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Gibbo is getting an R600!!

melbourne720 said:
When Gibbo has an 8800 Ultra being delivered to him, we'll worry about it then :p

I'd be more worried about how much my card will depriciate in ££'s before a game that "stresses" them (R600/8800 Ultra) comes out:)

Gibbo said:
If 8x AF and 8x AA on an NV card the same as 8x AF and 8x AA on an ATI card?

Leaving aside Xfire etc, ATi will only have max 6xAA available (unless they give more options on the R600 drivers), and nvidia doesn't (IIRC) have 6x .... for the benefiit of comparison I would leave AA at 4x ... most prospective owners of these cards will run that as minimum.
likewise I would go for 8 or 16 AF, we want to know how things compare at high settings, thats surely the point of these beasts ;)

Run whatever you can at those settings, and at 1920x1200, that should give us an idea of what the cards can do, and if you can get hold of STALKER to run a fraps test on, that would be a good game to test the raw power of these cards as it is pretty poorly coded IMO :)
Vogon said:
Leaving aside Xfire etc, ATi will only have max 6xAA available (unless they give more options on the R600 drivers), and nvidia doesn't (IIRC) have 6x .... for the benefiit of comparison I would leave AA at 4x ... most prospective owners of these cards will run that as minimum.
likewise I would go for 8 or 16 AF, we want to know how things compare at high settings, thats surely the point of these beasts ;)

Run whatever you can at those settings, and at 1920x1200, that should give us an idea of what the cards can do, and if you can get hold of STALKER to run a fraps test on, that would be a good game to test the raw power of these cards as it is pretty poorly coded IMO :)

Hi there

Well some of the games don't seem to like 16x AF, is that due to an NV driver setting or only having one card?
Doom3 setting to 16x AF makes the graphic settings all reset right down to 640x480, it only likes going upto 8x AF.

Farcry seems to be way quicker at 16x AF and 8x AA then it is at 8x AF and 8x AA which makes me assume it does not like something and as such is actually disabling AF and AA alltogether.

Only game that seems to run without issue at 16x AF is FEAR.
LoadsaMoney said:
Nothing :confused:

Hes just getting the GTX benched for when his R600 arrives tomorrow (hopefully), so we get an idea how it performs. :)

It will be as good as the nvidia offerings with the bonus of driver support...end of Story ;)

Gibbo did the same with the X1950XTX, Told us all how great it was etc..

Just give us some important info Like Noise,Heat and real power requirements and don't get to involved in the bs World of benchmarks
sunlitsix said:
in the drivers set AA and AF options to application controlled, then set AA/AF using in game options only
this way there shouldnt be any conflicts

HI m8

Thats exactly what I have been doing, yet I still have those issues.

I shall run the ATI card under the same exact setting as possible to give as fair comparison as possible.

Yes I shall comment on heat and noise plus definetely. Afterall the proper reviews that come out at launch time will be far more in depth than I can offer plus by that time there will probably be proper drivers out. The drivers I shall be using are very early/beta ones but hopefully they will let me do what I need too.
How can you say it will have good driver support, its a new card so they will have to do drivers for it, who's to say they will be any better than nvidia atm, although they can't be any worse.
Erm... as ATi release an official WHQL set every month so it will have decent driver support, can you tell me when Nvidia started doing this, were in April now so the 8 series has had 6 sets of official WHQL drivers now has it, nope only had 3, the last 2 sets being 3 months apart, is that decent support then, i don't think so. :)
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Jabbs said:
How can you say it will have good driver support, its a new card so they will have to do drivers for it, who's to say they will be any better than nvidia atm, although they can't be any worse.

Please !, ATI have taken quite a kick in the nuts regarding high end DX10 cards, they would not even show there face if their new product was not ready to run reasonably in Vista
Its not just ATi's XP drivers that are relased every month, they also release a full set of official WHQL Vista drivers every month to, have done since Vista was released, you can't say that about Nvidia. :)

Its in both XP and Vista were ATi are giving decent support.

ATi = full set of WHQL official drivers every month for both XP and Vista.

Nvidia = 3x sets of WHQL Official XP drivers in over 5 months, not sure how many Official WHQL Vista driver sets they have released, but they dont do drivers every month, last Official WHQL Vista drivers 100.65 released Feb 20th, were now in April.

Answers on a postcard please as to who has decent driver support in both XP and Vista. :D
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Gibbo said:
HI m8

Thats exactly what I have been doing, yet I still have those issues.

I shall run the ATI card under the same exact setting as possible to give as fair comparison as possible.

Yes I shall comment on heat and noise plus definetely. Afterall the proper reviews that come out at launch time will be far more in depth than I can offer plus by that time there will probably be proper drivers out. The drivers I shall be using are very early/beta ones but hopefully they will let me do what I need too.
Gibbo will you be running two systems at the same time along side each other ,Each with there own 24" monitor ..(one with the 8800gtx,other with the R600) ???
chaparral said:
Gibbo will you be running two systems at the same time along side each other ,Each with there own 24" monitor ..(one with the 8800gtx,other with the R600) ???

Hi there

Nope once I have finished benching the GTX, I shall uninstall the drivers and remove it. Then put the ATI card in and start the benching process again. So as fair as it gets really. :)
Perfect_Chaos said:
Hope its 20% faster at least in most tests, kind of ridiculous if its not since the 8800 gtx has been out over 5 months already.

That's dreaming My friend ! GPU's have got to where CPU's were a year of so back, Die shrinks and Multiple cores are required to get big boosts not least because of the thermal constraints. For more than a Year the top GFX cards make too much heat and use too much power
JAKUS said:
That's dreaming My friend ! GPU's have got to where CPU's were a year of so back, Die shrinks and Multiple cores are required to get big boosts not least because of the thermal constraints. For more than a Year the top GFX cards make too much heat and use too much power
The 8800gtx is not that far from double the speed of cards from only about a year ago...
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