if anyone has a spare xbox one code any chance I could have it? Didn't get one direct as usual.
Me to. Love to give this a try
if anyone has a spare xbox one code any chance I could have it? Didn't get one direct as usual.
If you could throw one my way, im yet to receive mine. My ubi id is: thunderpant2007
Thanks man
If you still have one I wouldn't mind having a bash at this.
Ubi I'd is razerbwfc
I've just invited a friend to beta but he cannot find the code any ideas where he will find it.
Check his email or account management at Ubisoft website
Very quick first initial response is:
So this is what happens when FarCry, The Division and Watch Dogs have a baby.
Can't invite you says you're already invited.
Cheers for trying mate. Still had no emails and account management says im not part of any betas
Have you just created your ubisoft account? My mate had and his issue was that he never verified his email address did that and the invite came through.
Nope had it years, got the 2 step verification set up too and still nothing.
I've got 2 codes left...any takers?
I've got 2 codes left...any takers?
yes please Moody41
Yes please,amicrowave54 is my ubisoft moniker