstances, they certainly are, but AMD will drop the price like an ugly baby as soon as they have competition.

When was I?

I told you before, if I chose to believe something and be objective and not selective then that's my prerogative surely?

I believed EVERYTHING posted up until now so why should I stop?

Because you don't like it?

As I maintain. 49 PAGES can not be wrong. People obviously believe at least some of it.

You have put some things forwards as fact, the whole "GK104 is midranged" was never anything but a rumour.
9 Mar 2010
Fabric Nightclub, London.
Well, build quality doesn't actually demand a premium, but what you are talking about is material quality, not build quality but that still doesn't have to demand a premium. Aluminium and glass isn't actually particularly expensive, and funnily enough often has the opposite result in what people want. They say they want premium, that they want their stuff to feel "quality" yet when they drop it, it hits the ground harder and breaks because of the added weight, yet they still fall for the "premium materials" thing.

Note that I wasn't talking about professional reviews, I'm talking about when people feel the need to justify their purchase by saying things like "but build quality(material quality really)" as a justification for why they've spent so much.

Personally I'd have more respect for such people if they just said "I didn't care about the price, I wanted so I bought" or even better, not feeling the need to justify it at all.

To be fair, I didn't care about the price (I probably should have :D), but it was perfect for my needs so I bought it :)

But that doesn't say angry or aggressive, which really does make it look like you consider aggression, something that you don't like to see or read.

He's even admitted being angry and aggressive :)
8 Mar 2010
*Waits for Tony to buy a pair, waits for Tony to get bored, buys from Tony at half price in a months time*


I'll give you aqua domus whatever it is, going to creep in dead of night and replace cards with 9600gts then you will feel my pain :D

Wait there is one .... its been sighted ..... too lates they haz been robbed!!

24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!

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