Getting into Metal, need some recommendations!

What would Cinderella be classed as? Hard rock?

Cinderella - Gypsy Road would be worth checking out even if it doesnt meet the metal bill.

I like the Helloween suggestion btw, I love that song. :p
yeah cool lemmie know what you think about those bands!! :) all good, all kinda different too!!

I can recommend albums to get if you want more aswelll... :D
Sure most of these have been suggested but these are my personal recommendations:

Nevermore - This Godless Endevour (best album of recent years)
In Flames - Clayman (if you like it get the rest, they're mostly brilliant)
Pitchshifter - (just a brilliant brilliant album)
Metallica - Metallica, Master of Puppets (again get more of you like these)
Shadows Fall - The War Within
Iron Maiden - all (probably something like number of the beast first, although the latest is also very very good)
Judas Priest - again a lot of choice although British Steel is probably my fave
Megadeth - Go for Rust in Peace or Peace Sells
Children of Bodom - Hatebreeder (this album is FANTASTIC)
Dragonforce - Inhuman Rampage

Thats some stuff from the various areas of metal, see what you like and then you can get more recommendations from that area.

and Biomechanical are awesome, like pantera on acid :D
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penski said:
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Silence by Glassjaw
That's better. They're not really metal though...

Darkest Hour - Undoing Ruin or Deliver Us. Both are ****ing ace.
Docaroo said:
Please allow me to steer you in my direction.. out of the dark and into the enlightenment of Power Metal!!! Like Metal but better!
Good man, saves me linking anything.... Personally, from that list, I'd go for Gammaray or Blind Guardian. If you like Tolkein and you've read The Silmarillion, then you have to get Nightfall in Middle Earth by Blind of my favourites of all time and an amazing album.

However, my tiptop suggestion for a starter would be either Condition Red or Iron Savior by....err, Iron Savior. Classic metal with clear lyrics. ROAR! Excellent stuff - however, nothing like RATM or SOAD.
Why not just go back to the beginning grab some Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Deep Purple, Motorhead and start from there?
Problem is theres not a lot like SOAD and RATM, i suppose if you like RATM then you'd probably like Audioslave as well but i cant think of many bands like SOAD really, maybe Deftones? possibly One Minute Silence as well?
I like SOAD and I also like (so you may also like)

-Queens of the Stone Age
-Marilyn Manson :cool:

I know they are not metal BTW but neither are SOAD. :)
penski said:
indeed. it seems like hardly anyone has paid attention to what he likes ;)

Just trying to broaden his options at the start, before he becomes corrupted by opinion and narrow-mindedness :p

To the OP, if you only want bands that sound like those two, I'm going to have to bow gracefully out of this thread, because while I like them, I don't know anyone who really sounds like that! Why not try Myspace for some idea on what the suggested bands sound like - it's useful for having a little listen before you buy...(has to be useful for something! :D )

Not so harsh screamy but like old school thrash, one of their songs sounds like one of Trivums new songs though.

'Children Of Bodom' you might like them.

Thats all I can think of that isnt like super heavy.
alexthecheese said:
They have a new one? Ooh.

I remember the days of Deaf, Dumb, Blind. I loved that album way back. Tell me the Truth or whatever it is was one of my favourites, that and rosegrove. Cheesy as hell but really good fun.

Its called Life Will Kill You.

About 3 years ago I had the good fortune to see Clawfinger at a local pub called The Rigger.
The landlord was the president of the fan club and talked them into playing the pub.
I've been to quite a few concerts over the years but this was awesome and I stood at the end of the bar which is about 6 foot from the stage.
At the end of the night the singer (Zak) actually hit on me and I had to turn him down :D
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