Ghosts? Are you a believer? I didn't really until this happened..

It's the ludricous specificity of the ghost. They always seem to fit the mentality of the person who wants to believe..

They always seem to be a lady in a long dress from the 1800 or a Soldier etc from the last 200 years because it fits the romantic fantasy of the place your staying etc..

Thousands of people die in hospitals, yet they aren't riddled with giatric ghosts in wheelchairs, hundreds of thousands of people died in field during wars, yet there not roaming the countryside.. Thousands of people have died in car crashes but there's not some headless guy holding his cycle helmet on the M34 roundabout.

It's never takes into account the boring nature of what a ghost would be if it was a real thing. It only ever fits the expected nature that is learnt from movies and hearsay.

Why is it always breathing that a ghost can make a sound of, but they can go Dave, Dave wake up, I want to have a chat..
Well said. Why is everything so cryptic in the spirit world from Ouija boards to anything that came out of Derek Acorah's mouth. And why isn't he, or his spirit guide 'Sam' reaching out to us.

I'm a "Swim-Dad". So I'm frequently up and about at 4am/5am. Both my boys swim, and they (and me!) have early starts several days a week. So it's not unusual for me to be wide awake. In fact, I'm so used to it now that I no longer need to set an alarm. I don't know if that's a good thing?!??

I'm also not a big drinker. Alcohol was definitely enjoyed, but not to blame here.

You probably don't have a few beers before taking your lads swimming and if you're not a big drinker and had a few beers then even more reaosn to suspect alcohol was a factor here.

People often don't fully realise how much it is affecting them, not saying you were black out drunk or stumbling into people etc.. but just that alcohol absoltely impacts your sleep. combine that with a strange environment + someone else being in the room and it's the obvous explanation here.

It's a much more plausible explanaiton that any pseudoscientific "ghost" claim.
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I can never understand why people are so closed minded to it, are they afraid or something? Electricity would have essentially been magic to us 300 years ago, but science caught up and now look. What if quantum mechanics or string theory will one day explain it? Personal I think maybe space time is folded on itself and the nodes where it touches might see time ‘echo’s’ or something like that.
Its not about being closed minded. We have to live in the reality we know today, not 300 years in the future.
As it currently stands ghosts are impossible due to the laws of thermodynamics. So if you believe in ghosts, or think they are possible you are basically saying that you don't believe in science at all.

You can obviously think what you like, but when its so devoid of any concept of reality it just comes across as nonsense.
Bear in mind that there is a wide acknowledgement that the theory of relativity whilst not complete due to issues like dark matter, it is also not wrong.

Electricity btw was first theorised in 600 BC and whilst we are at it no people didn't use to believe the earth was flat.. we had that figured out in 500BC. The human race is more intelligent than you imply.
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I think when we use the ghost word we're being presumptive.

I think the real question is, did something unusual happen?

For example the out of body experiences some people describe can be recreated using electricity passing through the brain. The human body is electric. We know when we die the brain creates high level readings, as proven when someone died while hooked up to a brain scan machine.

So these incidents could be clouds of electricity floating around and our senses read it in a certain way.
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