Poll: General election voting round 4

Voting intentions in the General Election?

  • Alliance Party of Northern Ireland

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 276 39.5%
  • Democratic Unionist Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 41 5.9%
  • Labour

    Votes: 125 17.9%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 50 7.2%
  • Not voting/will spoil ballot

    Votes: 33 4.7%
  • Other party (not named)

    Votes: 5 0.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 3 0.4%
  • Respect Party

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 31 4.4%
  • Social Democratic and Labour Party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 128 18.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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30 Oct 2004
Sacramento, CA, USA

Labour just got my vote. I don't take that decision lightly as a lifelong Conservative voter.

Was reading this earlier and wondered where they got their numbers from of rents going up "by an average of £1200 since 2010". In my area a 1/2 bed flat is around £1100-£1300 a month - I'm paying around £50-100 more a month since 2010 prices. There must be some pretty large inflation going on elsewhere?
22 Nov 2005
Nope, and it is widely proven not to. Immigrants, especially from the EU have a higher education standard on average than the general UK population. London has the highest rate of immigrants and has the highest educational performance and it has been proven that is directly due to the immigration at population.
Are you taking the **** or what?

Go to romania and see how the live and then come back and tell me they come over here knowing better english and up to our standards...

oh noooo of course they don't take up any of the teachers precious time......

Not even going to bother arguing with someone like that really LOL you are a joke

we don't get the nice immigrants from spain , France Russia we get the peasants from Romania , Bulgaria and poland they will be the ones your seeing on your posh estate

You might want to watch some docus and see how poor Romania and bulgaria are a lot of their poor live on what are essentially rubbish dumps with shacks and yet they come over better educated than our children?
offstead report said:
The proportion of pupils from minority ethnic groups is well above average, as is those whose first language is not English. There are more than 25 different languages spoken by pupils in the school.
oh they all come over here speaking english man you wot m8?
It is not yet an outstanding school because
? Achievement at Key Stage 1 is not as good as that in Key Stage 2.
? Not enough lessons have outstanding teaching.
? Some pupils in Key Stage 1, especially those learning to speak English, do not have enough extra assistance to boost their learning.
? Pupils do not have enough time to absorb and respond to their teachers’ comments and so learn better.(does this even make sense)
I wonder why..... must have something to do with the amount of kids that don't speak english as a first language and the ridiculous class sizes
Many more pupils enter or leave the school during the year than is normally the case.
no **** all the english born kids moving to better schools that aren't handicapped by uneducated immigrant children and massive class sizes
When children enter the school they have skills which are well below those typically expected for their age. The majority of children enter nursery without being able to speak English fluently
No ****
BTW I already voted and it wasn't for UKIP

Send them all over they have a better education than british children and don't have a negative affect on our schools clearly like the man said ROFL

BTW if you watch the full series you will see most of them are a joke they don't speak english apart from I think one of them so they were unable to function in the country
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30 Apr 2006
Can you explain the context?
I don't quite understand it, is it a labour conservative representatives standing together against UKIP?

Yep, Farage are now 7 points ahead in the polls in Thanet so the Cons and Lab are teaming up to try to freeze him out, yey for democracy!


EDIT - Sorry, it turns out it's 9 points, http://ukgeneralelection2015.blogspot.co.uk/2015/04/south-thanet-constituency-poll.html
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29 Jul 2010
Direct personal attack reported:

It's not a personal attack, just a fact :confused:

If you don't want to appear an idiot then stop saying idiotic things :p

And from someone who regularly calls people morons and idiots on here, you are being a complete hypocrite RTMing that as a personal attack, but then that seems to fit in with being a UKIP supporter ;)
18 Oct 2002
You've banged on about the first part before, but why is it relevant to a debate on school standards being affected by kids? The parents don't go to school. (And I'd question the quality of some European degrees, as someone who knows people who've studied in most countries on the continent, on a year abroad from the UK - some courses are a joke.)
Educational standards of children are strongly correlated with their parents for starters. Moreover, it various studies it has been found the immigrant children have better educational standards on average.
Your quip at European degrees is ridiculous, do you think that some
EX-polytechnic,bottom of the table, UK college is some how superior to every continental school? That is a ridiculous unfounded statement.

With the second part - London schools perform better, but that doesn't mean migrants/children of migrants aren't negatively affecting the development of 'native' kids, unless you can evidence that claim?
If you believe immigrants are negatives forcing British born children then the onus is on you to find evidence.

Immigrants/children of immigrants perform better as they're more hard working and so forth - why can't that explain the better performance of the schools? (So essentially the argument would be that the 'native' kids perform the same, or even worse, but the affect on the average of the hardworking 'immigrant' kids outweighs that and leads to an overall figure that looks very positive).
The elevated performance of immigrant children is what explains the increased average performance, there is no evidence for any strong effect on British born children. What were you expecting?

Overall. But not all of them. The position could arguably be further improved (a greater overall net contribution) if the net drains within that group were stopped from coming here.
Possibly, but possibly not. The problem is how do you know who will be a net drain or contributor a priori, and how do you devise a system that would be guaranteed to I prove the average, and at what cost will that have? E.g., has soon as you have any kind of visa requirement then you break the dynamic market driven free movement of people which help increase British GDP. One can simply look at non-EU vs EU migrants, the Non-EU under go much more control but their average contribution is lower, so trying to control the immigration has provenly Ben worse between the 2 separate population pools. EU immigrants already contribute far in excess of British citizens on average so it isn't clear how much better on average you can make it? Do you have any proof that the net contribution could in erase from 34% to say 45%, and what the costs of that process would be and any other pros and cons?

The other thing is even if a migrant is a marginal negative contributor there are a number of associated cost advantages that are not fully taken into account, such as labor training costs. This would also ignore the possibility that there are jobs that there is a worker shortage for in the UK but the job still pays minimum wage, which makes it hard to be a strong positive contributor but Britain gains from the immigrant regardless.

Beyond that why worry so much about a small group of net contributors when a majority of the UK population have a negative contribution? Time, resources and money should be spent on improving the british workers average continuation , reducing benefits fraud, increasing efficiency and costs of raising a baby to a productive adult, attracting foreign business etc.

As an analogy you have a few k sitting in a savings account that can earns 2% interest. With a lot of effort by having must,pile different accounts and switching funds around monthly you could get an average of 2.7% interest, worse still some of the account have 90 day access clauses etc.. Sure that is better average return but not by much and it has some cost. Meanwhile your house that is worth 500K has a giant while in the roof, rain I pours in and is rotting the wood, soon the bedroom ceiling is about to collapse. Now why are you so concerned about rias g the interest rate of a small savings account by a small amount. With all that fuss and bother when there are much more important things to look at that have a much bigger financial impact.
18 Oct 2002
It's not a personal attack, just a fact :confused:

If you don't want to appear an idiot then stop saying idiotic things :p

And from someone who regularly calls people morons and idiots on here, you are being a complete hypocrite RTMing that as a personal attack, but then that seems to fit in with being a UKIP supporter ;)

Indeed, I've not reported any of robgum's post even although many have crossed the line because I know these threads are fully of heated debates. That policy will change now.
29 Jul 2010
I've never called anyone a moron or idiot, i've called there posts idiotic, but not the person, there's an important difference and you crossed the line buddy.

You made a personal attack and i've reported you


It's easy to search on here you know...

robgmun said:
Ignore him, he's the forums town idiot

robgmun said:
Prehaps you're the idiot

robgmun said:
You're just a clueless idiot

robgmun said:
Please stop posting, you're coming across as a complete idiot

robgmun said:
You're just making yourself look like an idiot

robgmun said:
Cuchulain - you're a total idiot, and as such it's probably why you choose crap jobs because you haven't got the intelligence to do a real job

robgmun said:
It's not my fault he's an complete moron

robgmun said:
If you're going to take the **** then at least spell my name right you moron

I'm getting bored now :p

But no, you've never called anyone an idiot or moron....I guess memory is another trait we can add to your list of things you lack ;)
20 Dec 2004
Congratulations, the Labour party has successfully bought your vote. I hope the price for selling out was worth it.

First major party to propose any kind of shakeup of the real problem in the UK, which is the housing market. The only 'price' is all the other Labour policies I don't agree with....but this one is important enough to trump them.
20 Dec 2004
Thanks for sharing. I find it very interesting when people change their mind, especially if "lifelong" as you say. Do you rent your home?

I'm a big fan of those policies too (but not as much as the Green's versions which are even stronger). In particular banning estate agents from charging tenants fees, should make the market work better.

Well, I don't live in the UK presently, mainly because I have no intention of contributing to the farce that is the UK property gravy train. I have the means to purchase property in fact I am frequently advised to get into BTL in the UK but I will not on principle.

I live in rent controlled accommodation here in Germany. It works, property prices are sensible, houses are for living in, not making easy money.
26 May 2009
UKIP have upped from 10 to 22 target seats they think they can win


Yeah, but the bookmakers (the people who stand to lose lots of money if they're wrong) are only expecting them to get a handful. One is even giving 100 to one odds of them getting 17+ seats.

The reason UKIP say they can is to convince voters they can, they're using American style campaigning (the most optimistic/positive candidate usually wins regardless of other factors) like Salmond based the Yes campaign on.
26 May 2009
Hum, interesting you took away the blue arrow links from the 'quotes' because i don't remember any of those, care to add them back in?

Here's one:

Cuchulain - you're a total idiot, and as such it's probably why you choose crap jobs because you haven't got the intelligence to do a real job

Seriously it would only have taken a second to search yourself. Now you look double silly for denying it lol.
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