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Gibbo is getting an R600!!

Willhub, it's easy for people (including myself to a certain extent) who can spend hundreds on hardware without too much effort! I used to be mega skint, and every hardware purchase had to be carefully planned, so I know how you feel.

I will say that 1GB of memory is definitely a bottleneck in gaming, in my experience. Could you maybe get some second hand from the MM, and sell your current ram to go towards it?
I see Dell's going crazy over em as well :D

'The biggest buyer is none other than the company from Round Rock, TX. Dell went out and bought all the chips it could get. The company wants to have a DirectX10 push across the board, and needed WHQL drivers for every part of its product line-up. AMD received its R600/610/630 WHQL driver for Vista a long time ago, so it was a non-issue for the "three sticker" program (Every PC brand is enrolled in the three-sticker programme, where up to three stickers are placed on every computer in exchange for money... marketing incentives).'

We just need to know if the official launch is indeed 23rd-24th April now, as theres a lot of reports saying delayed till 14th May now, any hints. :p
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jaykay said:
wow 320 stream proccessors
thats over double the 8800gtx has :eek:

GTX = 128 Physical Stream Processors, Simple 1 ops per clock
Guaranteed performance

R600 = 64 Physical Stream Processors, Complex 5 ops per clock
Only under certain conditions which may translate in reality to 2 ops per clock.
but if anyone provides a link to a free legal download we shall happily test that too.


Was wondering if you could test it with Ryzom please.

THe servers can have 3k players at once, although a couple of hundred players at one time seems to be average you'll find on.

Its a WoW style game, and the sheer amount of players, wildlife, plants etc all doing their own thing should be a decent test.

ALso to really test it try it during an outpost battle which has hundreds of players all fighting/casting spells at once , before i changed cards , (upgraded from my old X800 xtpe), the game would virtually freeze during these Battles, and that was with 2.5 gig pc3500 ocz
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You know a very major point in all of this has been overlooked, Which is DX10 performance, Whilst ATI looks to be on par in DX9, DX10 could be a very different matter
JAKUS said:
You know a very major point in all of this has been overlooked, Which is DX10 performance, Whilst ATI looks to be on par in DX9, DX10 could be a very different matter
Gibbo has absolutely nothing to test DirectX 10 performance with, nobody does because there's nothing out.

DirectX 10 is seriously not even worth discussing yet, by the time it is even R600 will be old.
Ulfhedjinn said:
Gibbo has absolutely nothing to test DirectX 10 performance with, nobody does because there's nothing out.

DirectX 10 is seriously not even worth discussing yet, by the time it is even R600 will be old.

I realise that, It was the thought that maybe Nvidia will have more problems when we start seeing DX10 games compared to ATI
jrodga2k5 said:
You know that whole Power issue really puts me off a bit! I mean I'll upgrade my power eventually but the fact it requires 1x8pin and 1x6pin or 3x6pin PCI-E connectors is bordering on the unthinkable! Thats just to overclock the card as well :eek:
I think the whole power requirement issue with R600 is a bit overblown, to be honest; all of these 240W or 270W figures floating around should be regarded with a great deal of suspicion.

In the video of AMD's recent press conference someone asks if it's true that R600 will use 270W. The reply is that in their demo setup each card is using roughly 200W. The demo setup was an R600 Crossfire rig doing GPGPU-type calculations, i.e. with all of the shaders working absolutely flat out to produce a total of 1 Teraflop.

If the card runs happily with two 6-pin connectors that means that, at stock speeds, the absolute theoretical maximum peak power output even for the tiniest fraction of a second must always be comfortably below 225W. (225W is the most you can pull through two 6-pin connectors plus the slot). So, all in all, it looks as though the card probably won't ever pull more than 200W unless you're overclocking. If you do overclock then the consumption will get close enough to 225W that they make you use different connectors in order to maintain a sizeable margin for error.

For practical purposes I suspect that a 750W power supply will be enough to run R600 Crossfire at stock speeds: the graphics cards will be pulling about 400W peak, and I doubt the rest of the system will require another 350W. Remember there are people running 8800GTX SLI on 620W PSUs. If you're a rabid overclocker with a quad-core CPU than 850W would extend the comfort zone.... I'm still uncertain as to who is supposed to derive any tangible benefit from a 1000W power supply. :rolleyes:

The lack of 8-pin PCIe 2.0 connectors on most PSUs is very annoying, though. :mad: I'm hoping that the 850W Silverstone Olympia PSU (due out in early May) will have the right connectors and be of reasonably good quality. We'll see.
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spb251272 said:
Willhub, it's easy for people (including myself to a certain extent) who can spend hundreds on hardware without too much effort! I used to be mega skint, and every hardware purchase had to be carefully planned, so I know how you feel.

I will say that 1GB of memory is definitely a bottleneck in gaming, in my experience. Could you maybe get some second hand from the MM, and sell your current ram to go towards it?

Yea I am gonna try, but just before my birthday in June I am hoping my parents could buy me C2D for my birthday, but there only giving me £100 or £100 worth driving lessons now :(, but I will probs get some work in summer at my uncles place so its gonna happen, C2D WILL be coming to my house sometime this year :P, just gotta hopefully be patient, just dont know if my 8800GTS will still be up to the job.

I would have though ATi would have made some sort of tech demo and shipped that with the R600 to Gibbo :s
Just wondering about this 6/8 pin (confusion ) :confused: ,? would my Seasonic S12 (600 Watt) that i got from overclockers http://overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=CA-006-SS
be able to take the R600 (clocked or overclocked)?

Power Output Connectors Details1 x power 24 pin main output
1 x power 20 pin ATX
1 x power 4 pin ATX12V connector
1 x power 8 pin +12V Power 600 Watt

Got one PCI conector on a k8n Neo4 Mobo :)

Tonytank said:
At the end of the day, its a graphics card...

it wont improve my life
it wont cure my depression
it wont make people realise the sort of person i am
it wont stop people keeping me around for someone to make them laugh and not for my personality
it wont help me lose weight
it wont stop the world spinning
and it isnt worth a 30 page thread of immature bantering from people that are painfully worried theyve brought the wrong pieces of hardware...

its a graphics card...not a way of life
Youve just destroyed the lives of all ATi and Nvidia gfx card engineers. :(
What's important to me in the R600/R***, is low power consumption, Noise, IQ, Driver compatability IE: able to run ALL your games in XP/Vista without issues (save some, perhaps - the world's not perfect). After this, you know you have the power to run your games on the R600, even if it's not "much faster" that the GTX. I would perhaps had brought a GTX8800 if it wasn't for there driver ""issues"" etc, even in XP I believe!

All-roundness' is what i look for in a card today, given the fact that they will be powerfull enough anyway. I understand they will come in cheaper than expected too :)
(that's another bonus of course)!
Antx777 said:
Just wondering about this 6/8 pin (confusion ) :confused: ,? would my Seasonic S12 (600 Watt) that i got from overclockers http://overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=CA-006-SS
be able to take the R600 (clocked or overclocked)?
I think the S12 has two 6-pin PCIe connectors (and no 8-pin ones, obviously). Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong! If I'm right, that would mean you could run one R600 at stock speed only.
Antx777 said:
Just wondering about this 6/8 pin (confusion ) :confused: ,? would my Seasonic S12 (600 Watt) that i got from overclockers http://overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=CA-006-SS
be able to take the R600 (clocked or overclocked)?

Power Output Connectors Details1 x power 24 pin main output
1 x power 20 pin ATX
1 x power 4 pin ATX12V connector
1 x power 8 pin +12V Power 600 Watt

Got one PCI conector on a k8n Neo4 Mobo :)


Power wise the R600 will be fine. I use one and they are one of the best 600 watt psu you can buy. With regard to the fancy connectors I'm sure they will supply some sort of converter.
The Asgard said:
Power wise the R600 will be fine. I use one and they are one of the best 600 watt psu you can buy. With regard to the fancy connectors I'm sure they will supply some sort of converter.
The converter will only help if you have three six-pin connectors.
nicolasb said:
I think the S12 has two 6-pin PCIe connectors (and no 8-pin ones, obviously). Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong! If I'm right, that would mean you could run one R600 at stock speed only.
Well, just had the case open, and it DOES have an 8 pin connector, (it is WHITE), and TWO 6 pin connectors (Black) for SLI compatability.

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