Gigabyte G1.Sniper Z87

I've also got problems with headphones in the socket on the back, I never normally use them, but have just started, the socket on the front of my case is ok as long as I turn the volume right down, but I can still hear it on the rear one, so looks like I will have to keep using the front one on low volume, unless anyone has any ideas?
I need some settings for 4.5ghz OC on this board for a 4770k.

I run the Autotune and put it at 4.5ghz and its getting around mid to high 60's when gaming, with my 950 Kuhler, so not bad but i know those auto settings run hotter than a manual OC so if possible i would like to replicate the settings but try lower volts and whatnot to see if i can get the temps lower.

Anyone got a template for 4.5 with the cpu dropping to minimal when just browsing or idle etc? basically i want 4.5 during gaming and as low as possible all other times :)

Just need to know what to change as when i look at that BIOS it confuses the hell outta me haha
if all power saving is enabled from auto (eist c3/c6/c7) then it should downclock on a fixed cpu v

just manually set the voltage lower than what its using atm,but be carefull as llc will add more voltage ontop so I would lower it a fair amount maybe less 0.0500v than whats being used in windows
Does this have 3 pin fan voltage control? Since moving away from Gigabyte i've never been able to find a board with 3 pin voltage control.

Also does this have legacy UEFI options for graphic cards as thats the only thing I don't have a valid UEFI Bios for atm, I want my fastboot back!
Im thinking of getting the M5, its a build for a mate.

Have you noticed any of the issues that others are reporting to do with sound problems or any other issues ? Or is that confined to the ATX version ?

Nope, I haven't had any issues - sound or otherwise.
I noted in one of the reviews for this board that there's only the 1 CPU fan header up by the socket which can/is an issue with dual fan CPU coolers. I'm using an H100i in mine, to be built tomorrow, so was hoping someone here had a picture of what they did to get around this. Either that or it's not an issue?
Im using a h100i, the two fans connect to a cable that goes into the pump and there is a lead from the pump that goes into the cpu fan header, and then a usb connection is required to be able to control the fans via the corsair software.
THIS may help explain it better, its late zzzzzzzzz lol
Ah brilliant. Thanking you muchly kindly sir :) (I'd actually just gotten to your post a few mins ago whilst reading the entire thread so I was hoping you'd be the one to reply).
Ah brilliant. Thanking you muchly kindly sir :) (I'd actually just gotten to your post a few mins ago whilst reading the entire thread so I was hoping you'd be the one to reply).

The H100i in my experience is excellent and quiet, i did replace the stock fans to THESE as some said they were better/quieter and they have been great so far, hardly here them when using the corsair software to set a custom fan profile :)
I do indeed have a pair of those already here. Last parts of the puzzle arriving in the next hour being the gfx and memory. Fingers crossed will be up and running later today. These forums plus the shop have, as always, been an invaluable knowledge base and source of inspiration.
I think the DPD guys are getting used to my address on their routes with my cherry picking the Today Only/This Week Only deals over the last 2 weeks :)
Mine came with F2, haven't had a great deal of time to assess things but it seems ok so far.
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