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Gibbo is getting an R600!!

Gerard said:
lol everyone waiting here bricking it to see some scores :p

Knowing ati though the delivery was delayed. :eek:

I have my home email diverted to work so everytime someone posts to this thread I get a notify popup on screen. The boss was stood behind me and about 5 emails poped up in a row :)

Come on Gibbo get your finger out b4 I get sacked :)

Deks said:
I have my home email diverted to work so everytime someone posts to this thread I get a notify popup on screen. The boss was stood behind me and about 5 emails poped up in a row :)

Come on Gibbo get your finger out b4 I get sacked :)


What area do you work in? Perhaps everyone could fill the first line or two with a work-topic abstract! :D

I'm waiting for the all important 3d mark 06 score...
melbourne720 said:
What area do you work in? Perhaps everyone could fill the first line or two with a work-topic abstract! :D

I'm waiting for the all important 3d mark 06 score...

LOL, for my sins I work as a Design Engineer. Boring as hell, glued to the monitor all day. The highlight of my day are these popups :)

The problem I have is how much money I end up spending on the computer bits I didn't even realise I needed :) Altho my purchase of the Samsung 226BW the other week was well worth it :)


EDIT PS hence the reason i'm following this thread as I now need a new gfx card to go with the monitor :)
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It either hasnt came or they are all crowding around starring at it. Or im guessing some one in the office has drooled all over it and killed it. :p

Or they are in shock over how rubbish it is. :D

Or Gibbo is sitting at his PC making a list of all the people to ban who are telling him to hurry up. ;)

*Im not by the way*
Thats probably Vista's fault though!

Am also waiting for the R600 results. :)

Yep both Nv and ATi Vista drivers will be crap, will take a good few revisions before they get anywhere decent, im not suprised seen as Vista is a whole new OS, theres no way in hell that their first ever Vista drviers are going to be absolutely amazing etc..., but ATi will get there long before Nvidia though as they release a full set every month, Nvidia have only released 1x single set which was 20th Feb. :D :D

You never know Gibbo could have the card now, so he may be putting it through its paces already then BOOM, we'll get the big post with all results etc... after hes done and dusted. :cool:
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Id love to know wtf people are doing to get bluescreens in vista, ive numerous games instaled on vista 64 with an x1900xt and ive yet to have any crashes. :confused:
LoadsaMoney said:
You never know Gibbo could have the card now, so he may be putting it through its paces already then BOOM, we'll get the big post with all results etc... after hes done and dusted. :cool:

Well results will probably be limited to "it runs great" or somethig along those lines, still an NDA in effect if he were to give actual benchmark numbers i couldn't see ati being hapy about it.
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