According to this, I might as well wipe my bum on my ballot paper and stick it to the wall of the voting both.
0.072 of a vote due to being in an "Ultra Safe" Tory constituency.
I'm still disappointed about that... The size of the majority no vote took me majorly by surprise as it seemed like a much fairer system to me, as well as being on the pathway to further reform in the future.We had our chance to change the voting system and rejected it, we can't complain.
DP I think your argument is logically flawed.
You are saying that because we don't have to pay the training of migrants, that has saved the UK money, but that does not make sense. It is like saying if you buy a second car you don't need, which is 50% off, you have saved 50%!
You have to show a per capita benefit from the extra car for that argument to work! If there is a per capita benefit to having more people, then yes, it does make sense if you can get those people for cheaper, but you have to show the per capita benefit in the first place.
I'm going to stop you right there because you are already wrong.
EU immigrants contribute 34% more then they receive in benefit
NON-EU immigrants contribute 2% more than they receive in benefit.
British adults are a net drain and receiving 11% more in benefits than they contribute in taxes.
Since you failed at your very first statement I wont bother reading the rest of your nonsense until you can back it up with facts and not prejudice.
The fact that the immigrants that have the far tighter control end up contributing less, albeit still more than British adults, is undeniable proof that the last thing we need to do is enact pointless restrictions on EU immigration.
It's hardly worth letting in NON-EU immigrants if that paltry 2% figure is true, especially with the added integration and cultural problems, the 34% figure is hard to argue with though, maybe that's the way to go.
Alas, UKIP and the Conservatives have failed to make a similar arrangement.
UKIP voters would get more traction with the BNP I would think, they both share the common ideal of hating anyone different to themselves.
just the epitome of vile miss-information and prejudice.
I just don't understand all this concern over immigration. As DP says it's easy to see that most immigrants will be young individuals and as others have said another country has paid to raise them so they're instantly contributing to the economy in the UK and are likely to require very little in the way of medical/welfare.
If people are feeling that immigration is reducing their wages/living standards/etc then they need to look to voting for a party that will improve working conditions and ensure employers aren't able to abuse their positions. If you're in that situation do you really think that voting for UKIP or the Conservatives will improve things for you? Zero hour contracts, austerity and endless cuts to public services aren't the fault of immigrants!
Do people really believe that if we close our borders that keep ourselves isolated that things will suddenly get better overnight?
They are the only 2 parties with such strong views on immigration.
On economic matters there are big differences I agree, the BNP are actually much more sensible in that regard!
I think you don't understand how GDP is calculated, it ignores costs.
I understand how GDP is calculated I just think you're not getting my argument!
If the bnp hadn't been racist ****wits and populated by fools i could've voted for them parts of their manifesto were good. That's why they completely failed they were a left wing party but no left winger would ever vote racist, that's what farage realised.