Gigabyte G1.Sniper Z87

question for sniper owners

Does the audio output (from the back) have any hiss or is the audio clear once volume is turned up ?

I ask since someone said a few pages back the front output while amped still had a hiss noise. Was thinking of saving 120 quid from getting an headphone usb dac for my AKG K550 headphones:)

I have to say it sounds great and there's absolutely no hiss as far as I can tell. I run it back through my Onkyo 515 which is linked up to a pair of Mordaunt Short Alumni 2 and a projector to watch movies and it sounds great.
It certainly doesn't seem as loud as it was now. Although I noticed that I can hear it in the BIOS, so seems like interference from something, whether it is other bits or the motherboard itself is another matter though.
I would like to think it wasn't my PSU or GPU though as there not exactly cheap budget ones, but its still possible I suppose.
Although theres no noise if I remove the PSU :P

its hard to say,i have nearly the same components apart from the board/cpu and I don't get any hissing noise

xfx750w psu/powercolor 7970
3770k/z77xup4 th
Samsung green

the pcie lanes themselves can leak emi aswell,same as psu and gpu

can be cheap or high end components,some simply do it more than others
I have to say it sounds great and there's absolutely no hiss as far as I can tell. I run it back through my Onkyo 515 which is linked up to a pair of Mordaunt Short Alumni 2 and a projector to watch movies and it sounds great.

Through my amp it sounds great with no hiss at all via the optical, it's just through my headphones that I hear it, even in the bios I can hear it.

Yeah maybe its from the PSU or GPU, I think its one of those things that I have to put up with, as long as there's constant sound I cant hear it now anyway.

I've read of a few people with the same problem with this board though, although it does seem to have a very high gain, as I have the audio control at 30 then in game at 15% and its still quite loud
Don't know if it would make much difference, but have you tried switching the 2 gain switches on the board to the lower or even try the higher setting ? depending on which setting is creating the worst hiss at the moment, just so you know they both need to be set to 1 or 2, not one on 1 and the other on 2.

I believe the switches are for the headphone amplifier, but if the switches are faulty, they could possibly generate interference across the whole of the audio section.

Remember, this is the cheap version of the Sniper board, I have the Sniper 5 on the way, although I currently have this board, it will end up on ebay, im making myself future proof, sort of, the sniper 5 will be worth more in a few years when I come to upgrade later on, but I will report back if it has any similar problems to the cheaper version.
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Yeah I've tried messing around with the switches.
They have contacted me saying they can't confirm my headphones are ok, but I can send them to get them checked, I cant say I can be bothered tbh, I'm pretty sure they are, as they are fine with my phone and ipod.
Well the first thing I noticed with my new sniper 5 motherboard, is there are no dip switches on the audio, so far so good, I've not experienced any audio problems or problems at all with the board.

With all the issues I see on these forums and like, I would put it down to the sniper z87 being cheap and cheerful, there's a big difference between paying 110 for a board and 330 for a board.
Yeah you could buy 3 G1's for that lol.
So can you overclock any higher with the new board?
Glad its all good though :)
Not tried with the overclocking yet, just set the same settings as I had on my Z87, quite happy with my current overclock and temps.

Hope F3c fixes some problems for you guys, let us know if they listened and fixed the save profiles, load profiles and save and exit issue inside UEFI bios mode.
I know they don't mate, that's not what im saying, im just saying that you pay for what you get, im having no problems with the Sniper 5 at all, updated the bios to the latest, running my music to my Hi-FI using the 2nd supplied op-amp, no hiss, no issues, sounds amazing, and I will give the Sniper Z87 that, you cant find any other board with components on it for that price, just a shame about all the issues some people are having, kinda makes it look like they are just slapped together and knocked out.

Ive also noticed little things like the Sniper 5 comes with an 8 layer PCB with 2oz of copper, 32 phase power, these sort of things arnt mentioned at all for the basic Sniper Z87, and they could possibly make a big difference, its always the things you can see or find that cause the problems.

Im not putting the Sniper Z87 down at all, I had one myself for 2 months, but it was just always a stop gap for me until the Sniper 5 came down in price, and thankfully OCuk had 15% off it very recently, I got it for £280.

After DFI died, ive been a Gigabyte Fan boy ever since and it will take me a lot of convincing to change my idea about them.
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not everyone is getting the hiss though,so I can only guess at it being bios related or other components gpu/psu having an affect
I think I've learnt now to let others try the new bios's first lol.
I tried F3c and I cant access the bios with it, so had to reflash back to F3b
Anyone know what bios these are shipping with? Is the default bios a bit flaky?

I'll be putting together the new rig tomorrow(using this board), just wondering if it's worth just going straight to the latest bios from the get go..
they usually ship with early bios's,and yes it flash to latest bios soon as you get the board

they improve stability/compatibility
f3 release is out now it updated both bioses one after the other and now cant flash back to anything from before. It says bios is protected from using this bios. I need f2 back because now display driver keeps crashing every 2 mins and its driving me insane cant play any games :(
f3 release is out now it updated both bioses one after the other and now cant flash back to anything from before. It says bios is protected from using this bios. I need f2 back because now display driver keeps crashing every 2 mins and its driving me insane cant play any games :(

The board has a main and backup BIOS switch,, flip it and use the BIOS on the other chip.
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