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Gibbo is getting an R600!!

steve258 said:
But looking at this pic there are 8 thermal pads on the backplate meaning there are 8 more chips at the back?


Those pics are old hash... if you take note of what Gibbo said the card is the same length as the GTX soooooo those pics being of the OEM version with the special mounting bracket on it suggest that the one that Gibbo is working with looks nothing like it - nice eye candy tho...
Gibbo said:
HI there

This is indeed the case, the ATI cooler exhaust the heat effectively out of the case in comparison to the NVIDIA design.

Its now ran 3D Mark 2005 and 2006, I am pleased with the results. :)

In a completely unrelated question, Gibbo, in year 06, what was your favourite fruit?

10,000 Lemons
11,000 Apples
12,000 Bananas
13,000 Oranges
14,000 Plums
16,000 Pomegranates
18,000+ Lychees
SteveOBHave said:
Are you pleased or are you 'really' pleased? On a rating of 1-10 where 1 is pap and 10 is stunning and 5 is kinda similar to a 8800GTX how pleased are you?

HI there

I dunno you guys. The performance is good in benchmark and games but I am not a professional reviewer/test but I think thats the most I can really say, official reviews will show the results and then you can all decide for yourselves.

If ATI do price it cheaper as suggested by other post on these forums not by myself and due to the extra features it has I am sure it will be quite a popular card, especially due to ATI's better driver/game support, especially under Vista. :)
Lolcb said:
Similar to GTX lmao.

I bet that sentence basically just gave a shock to those who have been waiting for half a year.

Considering it was meant to be out at the same time as the 8800 and obviously woulda performed similarly...lemme think.....NO?
Gibbo said:
HI there

I dunno you guys. The performance is very good in benchmark and games but I think thats the most I can really say, maybe a 5/6 on your scale thingy.

If ATI do price it cheaper as suggested by other forum users or post from other websites I am sure it will be quite a popular card, especially due to ATI's better driver/game support, especially under Vista. :)

So the question to Gibbo is .

You get rid of your 8800 for a R600 ? :p
Gibbo said:
HI there

I dunno you guys. The performance is very similar to GTX in benchmark and games but I think thats the most I can really say, maybe a 5/6 on your scale thingy.

If ATI do price it cheaper as suggested by other post on this forum by others and reports on other website, I am sure it will be quite a popular card, especially due to ATI's better driver/game support, especially under Vista. :)

I guess that is not unexpected and as you say the mighty wallet normally has the last say. ATI may well squeek in with a rather nice little package and lets be honest with ourselves, the success of these things is not really rated on which is faster (unless you're a speed freak) but how user friendly it is and how much bang for buck we can get.

As an aside, it strikes me as a smart move to produce a card with similar capabilities (or a slightly nicer package) and sell it for slightly less - if you can move significantly more units at a more reasonable price you can almost gaurentee that there is more profit involved.

IMO Nvidia should be doing everything in it's not insignificant power to fix it's drivers - it already has a stonking piece of kit - now get it working sweetly.
Gerard said:
Considering it was meant to be out at the same time as the 8800 and obviously woulda performed similarly...lemme think.....NO?

Why would you make a card so much better than your competitors, when you can milk it out of the consumers.

R600 will probably beat 8800
the Nvidia will come back with 8900 and then the R650 will take the crown, etc etc etc etc.
SteveOBHave said:
I guess that is not unexpected and as you say the mighty wallet normally has the last say. ATI may well squeek in with a rather nice little package and lets be honest with ourselves, the success of these things is not really rated on which is faster (unless you're a speed freak) but how user friendly it is and how much bang for buck we can get.

As an aside, it strikes me as a smart move to produce a card with similar capabilities (or a slightly nicer package) and sell it for slightly less - if you can move significantly more units at a more reasonable price you can almost gaurentee that there is more profit involved.

IMO Nvidia should be doing everything in it's not insignificant power to fix it's drivers - it already has a stonking piece of kit - now get it working sweetly.

Hi there

Agreed, the GTX is fantastic and I doubt people will get the ATI card already have a GTX unless they really dislike the driver/vista issues. However for people who have waited then the R600 will no doubt prove to be a very good alternative to NV's offering. :)
The bottom line is a GTX is fast (for now).
This card is around equal in performance, isnt the top end version, takes heat out of the case better, is at least as quiet, has at least equal IQ, has better vista drivers and will cost less .... so far so good :cool:

Now the question is do we wait for the top end one, or get one of these in a few weeks time ....
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dante6491 said:
lolcb remember this is the gts of the ati world

Im sorry mate, let us put a point clear here.

It doesn't matter that it is the GTS in the ATI world, the fact is that ATI has 6-7 months to improvise on their product, but having such a long time, they still only managed to make their XT model's performance similar to a GTX. So what does this imply, XTX being 5-10% faster?

And considering the fact that Nvidia is supposedly going to launch a higher end model - 8800 Ultra? So at the end of the day, Nvidia still has the stronger performing card, no?
I dont see why posting pics would not be allowed, pics of both cards (retail and oem) have already appeared on the net and have been around for weeks now. Dunno why they'd stop you from showing what people have already seen.

NDA = totally retarded mosta the time, ooh they might see what the card looks like....umm wtf, youd think that by looking at a card with the core and ram covered by the cooler people would magically know the benchmark results or something. :mad:
Lolcb said:
Im sorry mate, let us put a point clear here.

It doesn't matter that it is the GTS in the ATI world, the fact is that ATI has 6-7 months to improvise on their product, but having such a long time, they still only managed to make their XT model's performance similar to a GTX. So what does this imply, XTX being 5-10% faster?

And considering the fact that Nvidia is supposedly going to launch a higher end model - 8800 Ultra? So at the end of the day, Nvidia still has the stronger performing card, no?

Fanboyism !
SteveOBHave said:
Those pics are old hash... if you take note of what Gibbo said the card is the same length as the GTX soooooo those pics being of the OEM version with the special mounting bracket on it suggest that the one that Gibbo is working with looks nothing like it - nice eye candy tho...

I wasn't referring to the card Gibbo has but the top end model featuring 1Gb VRAM - I am aware that he has the retail version and that the cooler in pic is the OEM version, doesn't change the fact that there maybe 8 RAM chips at the back though, perhaps not on Gibbo's card as it has only 512Mb VRAM but the top end model sporting 1Gb VRAM, unless the photos were fake from the start...
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