Poll: General election voting round 4

Voting intentions in the General Election?

  • Alliance Party of Northern Ireland

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 276 39.5%
  • Democratic Unionist Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 41 5.9%
  • Labour

    Votes: 125 17.9%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 50 7.2%
  • Not voting/will spoil ballot

    Votes: 33 4.7%
  • Other party (not named)

    Votes: 5 0.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 3 0.4%
  • Respect Party

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 31 4.4%
  • Social Democratic and Labour Party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 128 18.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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18 Oct 2002
people are voting ukip because for example my childs school class is 36 people and about 5 of them are white.
Why is that a problem unless you are racist?

when he was at that schools nursery about 7 years ago almost the whole class was white or black British and just about everyone's first language was english
Now it's all foreign mothers hanging around the school gates talking foreign languages.
How dare they the shock! What do you want to do, make it illegal to speak another language?

Do you honestly think these children are not bringing down the quality of the school and the education the children receive ?
Nope, and it is widely proven not to. Immigrants, especially from the EU have a higher education standard on average than the general UK population. London has the highest rate of immigrants and has the highest educational performance and it has been proven that is directly due to the immigration at population.

And of course it's not just the school that feels the impact every public service in the area does too everything gets worse for the people who were living their already. (as if austerity measures weren't enough, I think we lost most our libraries and all our swimming pools) even the library that used to be inside my kids school vanished a few years ago because of funding issues
Immigrants contribute more to the UK economy than British people on average and therefore they can increase public services and increase funding. They are net contributors.

You probably have a nice posh house on a nice street in a predominantly white middle class area so don't see what's happening and don't really care as long as it's not in your back garden..
Wrong, I love living amount immigrants and a culturally diverse society. My neighbors are mix of Venezuelan, Mexican, Japanese and American.

It's not that everyone is suddenly RACIST it's legitimate concerns based on what they see happening around them.
People don't suddenly become racist, they always were. Immigrants just make an easy scapegoat when things don't go your own way. Drawing conclusions from anecdotes is not the basis for a reasoned opinion.

Immigration is out of control, far to many non english speakers who don't share the same values we do coming over here and virtually converting area into something unrecognisable to those who were living their happily for decades.
Immigration is m out of control at all. Can you provide any evidence that the majority of immigrants don't share the same values as British people, what ever that is.? I think you will find they all want the same things in life; a stable job, roof over their head,food on the table, a cold beer watching the football game, a healthy happy family.

no one would mind if people slowly trickled in and adapted to our way of life but they don't they all pile into one area and take it over crippling public services and schools.
The UK has one of the lowest immigration rates in the developed world. There is nothing to adapt to, they are just like you and me.

Luckily it's my sons last year at that school then he goes to a secondary school in a posh area where his education won't be crippled because a teacher has to spend so much time trying to help all the foreign born children keep up.

But ofcourse if none of the above is happening to your posh area then it's just racism!

D.P are you the guy who once openly admitted he owns a business and he likes the cheap labour?

No, it is racism when there is no logic or reasoning but biased personal feelings against people of a different race.

No, I don't own a bussiness.

Immigrants do not have negative effect on wages, it has been proven countless times. The only marginally significant effect is immigration increases average salaries for certain demographics.
30 Nov 2007
Bristol, UK
D.P up the meds mate and calm down. In this wonderful varied world I've learnt that my opinion whilst perfect in my own head isn't necessarily entirely right. Sometimes by a little bit and sometimes I'm a complete idiot.

A 2 digit % of this country like UKIP it seems by the poll. You could argue that the Reds and Blues haven't been doing whats right for the country depending on which side of the fence you are on.

Learn to respect that other people which may have an opinion that doesn't match yours.
21 Nov 2002
Why is that a problem unless you are racist?

How dare they the shock! What do you want to do, make it illegal to speak another language?

Nope, and it is widely proven not to. Immigrants, especially from the EU have a higher education standard on average than the general UK population. London has the highest rate of immigrants and has the highest educational performance and it has been proven that is directly due to the immigration at population.

Immigrants contribute more to the UK economy than British people on average and therefore they can increase public services and increase funding. They are net contributors.

Wrong, I love living amount immigrants and a culturally diverse society. My neighbors are mix of Venezuelan, Mexican, Japanese and American.

People don't suddenly become racist, they always were. Immigrants just make an easy scapegoat when things don't go your own way. Drawing conclusions from anecdotes is not the basis for a reasoned opinion.

Immigration is m out of control at all. Can you provide any evidence that the majority of immigrants don't share the same values as British people, what ever that is.? I think you will find they all want the same things in life; a stable job, roof over their head,food on the table, a cold beer watching the football game, a healthy happy family.

The UK has one of the lowest immigration rates in the developed world. There is nothing to adapt to, they are just like you and me.

No, it is racism when there is no logic or reasoning but biased personal feelings against people of a different race.

No, I don't own a bussiness.

Immigrants do not have negative effect on wages, it has been proven countless times. The only marginally significant effect is immigration increases average salaries for certain demographics.

As we have the smallest land size we should, population density is the problem.
25 Dec 2002
It's temping, and this thread would only be half as long. But i'm going to stick to my principles of never using the ignore list. It's an easy way out. Besides, i can't wait to rub his face in all of it when UKIP excess expectations

You mean when they get 3 MPs instead of 2 disgruntled ex Tories?
29 Dec 2007
Adelaide, South Australia
Well I'd like to try what they do in Australia - tow the boats back to wherever they came from.

That results in refoulement, which is illegal under Australia's own domestic law. The current Australian government is also in breach of its obligations under UN conventions.

No other government in Australian history has done this, and with good reason.
18 Oct 2002
D.P up the meds mate and calm down. In this wonderful varied world I've learnt that my opinion whilst perfect in my own head isn't necessarily entirely right. Sometimes by a little bit and sometimes I'm a complete idiot.

A 2 digit % of this country like UKIP it seems by the poll. You could argue that the Reds and Blues haven't been doing whats right for the country depending on which side of the fence you are on.

Learn to respect that other people which may have an opinion that doesn't match yours.

I'm perfectly calm, just extremely disappointed to see a rise in the extreme right in the UK.

I have absolutely zero issue with people having different opinions to my own, as long as those opinions are based on sound logic, evidence, facts and reason. I do have issue with people making opinions due to ignorance, phobia or hatred.
I'm not pushing my own opinion in this thread, merely pointing out where people are objectively wrong in their assertions.

The conservative May or may not have done what's right for the country and I respect any opinion either way. 67% of the population does think labour or the Tories are best, while only 13% think the UKIP would be best., but regardless of that, popular opinion means very little. Many people don't believe in evolution, many people don't believe in climate change,despite not having any understanding of the underlying science. Does that mean their opinion is correct, or has any relevance, or that we shouldn't try to educated such misguided people with facts and evidence?

You say things like respect and I am respectful of people who deserve to be respecte. Take aknor's post, I didn't call him racist must pointed out simple thing like if you are worried about skin colour then you are racist. Aknor can try to defend his statements, I haven't judged him but put him on trial.
18 Oct 2002
As we have the smallest land size we should, population density is the problem.

We don't have the smallest land size. Switzerland is far smaller and has a far higher level of immigration, and is also outside the EU with their own immigration control! And Britian is well behind the Nethelerlands, Belgium etc. For population density.
Last edited:
29 Dec 2007
Adelaide, South Australia
Tories: '32%, it's tight but we might still win this election or at least form a workable coalition.'

Labour: '34%, we have a slightly better chance of taking government than the Tories.'

29 Dec 2007
Adelaide, South Australia
Said nobody ever :rolleyes: :D

Not far off it though. Last year Farage said this:

'It is now not beyond the bounds of possibility that we hold the balance of power in another hung parliament.'

But I guess that's to be expected from the man who never met an EU handout he didn't like. After all, UKIP is a party of hypocritical populists scrounging off the European taxpayer.
29 Jul 2010
It's probably been mentioned but really....http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2015-32463038 :rolleyes:

David Cameron has been feeling the wrath of Twitter after saying in a speech that he supported West Ham when he is an Aston Villa fan.

The Conservatives said the reference was not in the PM's prepared speech.

Mr Cameron's apparently off-the-cuff remark came during a speech about his plan to increase opportunities for ethnic minority Britons

So that fills me with lots of confidence, the first time he goes 'off script' he can't even remember what team he is supposed to support :D
31 May 2009
It's probably been mentioned but really....http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2015-32463038 :rolleyes:

So that fills me with lots of confidence, the first time he goes 'off script' he can't even remember what team he is supposed to support :D

He was on script, he read it from an autocue, then corrected himself after. Hilarious writing from whoever generated the autocue :)
Always as bad as not being able to eat a bacon sandwich.


Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

Well, I sent off my postal vote yesterday - so my local candidate can do whatever he likes between now and the election, wont change my vote!
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