Must confess to a number 1 accident.
Early morning flying out of Bristol airport on holiday with the missus.
Being the idiot i am, the idea of Stella at 6am is too good to resist.
Logic and reason sorted in my mind , all is fine - the logic being don't get drunk - the reason being - you wont be allowed to fly.
The thing i didn't take into account is i either don't have much of a bladder , or it just hates me.
Generally the first two pints just go straight though me, like flushing out a rusty barrel - straight in > straight out = no problems.
So after the initial flush out i knew i could pace myself for the next couple.
Come 8am and the flight is delayed for 30 minutes, most normal people would just sit back and chill, my bladder took that as a personal challenge ( by which time my head was goading it on ).
Another rushed pint and i was ready, so 5 Stellas in total with an airport cooked breakfast inside me, i was looking forward to a relaxed flight.
Another thing i hadn't taken into account was the sudden drop in temperature when you leave departure lounge and walk to the plane, it was ****ing freezing outside.
All of a sudden my bladder decided that it would punish me.
Got to our seats, remember the missus is with me, we put our baggage into the overheads etc
Still cold i thought i'd take a precautionry pre flight pee just in case, no show from Mr bladder.
Reassured by this, i started to relax in the knowledge that all was safe.
It must have been the ping sound over the intercom that really upset Mr Bladder, he clearly didn't want to listen to the flight crew safety anouncements or have a tight seatbelt put over him, but all hell broke loose.
I'd gone from semi-relaxed and looking forward to a kip to full bladder bursting in 2 seconds.
As much as i willed the cabin crew to skip bits, it didn't happen. Knowing full well that we had started moving anyway and you couldn't use the toilets for atleast another 5 minutes, my fate was set.
That moment when you give up the fight and just submit is reserved to people who have been there, mixed emotions covers it.
Looking back it is quite an achievement i managed to fully pee myself on a Thompson jet, sat right next to my missus and no-one noticed anything.
The covert usage of a jumper over the legs, combined with dark jeans - and i'd pulled it off.
I left my jeans in Turkey and had a nice holiday.
TLDR: It happens