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Gibbo is getting an R600!!

willhub said:
Sure its why I get suttering in TDU and UT2004 since BOTH games dont reach the system memory limit in XP with only 80% ram been used.

Either way, Nv drivers are bad.

HL2 problems are nothing to do with my CPU or System, I can gaurantee it since that doesent even use all my ram and my X800XTPE could run it at max so unless there is a 50% bottleneck between CPU and GPU, I shouldent be getting these problems other than low FPS or stuttering were my ram is at 100%, NOT WHEN i HAVE 20% FREE...
At 80% your system will be paging the hard disk therefore stuttering, i have tried loads of games using 2 meg and then removed a stick and tried again.
The differences are, stuttering-long load/unload times-crashing when Alt/Tab ing to the desktop and many others.
I cant accept thats why I stutter in UT2004 or TDU since it was hardly there with my X800XT.....

BF2142 only stutters like once ever 10mins and I have that on 16xQAA/16xAF/supersampling with average of 60fps, GRAW dont stutter hardly either with a memory usage of like 80-90%
nicolasb said:

Great 1st post there m8 :)

My major concern with the R600 is the fact that it requires an 8 pin+6pin or 3x6 pins (1x6pin + 2x6pin converted to 1x8pin). This means that it is gonna be VERY power hungry, more so in crossfire. 99% of folk are going to have to upgrade there psu's if they want to run it overclocked - the majority of folk will have to upgrade there PSU's anyway due to the power requirements even at stock speed. This all needs to be taken into consideration when considering the 'bang per buck' arguement. Running an overclocked crossifre setup is going to need 6x6pin connectors! - I don't belive there is any PSU on the market with this kind of setup.

This of course is referring to the XT version - god only knows what an XTX is gonna need :( .
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w3bbo said:
Great 1st post there m8 :)
Thanks. :cool:

Actually another thing to say about the "320 stream processors" is that G80 doesn't seem to benefit much from clocking the shaders higher. The only thing that seems to have much effect is increasing its core clock-speed. That probably means that, even if there is a shader advantage in R600, that won't translate into actual performance gains on present-day games.

Whether the higher core clock in R600 helps it pull ahead remains to be seen; I don't think we know for certain how many ROPs and TMUs it has compared to G80. If, for example, it's clocked 50% higher but only has two thirds as many ROPs, it might be on an even footing with G80.
easyrider said:
Stop trolling
That's funny, because I was calling you out for trolling with your "that thing you call a gaming machine :D" comment. It was totally unnecessary, but I think it's second nature for you to "pick on" other people's machines now. :)

But, back on topic... Very interesting post about the PCI-E 2.0 specification an shaders there nicolasb.

Makes a lot of sense.
Ulfhedjinn said:
But, back on topic... Very interesting post about the PCI-E 2.0 specification an shaders there nicolasb.

Makes a lot of sense.

Yep, very interesting indeed...looks like I'll need to stick with stock speeds if I buy but I am not a fan of overclocking graphics cards anyway...too little result for too much risk.
neo202020 said:
Yep, very interesting indeed...looks like I'll need to stick with stock speeds if I buy but I am not a fan of overclocking graphics cards anyway...too little result for too much risk.
While it's tempting, I won't be buying an R600.

Just got my PSU and I don't plan to upgrade it again until I really need to.
You know that whole Power issue really puts me off a bit! I mean I'll upgrade my power eventually but the fact it requires 1x8pin and 1x6pin or 3x6pin PCI-E connectors is bordering on the unthinkable! Thats just to overclock the card as well :eek:
Ulfhedjinn said:
That's funny, because I was calling you out for trolling with your "that thing you call a gaming machine :D" comment. It was totally unnecessary, but I think it's second nature for you to "pick on" other people's machines now. :)

But, back on topic... Very interesting post about the PCI-E 2.0 specification an shaders there nicolasb.

Makes a lot of sense.

That was harmless banter.

And you have ignored my question.

So you think that 1 gig of system is enough for todays games?
nicolasb said:
Thanks. :cool:

Actually another thing to say about the "320 stream processors" is that G80 doesn't seem to benefit much from clocking the shaders higher. The only thing that seems to have much effect is increasing its core clock-speed. That probably means that, even if there is a shader advantage in R600, that won't translate into actual performance gains on present-day games.

Whether the higher core clock in R600 helps it pull ahead remains to be seen; I don't think we know for certain how many ROPs and TMUs it has compared to G80. If, for example, it's clocked 50% higher but only has two thirds as many ROPs, it might be on an even footing with G80.

Nice, balanced and informed posts. Cheers for info, its nice not to have fan boys posting "*** is soooo much better than ***".

Nvidia *** :D
easyrider said:
That was harmless banter.

I don't know what other people's views are on it but if you said that to me I wouldn't consider it to be harmless banter. People often tend to forget with hardware that we're all spending very large amounts of money on these things and someone might not have 2GB of RAM and a better CPU simply because they can't afford one...in that context I think it wouldn't be nice for them to have their machine called "useless".

In any case, Gibbo did ask you to stick to the topic and I think most of us would appreciate it if you could do that since it would leave more room for a proper discussion of what are very interesting topics.

easyrider said:
So you think that 1 gig of system is enough for todays games?
I never said that I disagreed with you about that, but feel free to point out where I did though, because my problem was with your comment about his machine and I made that perfectly clear.

There's just no need for mocking his machine and calling it "that thing you call a gaming machine. :D"

As for his problem, it's most likely the memory paging but it could be anything. Like he said, he didn't have these problems with his X800, so who knows?
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kinetic747 said:
Nothing like a new graphics card release for bringing out the worst in some people.
Or the best in other people. This card has only just sparked my interest and it's already got me wondering what Nvidia are cooking up with G90 now. :D

Trying not to upgrade until Crysis and/or Vista SP1, so it could go either way for me.

Mind you an entirely new round of cards will probably be out by then, I want 65nm. :(
At the end of the day, its a graphics card...

it wont improve my life
it wont cure my depression
it wont make people realise the sort of person i am
it wont stop people keeping me around for someone to make them laugh and not for my personality
it wont help me lose weight
it wont stop the world spinning
and it isnt worth a 30 page thread of immature bantering from people that are painfully worried theyve brought the wrong pieces of hardware...

its a graphics card...not a way of life
Tonytank said:
and it isnt worth a 30 page thread of immature bantering from people that are painfully worried theyve brought the wrong pieces of hardware...
I agree with the rest of your post, but I don't actually see anyone in this thread who is worried.

Maybe I just missed it or something.
i would wager most people complaining and/pointing out cracks "they" have noticed are simply scared they cant afford the new hardware/and or simply have invested in hardware thats already available...

think about it, you spend 4 figures on LANGUAGE! hot hardware, then a month later new hardware is released that costs the same money, of which you now dont have...

only natural you will see it for its flaws and not its strengths...
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easyrider said:
I think its something to do with youir slow CPU and your 1 gig of ram in that thing you call a gaming pc :D

Yea WTF is that, damnd right I call it a gaming PC, I cleaned one of my bank accounts out just to buy this 8800GTS, I dont have a job, I save and save, I sell all my stuff just to buy something, I look around for job but there either no were not recruiting or sorry you gotta be under 18 to do SHELVE STACKING, so no need to say that, when I first bought this CPU/Mobo, well my parents got me it for christmas I was well happy with it, I know, times change but still I am gonna have to live with what I have and I am aware I have a MEGA bottleneck but still I wasent expecting it to be this bad and when I just cleaned an account for a Nvidia card I expect that the Nvidia drivers are good, it annoys me seeing people litrally saying no there is nothing wrong with the drivers, its your PC when it is'nt I have seen problems on my PC related to driver problems. And when people say Nvidia hold all 3D records for everything and there drivers run flawlessly and are released at good intervals etc.. etc.. I think AHHHHHGRRR because its not true.

I would go and buy another 1GB of ram but I fail to see the point in buying DDR400 memory when its like £40 and its not worth it unless it worked on C2D platform.
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