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Gibbo is getting an R600!!

surely if the dual core version is like a c2d, games arent made for dual core graphics cards and no one runs two graphical games at once therefore its wasted ?
eracer2006 said:
surely if the dual core version is like a c2d, games arent made for dual core graphics cards and no one runs two graphical games at once therefore its wasted ?
Dual-core and dual-PCB graphics cards pretty much always depend on Crossfire/SLI for their operation.

Any game with decent Crossfire/SLI support will work on them.
i LOVE antialising. ill be in my glory with 24x AA :D !

i thaught that 8xS (maximum, but i run 4x normally) on my 7800gtx was a lot

then x16 SLI AA from SLi

then x16 on a single 8800

now x24!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D thats + 20x more than i run :D
IceShock said:
now x24!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D thats + 20x more than i run :D
20*4=80. I think you mean six times more than you run. ;) :p

Still a hell of an improvement though, going from 6x to 16x blew me away, I seriously can not wait to see what 24x antialiasing looks like and then with adaptive antialiasing on top of it! :eek:
Even with 4x anti-aliasing its not the anti-aliased part which stands out but something in the back ground that hasnt had AA applied. Also Id say you get more benifit from AA at lower resolutions so it seems a bit redundant when the people buying these cards will no doubt have massive LCD monitors too, with extremely high res.
megatron said:
Even with 4x anti-aliasing its not the anti-aliased part which stands out but something in the back ground that hasnt had AA applied. Also Id say you get more benifit from AA at lower resolutions so it seems a bit redundant when the people buying these cards will no doubt have massive LCD monitors too, with extremely high res.
I play games in 1680x1050 and I go mental with low or no antialiasing. The higher the better, because then more tricky things like cables and fences get antialiased too, and it increases immersion a great deal.

I tend to play in 8x with supersampling on, works very nicely. I absolutely hate it when games force me down to 4x (or 0x, in the case of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.)
megatron said:
Any chance u can put all the information u are offering in 1 post? Or at least quote a few of more informative posts?
Just click Gibbo Profile and then click Find all posts by Gibbo
Psycho Sonny said:
to be honest you should never have posted the fact you were gonna get the card if you cant give out any details, its just like laughing in our faces, why does ATI do this? why give out a card then make people sign agreements the only reason for it would be that they are scared by thier competition and dont wanna give too many details away, this is why i have came to the conclusion that it will either be on par with the 8800gtx or 10% faster but will consume at least 25% more power, i have an x1900xt an im fed up with how much power it consumes, im gonna wait for the second generation of dx10 cards and buy a mid range card because lets be honest we dont need all that power all i do is play source which aint that demanding a game, i bought fear and hated it and have hated all other new games too, im gonna stick to my ps3 and xbox 360 for my gaming needs until a game comes out that can beat source, call of duty 2 was a great fav too of mine for a month or two.
But i think you may find that a PS3 is a Very heavy power drainer as well.....
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320-stream processors, named ATI Radeon HD 2900

AMD has named the rest of its upcoming ATI Radeon DirectX 10 product lineup. The new DirectX 10 product family received the ATI Radeon HD 2000-series moniker. For the new product generation, AMD has tagged HD to the product name to designate the entire lineup’s Avivo HD technology. AMD has also removed the X-prefix on its product models.

At the top of the DirectX 10 chain, is the ATI Radeon HD 2900 XT. The AMD ATI Radeon HD 2900-series features 320 stream processors, over twice as many as NVIDIA’s GeForce 8800 GTX. AMD couples the 320 stream processors with a 512-bit memory interface with eight channels. CrossFire support is now natively supported by the AMD ATI Radeon HD 2900-series; the external CrossFire dongle is a thing of the past.

The R600-based ATI Radeon HD 2900-series products also support 128-bit HDR rendering. AMD has also upped the ante on anti-aliasing support. The ATI Radeon HD 2900-series supports up to 24x anti-aliasing. NVIDIA’s GeForce 8800-series only supports up to 16x anti-aliasing. AMD’s ATI Radeon HD 2900-series also possesses physics processing.

New to the ATI Radeon HD 2900-series are integrated HDMI output capabilities with 5.1 surround sound. However, early images of AMD’s OEM R600 reveal dual dual-link DVI outputs, rendering the audio functions useless.

AMD’s RV630-based products will carry the ATI Radeon HD 2600 moniker with Pro and XT models. The value-targeted RV610-based products will carry the ATI Radeon HD 2400 name with Pro and XT models as well.

The entire AMD ATI Radeon HD 2000-family features the latest Avivo HD technology. AMD’s upgraded Avivo with a new Universal Video Decoder, also known as UVD, and the new Advanced Video Processor, or AVP. UVD previously made its debut in the OEM-exclusive RV550 GPU core. UVD provides hardware acceleration of H.264 and VC-1 high definition video formats used by Blu-ray and HD DVD. The AVP allows the GPU to apply hardware acceleration and video processing functions while keeping power consumption low.

Expect AMD to launch the ATI Radeon HD 2000-family in the upcoming weeks, if AMD doesn’t push back the launch dates further.
"AMD’s ATI Radeon HD 2900-series also possesses physics processing". I wonder how well this will work
Psycho Sonny said:
to be honest you should never have posted the fact you were gonna get the card if you cant give out any details, its just like laughing in our faces, why does ATI do this? why give out a card then make people sign agreements the only reason for it would be that they are scared by thier competition and dont wanna give too many details away, this is why i have came to the conclusion that it will either be on par with the 8800gtx or 10% faster but will consume at least 25% more power, i have an x1900xt an im fed up with how much power it consumes, im gonna wait for the second generation of dx10 cards and buy a mid range card because lets be honest we dont need all that power all i do is play source which aint that demanding a game, i bought fear and hated it and have hated all other new games too, im gonna stick to my ps3 and xbox 360 for my gaming needs until a game comes out that can beat source, call of duty 2 was a great fav too of mine for a month or two.

gibbo its nice you have been given the card, but i dont understand the reasoning behind it. why give you it if you cant promote it? maybe its a marketing thing and they think you will buy a lot of stock when you know how powerful it is. this is all specualtion for all we know it could turn out to be a flop, with it consumin more power than a 8800GTX even if it was twice as powerful i still wouldnt buy one, Ati need to work on an efficient solution we need graphic card that consume a maximum of 150 watts and should consume about 50 watts idle.

noboy really needs all this power lets be honest we hardly ever game and those that do wont be playing games that demand the best in graphics, oblivion was as boring as me brushing my teeth, i want fast action paced games, i think the next best thing will be crysis but the developers have already said a pc built 3 years ago should be able to run it fine.

i know easyrider likes to have the best in hardware all the time, but easy take it easy as your name suggests and only upgrade once every 1.5 years you will save a lot of money and maybe all these flamers would leave you alone, although you have made valuable findings when it comes to CPU overclocking when it comes to graphics cards they are beaten every 3 months by thier newest counterpart

Hi there

Not only ATI use NDA's you know? Pretty much everyone does. The reason manufacturers do this is its because I am as close as end-user as they can get. So they want to know my opponion on the cards performance, its price etc. etc. so they can get an idea if it will be a hit or not. :)
Its not that hard to understand, its like those 5 second pre promo adverts you get on tv. Remember the ones for scoot, barely made any sense but raised interest.

By those standards these kind of previews are pretty sensible for a manufacturer to do.

We now know the card is just the same size as a gtx, not 2 foot long like some beta oem version was, etc. It just aids the cards credibility and has people sizing their budgets, etc. Theres no doubt to me it raises first sales.

Still when is this card likely ? This week, next, end of the month, next?
Cheers for the work Gibbo - certainly presents exactly what we were after - direct competition. Were the card to rip the proverbial out of the 8800GTX then I'd suggest we'd not have the healthy competition that we as consumers profit from. If the card blew the 8800GTX away then we'd not have the healthy startings of a price war and from my perspective as a consumer the X2900 is spot on.

This makes the game interesting especially if ATI are going to show Nvidia what a feature set should look and perform like. GAME ON!
IceShock said:
i LOVE antialising. ill be in my glory with 24x AA :D !

i thaught that 8xS (maximum, but i run 4x normally) on my 7800gtx was a lot

then x16 SLI AA from SLi

then x16 on a single 8800

now x24!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D thats + 20x more than i run :D

So the R600 can do 24x AA??? Yet its only the power of the GTX? or will it be like the GTX were the highest AA dont create a performance loss?
willhub said:
So the R600 can do 24x AA??? Yet its only the power of the GTX? or will it be like the GTX were the highest AA dont create a performance loss?
Yup, 24x antialiasing confirmed, and with 320 stream processors (twice as many as an 8800GTX) I don't think it's going to struggle much lol. That's a whole lot of shader power. :eek: Click here for more information.

This stuff about the shaders and 24x antialiasing is the first thing that's sparked my interest really.
And the price of an 8800GTS?

And it can only come down in price!??, that means, ATi for me, too bad my PSU aint SLi cert, I am deffenitly gonna move back to ATi, dont care how ugly/long the card is, I will cut my case all over to fit one of those things in :)

Yea same thing that sparked my intrest, just now!

So why is it about the same performance as a GTX when its like... way more power really :s I hope they release some sort of R600 thats more powerfull than a GTX but requires only one PCI-E connector, then I am selling my 8800GTS and moving back to my X800XT untill I get the R600.
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willhub said:
And the price of an 8800GTS?
Not really sure about this but Gibbo has said the 512MB XT model will cost less than an 8800GTX and be about as fast a few times in this thread.

Oh gods, I was planning to keep my 8800GTS until Crysis comes out and Vista gets a service pack or two (even if those things take twelve months.) Now I am just scared and don't know what to do, so tempted. :(

willhub said:
So why is it about the same performance as a GTX when its like... way more power really :s
Could just be that Nvidia's shaders are more efficient, so R600 has more of them to make up the difference.

It was pretty much like that with the X1000 and Geforce 7 Series cards. ATI had more shader power and Nvidia had more efficient architecture, so they always worked out about the same with Nvidia cards using less power and generating less heat while ATI cards were generally a bit more powerful and cost less.

ATI also had the image quality advantage of course, looks like R600 is taking it back again too.
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Well I know what I am gonna do, too bad my PSU gets in the way of everything :\

I see, well with 24x AA, ATi means better image quality + the better drivers, there onto a winner if they have drivers that work.

Well if there about the same performance, and the 2900XT is confirmed to be about the price of an 8800GTS, then I will put this 8800GTS 640 in the members market or on Ebay. But the XT only been 512mb?

See this is what happens every time for me, I couldent wait, like when I bought my X800XTPE, it was just before the 7800GTX came out and I was like DAMN, now R600 is coming out and I am like DAMN! I did it again!
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I really can't wait to see some official post-NDA benchmarks now.

willhub said:
Well if there about the same performance, and the 2900XT is confirmed to be about the price of an 8800GTS, then I will put this 8800GTS 640 in the members market or on Ebay. But the XT only been 512mb?
Yeah, there are going to be 512MB and 1024MB versions. The one Gibbo has hold of at the moment is the 512MB model which I am pretty sure is the XT.

Think the 1024MB model will be the XT-X and there will be a Pro somewhere too.
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