Poll: General election voting round 5 (final one)

Voting intentions in the General Election?

  • Alliance Party of Northern Ireland

    Votes: 3 0.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 403 42.2%
  • Democratic Unionist Party

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 59 6.2%
  • Labour

    Votes: 176 18.4%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 67 7.0%
  • Not voting/will spoil ballot

    Votes: 42 4.4%
  • Other party (not named)

    Votes: 8 0.8%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Respect Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 37 3.9%
  • Social Democratic and Labour Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 154 16.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Ironically Nige didn't have anything to complain about in 2010 when he was doing well and Labour were getting a hiding:


It's almost like public opinion affects how members of the public feel :O
Ironically Nige didn't have anything to complain about in 2010 when he was doing well and Labour were getting a hiding:


It's almost like public opinion affects how members of the public feel :O

You mean in 2010 when UKIP wasn't a threat to Lib/Lab/Con? Shocking!
I'll just leave this here -> http://www.theguardian.com/politics...idate-suspended-threatening-bullet-tory-rival

I went to school with Ranil, he was born in Britain, educated by the British state-schooling system and works in Britain. How much more do you need to do to be considered British?? :confused:

It's quite clear who is the better man of those two, it's not blay who's revealed himself to be a disgusting example of the sort of dross ukip are fielding this election.
You mean in 2010 when UKIP wasn't a threat to Lib/Lab/Con? Shocking!

By threat do you mean two seats or possibly 4? Inside you head maybe?

To be honest I don't really care, I don't get-off on politics in the same way you (and others from all sides) appear to, it's no more than a necessary evil every 5 years. All the bile and venom that's been spewed up in this thread, again from all sides is quite disturbing and it's not difficult to see why it's a huge turn off for most people.
if the BBC was truly biased, they wouldn't keep booking him onto the show. The BBC has given Farage a disproportionately large voice through Question Time.

I've explained this before, the reason they kept inviting them on what try to do the same to him as what they did to Nick Griffin and discredit him, what happened instead is that people saw that he wasn't the BNP v2.0 and started to gain popularity. That's when the BBC turned on him in a massive way.

Here's a embedded video of the Farage challenging the heckler in Thanet today

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You can spin it how you like, but one thing I was taught in history was to always analyze the source of data.

It's YouGov, I appreciate if you're feeling pedantic you might want to examine the questions in detail, but your implication was you didn't trust the result and wanted to examine it for possible errors. It would have been more gracious (less telling of your bias) to just accept the findings - that UKIP supporters are on average more racially prejudiced or outright racist. Are you genuinely surprised by this, really?

There is an argument to banning all links from the Daily Mail and the Guardian on this thread.

There's no argument for that.
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I've explained this before, the reason they kept inviting them on what try to do the same to him as what they did to Nick Griffin and discredit him, what happened instead is that people saw that he wasn't the BNP v2.0 and started to gain popularity. That's when the BBC turned on him in a massive way.

That still doesn't explain why UKIP are only polling between 13% - 15%, you would think with that exposure / free publicity he would be making tides.

Or is it that a large proportion of the electorate do not agree with what UKIP stand for or think they are capable of running the country
That still doesn't explain why UKIP are only polling between 13% - 15%, you would think with that exposure / free publicity he would be making tides.

Or is it that a large proportion of the electorate do not agree with what UKIP stand for.

How many elections did it take for the Lib-Dems to become big enough to effect change? It took UKIP one election cycle to do what Lib-Dems took decades to do. It's been a massive rise however you look at it, they came out of nowhere, a vast majority of people in the UK never even heard of UKIP 5 years ago

Going back to that video i posted, at least Farage was brave enough to meet local people instead of what Ed and Cameron did and hide behind activists all election, you have to at least admit that
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That still doesn't explain why UKIP are only polling between 13% - 15%, you would think with that exposure / free publicity he would be making tides.

Or is it that a large proportion of the electorate do not agree with what UKIP stand for or think they are capable of running the country

no it's becuase the media has colluded to mis-represent ukip as racist over zealous idiots who can't manage themselves let alone a country.

We stupid sheep can't make our own minds up.
It's YouGov, I appreciate if you're feeling pedantic you might want to examine the questions in detail, but your implication was you didn't trust the result and wanted to examine it for possible errors. It would have been more gracious (less telling of your bias) to just accept the findings - that UKIP supporters are on average more racially prejudiced or outright racist. Are you genuinely surprised by this, really?

Yes the implication is that I did not trust the result, you say it would be more gracious to just accept the findings, and a great deal less critical.

The reason I imply that I do not trust the results, is because it is completely contrary to my own personal experience.

and again, when you want to look at the accuracy of a poll, these questions need to be asked, some polls are more accurate than others.

In actual fact I suspect you reveal you're own bias,as if you were looking at a poll which didn't marry with you're own experience, you would be asking the same questions i am.
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