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Gibbo is getting an R600!!

Cyber-Mav said:
ahh that makes sense, so they gonna pass gibbo's card on to another person for a preview. so nda has to be in place so that one guy doesn;t spill the beans for all other people? kind of makes sense.

Hi m8

Yes this is correct and yes anyone who the card(s) are given to will have to sign the NDA.
Gibbo said:
They help and do cause much fustration because I will want to tell you guys but if I do then I will get shot and most certainly won't get such an early preview again.

but the fustration drums up a lot of interest (looks at page count) nearly 15 pages in 1 day? ;) well so far it sounds decent, not mind blowing but R650 is where its at with the 65mm imo. Cant wait :)
Cyber-Mav said:
gibbo do you think the new driver interface is better than the older control panel and in your opinion would you use it over tray tools?

The drivers are better, can't say too much but I am sure when people get to see/use them they too will be equally impressed. :)
Last time I used tray tools was a long time ago and never liked it, but it was a very long time ago so things have no doubt changed so can't comment on that really.
Cyber-Mav said:
ahh that makes sense, so they gonna pass gibbo's card on to another person for a preview. so nda has to be in place so that one guy doesn;t spill the beans for all other people? kind of makes sense.
The nda is more about not spoiling the official launch than review sites. They will have a limited number of cards even for a company the size of AMD and there are lots of grumby mits waiting to get there hands on them. No more the preserve of 'exclusive' previews of things with very odd exceptions, somewhere like Tom's or Anand's will get more time due to the bigger traffic.
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Gibbo said:
Hi there

First of half of this thread is full of pointless dribble, petty argumentive post and the last time I remember having such kind of arguments was back in primary school.

I won't allow this kind of dribble in the hardware forums, if you want to talk crap, randomly insult and troll post then either visit GD or some other forums but don't do it here.

You know who you are and if it carries on I am just gonna suspend accounts. This thread is too talk about new hardware and constructively.

I've signed an NDA and I work for overclockers UK and therefor I cannot break this NDA unless I am given permission to do or until it expires. The other chap who also supposedly has one will also be under the same NDA. The only way you can get one of these cards is to be nominated by ATI and then agree and sign their NDA. This is why the other guy who says he has one can also not post any pictures, benchmark results or exact specifications.

I want to tell you guys more but I really can as I will get my hands slapped and AMD is a big powerful company so its not wise for me to upset them. I am very honored and priviledged that ATI/AMD have given me a card to test for 24 hours and hopefully them might let me tell you guys more soon, time will have to tell.

Now keep the thread on topic and your post constructive, THANK YOU PLEASE!!

to be honest you should never have posted the fact you were gonna get the card if you cant give out any details, its just like laughing in our faces, why does ATI do this? why give out a card then make people sign agreements the only reason for it would be that they are scared by thier competition and dont wanna give too many details away, this is why i have came to the conclusion that it will either be on par with the 8800gtx or 10% faster but will consume at least 25% more power, i have an x1900xt an im fed up with how much power it consumes, im gonna wait for the second generation of dx10 cards and buy a mid range card because lets be honest we dont need all that power all i do is play source which aint that demanding a game, i bought fear and hated it and have hated all other new games too, im gonna stick to my ps3 and xbox 360 for my gaming needs until a game comes out that can beat source, call of duty 2 was a great fav too of mine for a month or two.

gibbo its nice you have been given the card, but i dont understand the reasoning behind it. why give you it if you cant promote it? maybe its a marketing thing and they think you will buy a lot of stock when you know how powerful it is. this is all specualtion for all we know it could turn out to be a flop, with it consumin more power than a 8800GTX even if it was twice as powerful i still wouldnt buy one, Ati need to work on an efficient solution we need graphic card that consume a maximum of 150 watts and should consume about 50 watts idle.

noboy really needs all this power lets be honest we hardly ever game and those that do wont be playing games that demand the best in graphics, oblivion was as boring as me brushing my teeth, i want fast action paced games, i think the next best thing will be crysis but the developers have already said a pc built 3 years ago should be able to run it fine.

i know easyrider likes to have the best in hardware all the time, but easy take it easy as your name suggests and only upgrade once every 1.5 years you will save a lot of money and maybe all these flamers would leave you alone, although you have made valuable findings when it comes to CPU overclocking when it comes to graphics cards they are beaten every 3 months by thier newest counterpart
Psycho Sonny said:
to be honest you should never have posted the fact you were gonna get the card if you cant give out any details, its just like laughing in our faces, why does ATI do this? why give out a card then make people sign agreements the only reason for it would be that they are scared by thier competition and dont wanna give too many details away, this is why i have came to the conclusion that it will either be on par with the 8800gtx or 10% faster but will consume at least 25% more power, i have an x1900xt an im fed up with how much power it consumes, im gonna wait for the second generation of dx10 cards and buy a mid range card because lets be honest we dont need all that power all i do is play source which aint that demanding a game, i bought fear and hated it and have hated all other new games too, im gonna stick to my ps3 and xbox 360 for my gaming needs until a game comes out that can beat source, call of duty 2 was a great fav too of mine for a month or two.

gibbo its nice you have been given the card, but i dont understand the reasoning behind it. why give you it if you cant promote it? maybe its a marketing thing and they think you will buy a lot of stock when you know how powerful it is. this is all specualtion for all we know it could turn out to be a flop, with it consumin more power than a 8800GTX even if it was twice as powerful i still wouldnt buy one, Ati need to work on an efficient solution we need graphic card that consume a maximum of 150 watts and should consume about 50 watts idle.

noboy really needs all this power lets be honest we hardly ever game and those that do wont be playing games that demand the best in graphics, oblivion was as boring as me brushing my teeth, i want fast action paced games, i think the next best thing will be crysis but the developers have already said a pc built 3 years ago should be able to run it fine.

i know easyrider likes to have the best in hardware all the time, but easy take it easy as your name suggests and only upgrade once every 1.5 years you will save a lot of money and maybe all these flamers would leave you alone, although you have made valuable findings when it comes to CPU overclocking when it comes to graphics cards they are beaten every 3 months by thier newest counterpart

Not aimed agressively but how do you not understand it.

You have a product launch for X and firstly don't want everyone spoiling your big day but want to make sure when zero hour hits every man and his dog is telling the world about product X. NDA protects your big expensive / exclusive party but review sites have a chance to get themselves ready and retailers get a chance to play with the thing in the hope they are impressed and order lots.

Nda are like birthday presents, friends / family might know but not allowed to give the game away until whoevers birthday it is opens the box (in this case AMD). You get retailers samples much in the same way the film companies loan dvd / video screeners so a retailer watches X film in advance of its retail release, hopefully impressed by it and orders more copies than would have otherwise.
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Gibbo said:
Hi there

I cannot say too much, but the card is well built, good quality, is quiet even when underload and is cooler running then previous ATI cards.

Performance wise everyone will have to wait but I think everyone will be impressed with its performance, especially if suggested pricing from other threads and articles from other websites are to be believed. I really cannot say anything or I will get my ass kicked from AMD. As soon as I can you guys will know more. :)

hi gibbo.......is this card quieter than the 8800gtx then???.........Noise has become a bit of a bugbear fro me lately.....i think i'm getting old........
Noto said:
but the fustration drums up a lot of interest

I think that's half the idea :p

i think the next best thing will be crysis but the developers have already said a pc built 3 years ago should be able to run it fine.

No way. Anything that's three years old would be flattened by Oblivion and has no chance with Crysis, unless you enjoy playing at 800x600...
not sure if this has been posted or not, well i couldnt find it ..not in this thread anyway.

At the top of the DirectX 10 chain, is the ATI Radeon HD 2900 XT. The AMD ATI Radeon HD 2900-series features 320 stream processors, over twice as many as NVIDIA’s GeForce 8800 GTX.

The R600-based ATI Radeon HD 2900-series products also support 128-bit HDR rendering. AMD has also upped the ante on anti-aliasing support. The ATI Radeon HD 2900-series supports up to 24x anti-aliasing. NVIDIA’s GeForce 8800-series only supports up to 16x anti-aliasing. AMD’s ATI Radeon HD 2900-series also possesses physics processing.

of course how accurate this turns out to be is anyones guess.

Vogon said:
I think nothing (yet) makes enough use of anything over 512 Vram to make any odds,
I would be very suprised to see any worthwhile difference due to having 768mb memory over 512 in current games/ benchies.

Well, I just checked my vram usage in a couple of games at 1920x1200, max details:

STALKER: Just going from the start village to the bandit camp and back (1st mission), my card used a minimum of 130.63Mb, and a max of 620.55Mb

ARMA Demo: I played the Helicopter mission, and the card was using 749Mb constantly, plus 104Mb of system ram.

I used a simple utility called "Video Memory Watcher" for monitoring vram usage:


Click on "Datei herunterladen" at the bottom right of the page to download. The actual program gui is in English.

Loadsamoney, you should try this ram monitor when playing STALKER, and see if the stutters match the card exceeding 320Mb.
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