Poll: General election voting round 5 (final one)

Voting intentions in the General Election?

  • Alliance Party of Northern Ireland

    Votes: 3 0.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 403 42.2%
  • Democratic Unionist Party

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 59 6.2%
  • Labour

    Votes: 176 18.4%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 67 7.0%
  • Not voting/will spoil ballot

    Votes: 42 4.4%
  • Other party (not named)

    Votes: 8 0.8%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Respect Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 37 3.9%
  • Social Democratic and Labour Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 154 16.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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no it's becuase the media has colluded to mis-represent ukip as racist over zealous idiots who can't manage themselves let alone a country.

We stupid sheep can't make our own minds up.

I know your post was supposed to be sarcastic, but it's far more accurate then you know
I know it is it sadly

Politics in this country is a mess.

we have an apathetic nation that will moan when it's too late but do nothing about it when they can.

Cameron is ruining this country to keep his pals rich and there isn't a thing i can do to convince anyone about it becuase Labour are a ****ing joke at the moment.

The best thing about Tories getting 5 more years is that they can cut the rhetoric about fixing labours mess. Iceland managed banking reform and a new government but no one in this country knows about that because it's not in Rupert Murdoch's interest.

I suppose we should all just be happy we don't have to pay for oxygen yet.

Cameron is offering me more of my parents money but taking the care that they might need away so that they spend all their money on their care and I get none anyway :D (I don't care about the money I quite like my parents, just pointing out the double edged swords that come with every Tory promise. )
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The best thing about tories getting 5 more years is that they can cut the rhetoric about fixing labours mess.

Hang on there, let's not be so presumptuous. Labour were in power for 12 years therefore in politics the Tories use the 'nuclear half life calculator' meaning it will take roughly 6 terms to get us back to John Major levels of living. However if you remember those then you'll understand why 'New Labour' got in.
I think his point was that it tells you how to do it in English and two immigrant languages (obviously not a leaflet used in Wales lol).

Well I assume, like all generations of immigrants there will be some that don't learn English sufficiently enough to communicate well so I see no problem with that. After all many of the local authority messages I get posted contain exactly the same or a message with a phone number to presumably get a deeper explanation and there are very few immigrants where I live.
Yes the implication is that I did not trust the result, you say it would be more gracious to just accept the findings, and a great deal less critical.

The reason I imply that I do not trust the results, is because it is completely contrary to my own personal experience.

and again, when you want to look at the accuracy of a poll, these questions need to be asked, some polls are more accurate than others.

In actual fact I suspect you reveal you're own bias,as if you were looking at a poll which didn't marry with you're own experience, you would be asking the same questions i am.

I'm all for scepticism but you've got to apply it consistently. Only questioning a source like YouGov (whose entire business is reliable surveys) when you don't like the results smacks of a closed mind.

Anyway, all you had to do was 2 clicks - first to https://yougov.co.uk/news/2015/02/22/labour-lead-1/ - then "See the full poll results". Scroll down to p. 16 in the PDF to see the question wording. Presumably they correlated the answers with the "voting intentions" on the first page to arrive at proportions of voters with racist views.

If it doesn't correlate with your personal experience you shouldn't be surprised, your sample size is perhaps a few dozen, compared to 1,568 for that survey.

To respond to your final comment, I don't make a habit of digging into the methods of reliable (IMO) sources, whatever the findings, I haven't the time :D
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Hang on there, let's not be so presumptuous. Labour were in power for 12 years therefore in politics the Tories use the 'nuclear half life calculator' meaning it will take roughly 6 terms to get us back to John Major levels of living. However if you remember those then you'll understand why 'New Labour' got in.

I do understand

doesn't mean I'm not sick of it.
I missed it the first time, glad you reposted it as its a good read and makes a lot of sense.

Those bullet points from Oxfam are terrible. I've been sharing a lot of articles on the Conservatives' economic cover-ups but those really push home the human impact. :(

According to Oxfam, the government’s austerity policies have devastated Britain’s middle and working classes in a variety of ways:

  • As a result of austerity, an addition 800,000 British children will live in poverty over the next decade.
  • Over the same period, 1.5 million working age adults will fall into poverty.
  • By 2018, 900,000 public sector workers will have lost their jobs.
  • The bottom 10% of British earners will have seen their incomes fall 38% over this government’s five year term.
I'm all for scepticism but you've got to apply it consistently. Only questioning a source like YouGov (whose entire business is reliable surveys) when you don't like the results smacks of a closed mind.

Anyway, all you had to do was 2 clicks - first to https://yougov.co.uk/news/2015/02/22/labour-lead-1/ - then "See the full poll results". Scroll down to p. 16 in the PDF to see the question wording. Presumably they correlated the answers with the "voting intentions" on the first page to arrive at proportions of voters with racist views.

If it doesn't correlate with your personal experience you shouldn't be surprised, your sample size is perhaps a few dozen, compared to 1,568 for that survey.

To respond to your final comment, I don't make a habit of digging into the methods of reliable (IMO) sources, whatever the findings, I haven't the time :D

Well thank you for the 'guide', I do aim to be critical towards material regardless of whether it marries up with my expectations. So don't really consider myself closed minded, but then who would.

Quite simply, looking at the numbers of that poll, I don't think it can be considered evidence that supports the 'UKIP is predominately a racist party' narrative.
Those bullet points from Oxfam are terrible. I've been sharing a lot of articles on the Conservatives' economic cover-ups but those really push home the human impact. :(

The tory myth of being good with the economy has been a blight on this country all of my adult life:confused::mad:
Those bullet points from Oxfam are terrible. I've been sharing a lot of articles on the Conservatives' economic cover-ups but those really push home the human impact. :(

funny how all of them use future tense?

also oxfam really? the charity that refuses to treat male rape victims because it looks bad for the fundraisers?
Er just like billy big mouth at the golf club telling all and sundry to vote tory.

To be a community leader one must comand respect from the community, it is a position that is lost the moment a community stops respecting that member for whatever reason.

So what is wrong with a community leader advising the people of that community how to vote?

I have a problem with this sort of nonsense.


The guest of honour at the event where men and women were segregated was Sultan Mehmood Chaudhry - the former prime minister of Azad Kashmir in Pakistan.
The area is known as 'Little Britain' because so many people from the area ended up in the UK after its economy was shattered by the building of a dam in the 1960s.
It is believed that 70 per cent of all people of Pakistani-heritage living in the UK originate from this small area.
In 2010, an election year, the BBC spoke to Sultan Mehmood Chaudhry as he toured Britain.
He said he saw himself as a leader of the Mirpuri community, the people of Azad Kashmir, at home and in Britain.
Mr Chaudry is now back in the UK again, and was on the panel at the controversial event in Birmingham on Saturday where men and women appeared to be segregated.
He said in 2010: 'I always come during elections. It's basically so I can tell people how to vote and who to vote for.
'Most of the Pakistanis here are from Mirpur, and I am the MP from Mirpur, and I know the issues here and who will be the best candidates to help solve the issues in Kashmir.'

It isn't democracy. Remember what happened in Tower Hamlets.
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