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Gibbo is getting an R600!!

Gibbo said:
Hi there

OK got the Fear benchmark running.

NVIDIA drivers set too Quality and let 3D application decide.

In game setting are 4x FSAA and 16x Anistrophic with everything else on maximum. Is that the highest it can go?

1280x1024x32 = 53/108/279fps (Windows XP)
1920x1200x32 = 34/67/158fps (Windows XP)

How does that seem guys?

put soft shadows off :)
Hamoodii said:
Gibbo, run the source particle test!

Hi there

A post like this does not help me. I don't have a clue what your talking about and even worse don't know where to get what your talking about m8.

I am taking my Farcry into work tomorrow and will give that a go. I am sure with everything maxed at 1920x1200 that game should bring a GTX to its knees and even an R600.

I am also going to build a similar high-spec AMD 6000 system too, only difference is the AMD system will cost circa £500 less just to see if one really does need that quad core power. obviously I am fully aware one can save a similar amount by just using an E6600 too though and clocking it to 3.5GHz. I just want to see how AMD is comparing now their CPU's are silly cheap due to yesterdays price drop. As an AMD 6000 is less than £200 :)
Gibbo said:
Hi there

A post like this does not help me. I don't have a clue what your talking about and even worse don't know where to get what your talking about m8.

I am taking my Farcry into work tomorrow and will give that a go. I am sure with everything maxed at 1920x1200 that game should bring a GTX to its knees and even an R600.

I am also going to build a similar high-spec AMD 6000 system too, only difference is the AMD system will cost circa £500 less just to see if one really does need that quad core power. obviously I am fully aware one can save a similar amount by just using an E6600 too though and clocking it to 3.5GHz. I just want to see how AMD is comparing now their CPU's are silly cheap due to yesterdays price drop. As an AMD 6000 is less than £200 :)

sorry! OK what if I was to send in a copy of company of heroes to OcUK?
chaparral said:
:eek: that very low for a C2D at 3gz

Am getting 38/67/157 at 1920x1200 4xAA 16xAF all setting at max with a AMD 4400 cpu (2400mhz) and my 8800gtx at stock speeds of 576/900

So basically 8800gtx and this r600 are equal in fear and neither are restricted by the cpu.

Could you run HL2 benchmark with everything on full please Gibbo :)
Maybe use the Lost Coast one with full HDR :)
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silversurfer said:
So basically 8800gtx and this r600 are equal in fear and neither are restricted by the cpu.

Could you run HL2 benchmark with everything on full please Gibbo :) Maybe the
addon one would stress it more, I forget the name, its full of HDR
Erm no Gibbo is benching a GTX.
Gibbo said:
Hi there

How come m8?

If enabled, Soft Shadows adds a bit of a haze to the edge of cast shadows to create a more realistic shadow appearance. The comparison is shown in the screenshots above. Unfortunately this method also brings with it a massive performance hit (at times halving FPS), and it is strongly recommended that all users disable Soft Shadows for optimal performance with little to no noticeable image quality loss. Note that enabling Soft Shadows along with FSAA is not recommended, and can result in graphical glitches. Further note that on ATI graphics cards enabling Soft Shadows along with Pixel Doubling (see below) results in a black screen - this is a known driver bug.
Hamoodii said:
If enabled, Soft Shadows adds a bit of a haze to the edge of cast shadows to create a more realistic shadow appearance. The comparison is shown in the screenshots above. Unfortunately this method also brings with it a massive performance hit (at times halving FPS), and it is strongly recommended that all users disable Soft Shadows for optimal performance with little to no noticeable image quality loss. Note that enabling Soft Shadows along with FSAA is not recommended, and can result in graphical glitches. Further note that on ATI graphics cards enabling Soft Shadows along with Pixel Doubling (see below) results in a black screen - this is a known driver bug.

Hi there

The Pixel doubling, I had as disabled as do not know what it does. Does this improve image quality further and as such put more strain on the card?
Firegod said:
Pixel Doubling should be disabled. If enabled it lowers IQ (AFAIK).

correct...pixel doubling effectively doubles the size of the pixel...meaning far less rendering for the GPU to do...and does definietly lower IQ

pretty dumb option if you ask me...why not just lower the resolution:confused:
Gibbo said:
I just want to see how AMD is comparing now their CPU's are silly cheap due to yesterdays price drop. As an AMD 6000 is less than £200 :)
I heard another reseller saying something like they wont be dropping the prices until it filters through to their purchase price or words to that effect. I havent been keeping an eye on AMD cpu prices but have they changed yet, in light of yesterday's price list rearranging (anyone)?

I was reading

"This way AMD admits openly that this processor family can no longer compete with the fastest representatives of the Intel Core 2 Duo family. In other words, AMD Athlon 64 X2 will no longer be positioned as a high-end solution: now it is just a dual-core solution for mainstream and budget systems."

Gibbo said:

If there are other programmes/benchmarks which are available free to dowload, post me a link and we shall happily run that too. Please bear in mind we won't be going out buying games but if anyone provides a link to a free legal download we shall happily test that too.

chaparral said:
This game is meant to be a system killer...
Because it pushes the limits of current tech or is a badly coded console port?
silversurfer said:
Well you can make that judgement yourself based on how it looks and plays I guess?
Not really, read the quote from Gibbo in my last post; if he doesnt have the game or a link to a freely available download (i.e. demo), then he isnt going to test it. Remember he is in OcUK and not in same secret aladins cave of every game released for PC.
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