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Gibbo is getting an R600!!

fornowagain said:
Unless you're on the verge of buying a GTX?

Touche! I am in the same position but I don't think even a preliminary review with 3D mark scores from Gibbo would make my mind up for me - I'd really want to see some proper reviews and benchmarks before buying.
easyrider said:
I don't game in vista.I have no interest in Vista at least until service pack 1 in all honesty.

I use XP. I do have a dual boot with vista but rarely boot to it.

Ahh well at least you are getting the full benefits from your card ;) . Lets hope that Nvidia have got it right before SP1 for Vista though.

About the R600 though:

Slightly faster than GTX and at the same price as a 640Mb model GTS and with more support in one day than Nvidia have had in over half a year is a great achievement. This is also on the lower model with modded drivers too. I know they have been behind all this time Easy but at least they have Vista figured out and if the price plans have any truth behind it then it's a late but very hot product.

You can get to your stock GTX score in 3dmark06 with your GTS I'm sure I've heard you mention. For about the same price as a 640mb model and you have faster at stock than you can achieve on your GTS overclocked. This is also on the lower model with unreleased drivers.

So please don't hate the R600 Easy. It's late but it's here and we might get the choice of paying nothing near expected with the best performance on the planet.
I will be waiting for the R650, when the time comes to upgrade in summer, I will buy C2D etc... then save for new PSU then buy an R650, unless Nvidia gets some real drivers out out with the 8800, in with the R650.
Gerard said:
Hmm another guy who supposodly has one but no pics or anything to back it up?

Dynasty is a great overclocker. I've read many of his threads with his extreme overclocking on CPU, RAM and Graphics. I'm sure he's written a Bios for a card also.

He gets many Engineering Samples and his hands on stuff before it's out so I believe he will have one. I actually believed the lead was going to be greater but after seeing a very reputable overclockers view on it I am somewhat deflated.

Saying that though it's still to be officially released and if it's in the GTS price range then they are still onto a winner until Nvidia either drop their own prices or releases their next offering.
Gerard said:
Hmm another guy who supposodly has one but no pics or anything to back it up?

Dnyasty is a regular there and his word is as good as gospel for me, the guy is a HARDCORE overclocker in a true sense of the word and is always getting the latest kit before anyone else. He also has money coming out of his ears and will buy mounds of kit at a time no expense spared. /jealous.

Tute said:

Richdog said:
Dnyasty is a regular there and his word is as good as gospel for me, the guy is a HARDCORE overclocker in a true sense of the word and is always getting the latest kit before anyone else. He also has money coming out of his ears and will buy mounds of kit at a time no expense spared. /jealous.


Well, dunno why he hasn't posted some pics or at least told us what the clockspeeds for it are. Not like he's bound by any kind of NDA.
Richdog said:
Dnyasty is a regular there and his word is as good as gospel for me, the guy is a HARDCORE overclocker in a true sense of the word and is always getting the latest kit before anyone else. He also has money coming out of his ears and will buy mounds of kit at a time no expense spared. /jealous.


Jealous hehe. Just a bit :rolleyes: .

I missed a great 3700+ he was selling for £100 after the 3700+ I paid £230 for was only hitting 2.7Ghz with 1.6v :(.

The guy does some crazy overclocking. Pun or newpun (forget the name) is another one that's been getting some crazy overclocks too. I have to thank extreme overclockers for learning me to overclock. Great place Dog :D .

Gerard said:
Well, dunno why he hasn't posted some pics or at least told us what the clockspeeds for it are. Not like he's bound by any kind of NDA.

He's part of XS and Extreme Overclockers and is also from USA I believe. Not sure if he's part of these forums.
Cyber-Mav said:
my predictions are comming true, i said that the r600 would be crap. and the confirmation is now comming to pass. ;)

I think that's a little strong old Chap ! But it looks like My thoughts of it being a Cooler/more efficient equal may be wrong also
Gerard said:
Well, dunno why he hasn't posted some pics or at least told us what the clockspeeds for it are. Not like he's bound by any kind of NDA.

I'm sure he has his reasons... the guy has been a regular at EOCF for a long, long time. He's always been an honest guy as long as i've seen him post.

J.D said:
The guy does some crazy overclocking. Pun or newpun (forget the name) is another one that's been getting some crazy overclocks too. I have to thank extreme overclockers for learning me to overclock. Great place Dog :D .

Haha yeah a lot of people start out there, it's a good community and can be a lot of fun! Certainly a lot of knowledgeable people there. :)
J.D said:
So please don't hate the R600 Easy. It's late but it's here and we might get the choice of paying nothing near expected with the best performance on the planet.


I don't hate any bit of hardware.Just like I don't love any bit of hardware.

I have said this and I will say it again.I don't get precious about it all.

Its not got a personality or anything its nothing to me other than a tool to get things done.

I use and abuse hardware on a daily basis and am quite dissapointed in fact that the GFX arena is yet stagnant again 6 months after the release of the G80.

Cpu section is more interesting at the mo.With new chips and AMD quad coming.

R600 is hardly exciting.
easyrider said:
R600 is hardly exciting.
According to Gibbo the XT is about as fast as a GTX and costs less. Pair this with full HDMI support, even dedicated onboard audio processing, and you do indeed have something exciting.

Oh wait, it's made by ATI. Of course it's not exciting for easyrider! :D

JAKUS said:
What NDA did You sign :confused: :confused:
Oh he signed one, then he woke up. :p
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