Poll: General election voting intentions poll

Voting intentions in the General Election?

  • Alliance Party of Northern Ireland

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 254 41.6%
  • Democratic Unionist Party

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 40 6.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 83 13.6%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 31 5.1%
  • Not voting/will spoil ballot

    Votes: 38 6.2%
  • Other party (not named)

    Votes: 4 0.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • Respect Party

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 25 4.1%
  • Social Democratic and Labour Party

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 129 21.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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1 We can still remember how bad the Looney left Labour did last time.
2. UKip are not racist only looney left voters use that when they cant win an argument

1) Labour is not even left, but center right party that is left of an even futher right-wing party. Current Labour party is further right than most Convective parties in power throughout history!
2) No, that is what people say the loony far-right say. The UKIP party attracts many more racists than other parties, that is just a fact with plenty of substantiating evidence. I don't think a UKIP voter has ever won an argument on to OCUK - they never, ever, ever answer any of the pertinent questions. and instead start dribbling at the mouth with some incoherent babbling monologue about taking their jobs.
Hi guys, just thought I'd check in to see what's going on...

Oh, apparently I'm a selfish, racist nutbag who has been brainwashed by the Daily Mail.

Yeah, you've pretty much nailed that. I'll be on my way then.

Enter into the spirit of things then.

Tell us why you're voting UKIP and perhaps we can dissuade you on some points, perhaps you can persuade us on others.
I don't think a UKIP voter has ever won an argument on to OCUK - they never, ever, ever answer any of the pertinent questions. and instead start dribbling at the mouth with some incoherent babbling monologue about taking their jobs.

I always picture the debate pyramid when dealing with these types. Castiel is probably the only poster here who gets close to the top of the pyramid, but the constant name calling from the bottom rung must be wearisome even for him.
1 We can still remember how bad the Looney left Labour did last time.
2. UKip are not racist only looney left voters use that when they cant win an argument

1. Labour are not left & there do happen to be more than 2 parties to choose from, you might be surprised to know.
2. Actually, yes, in general the members of UKIP are racist and express racist views frequently and openly to the mass media. This is a simple fact and not a point with anything viable to contest... you are quiet simply... wrong.

2) No, that is what people say the loony far-right say. The UKIP party attracts many more racists than other parties, that is just a fact with plenty of substantiating evidence. I don't think a UKIP voter has ever won an argument on to OCUK - they never, ever, ever answer any of the pertinent questions. and instead start dribbling at the mouth with some incoherent babbling monologue about taking their jobs.



I want coalition government to become the norm, I just don't want UKIP or the SNP to be a part of it.

Well... they could perhaps be fairly balanced by the "anti-nations hippie love parade" party... perhaps... only the latter are more likely to be sitting quietly in the corner, hugging everyone as they enter parliament and throwing flowers everywhere... as soon as love, happiness and well-being enter someone's agenda, they seem to be somewhat less bothered about controlling others through politics :D

Some form of balance would certainly be nice... if it actually worked... the lib dems ended up turning into tories somehow this round. Perhaps more to prove it is simply nothing more than a puppet show.
My thought process on voting is 'who is going to **** me over the least'. I have zero confidence in any of them, I honestly have no idea who to vote for, I might just close my eyes and pick one.
Enter into the spirit of things then.

Tell us why you're voting UKIP and perhaps we can dissuade you on some points, perhaps you can persuade us on others.

People tend to be scared about changing a view they are so sure of themselves on.

It's like to change your mind is to lose the internal war of the ego... it's an odd thing that is actually an extension of the fear of death.

It can be quite amusing sometimes to watch someone with that internal brain fart... it's like observing a short circuit in someone's brain.

It can be overcome, only the person with the brain fart needs to want to push past it... most don't even see it so stumble at the first hurdle :(

I wouldn't mind... but when people get these kinds of ideas stuck in their heads, the kind of ideas that force others under their will, the kind of ideas that squash, mutilate and deprive others for their own personal gain... that's when I have an issue with it... otherwise I would be happy to simply observe is as a form of social comic relief... the black guy in the horror movie who was never supposed to go into that house!!!

But yes... open and honest debate, with the willingness to share and learn (both sides, of course)... would be a nice thing to see... odd how rare it seems.
That'd the ideal we'll never achieve.

It probably would be possible just not under our current system. I've wondered for a while what a system where people are called to be involved in the running of the country under a system not unlike our current jury system. Fixed terms and no one having to try and buy votes with ********.
People tend to be scared about changing a view they are so sure of themselves on.

It's like to change your mind is to lose the internal war of the ego... it's an odd thing that is actually an extension of the fear of death.

It can be quite amusing sometimes to watch someone with that internal brain fart... it's like observing a short circuit in someone's brain.

It can be overcome, only the person with the brain fart needs to want to push past it... most don't even see it so stumble at the first hurdle :(

I wouldn't mind... but when people get these kinds of ideas stuck in their heads, the kind of ideas that force others under their will, the kind of ideas that squash, mutilate and deprive others for their own personal gain... that's when I have an issue with it... otherwise I would be happy to simply observe is as a form of social comic relief... the black guy in the horror movie who was never supposed to go into that house!!!

But yes... open and honest debate, with the willingness to share and learn (both sides, of course)... would be a nice thing to see... odd how rare it seems.

And of course you get the arrogant kind who believe that anyone who deviates even slightly from their own viewpoints and policies is deluded.

Same person that can spurn anyone who supports a legitimate political party as "racist nutbags".

I don't like UKIP, but the attitude of dismissing peoples fears, opinions and questionings, is what leads to people snapping. UKIP exists because there is a growing concern as to the direction of the country. Right or wrongly focused it is something that needs to be debated, not shot down consistently by those who are happy with the status quo...
Enter into the spirit of things then.

Tell us why you're voting UKIP and perhaps we can dissuade you on some points, perhaps you can persuade us on others.

I will vote UKip

So I can get a vote on Europe. (I would vote us out at this point in time.)
A point system like OZ so we dont get the the unskilled immigrants that limit wage rises.
Better run NHS, with less pen pushers.
And the most important, I want a change from the same old same old Looney left and Tory boys) that have **** up this once great country.

Labour will spend and spend and tax and tax with help from the SNP.
Tory boy will cut everything to the bone so much that it will hurt us all, unless you can pay for it.

That will do for a start :)
And of course you get the arrogant kind who believe that anyone who deviates even slightly from their own viewpoints and policies is deluded.

Same person that can spurn anyone who supports a legitimate political party as "racist nutbags".

I don't like UKIP, but the attitude of dismissing peoples fears, opinions and questionings, is what leads to people snapping. UKIP exists because there is a growing concern as to the direction of the country. Right or wrongly focused it is something that needs to be debated, not shot down consistently by those who are happy with the status quo...

The UKIP exists because when things don't go their way some people like to blame others, foreigners make a very easy excuse for why they are unemployed or don't earn higher salaries. UKIP also exists because some people are afraid of anyone who is different to them, be that ethnicity, sexuality, or a host of other arbitrary variables they can use to differentiate themselves from "the others".

If fears are based on rational clauses backed by evidence then the opinions can be freely debated, but that never tends to be the case. You can't have a rational debate with someone who is entrenched in their position through irrational means.
I'd rather not invoke Godwin's law... the same things that are supporting and growing a party like UKIP are not so dissimilar.

That is a greater concern...

They exist thanks to themselves & overblown media antics... including, but not limited to, the likes of the daily mail.

People attach on to this crap because we have a culture that shifts blame for most things... not happy? it's the fault of these immigrants stealing your jobs... etc etc... or "scientific studies" being taken as fact, mis-quoted, used out of context for a headline that is "factual"... yet the study was actually intended for something else entirely and the sample size was 5 people from an island off the coast of gibraltar.

Not happy? It can't be my fault... let's believe these newspapers & tv shows because they obviously have my best interest at heart... it's not like they want to continue selling themselves and other things to me & it's not at all that keeping people in a perpetual state of fear & survival instincts is a good way to fuel that...

The choice is not the problem, it's the inability to rationalise it showing a lack of any viable conscious decision.

I am not the type who wants to take anyones rights away from them... only being able to have a friendly discussion, with respectful tone from me, soft and well/easily explained... etc etc... but no, this type of discussion leads to violent outburst from people who are locked in the brainwashing and incapable of thinking for themselves.
Enter into the spirit of things then.

Tell us why you're voting UKIP and perhaps we can dissuade you on some points, perhaps you can persuade us on others.

I spend most of my day thinking about, talking about, and writing about political issues (I'm a politics PhD student*) so when I get home I have no particular desire to write long-winded posts or engage in circular discussions on here that will have no appreciable effect on anyone. I might occasionally reply to a specific issue, but generally I just come here to blow off steam.

Rational discussion requires an assumption of good faith from one party to the other and vice versa. If your assumption is that the views of person X are based on something fundamentally irrational (e.g. racism) and person X thinks the same of you, then you'll just end up talking past each other. More often than not, that is what internet 'debating' is and it is tiresome and pointless. Consequently, any attempt to portray another person's views as completely irrational (as D.P. is doing as I type this) annoys me no end.

* So no, crinkleshoes, I am not scared about putting my views out there to be critiqued. That's pretty much a job requirement for me.
I spend most of my day thinking about, talking about, and writing about political issues (I'm a politics PhD student*) so when I get home I have no particular desire to write long-winded posts or engage in circular discussions on here that will have no appreciable effect on anyone. I might occasionally reply to a specific issue, but generally I just come here to blow off steam.

Rational discussion requires an assumption of good faith from one party to the other and vice versa. If your assumption is that the views of person X are based on something fundamentally irrational (e.g. racism) and person X thinks the same of you, then you'll just end up talking past each other. More often than not, that is what internet 'debating' is and it is tiresome and pointless. Consequently, any attempt to portray another person's views as completely irrational (as D.P. is doing as I type this) annoys me no end.

* So no, crinkleshoes, I am not scared about putting my views out there to be critiqued. That's pretty much a job requirement for me.

Not entirely sure why you bother posting then, there are several better ways to "blow off steam".
Where's it written that we can't have a LabCon coalition?

It isn't, and there are historical precedents for a grand coalition in some countries. I can't see it happening in the UK excepting extreme circumstances, however.
Not entirely sure why you bother posting then, there are several better ways to "blow off steam".

As I said, the type of comment I was responding to particularly annoys me. Besides, I need a half hour or so before I can 'blow off steam' in better ways again.
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