Girlfriend's Contributions

speak to a solicitor first

personally I wouldn't want a girlfriend to pay anything directly towards my mortgage (in the form of charging her rent) or the bills - keep your name on everything

if she wants to pay for food shopping and/or save up money to pay for an annual holiday for the pair of you then that might be a better alternative

you've been able to cover the bills/mortgage yourself so far and there is no reason why you can't still going forwards

Alternative is go see a solicitor and get some advice/contract drawn up - some mortgages require a live in partner not on the mortgage to sign something anyway so that is the angle you can take - that you're required to do this by your mortgage company - get the contract drawn up so that she has no claim on the house. A former colleague of mine did this after pretty spending everything she owned on a new flat - she wants her boyfriend to make some contribution to bills etc.. but doesn't want him having any claim on her flat if they split.

Obviously none of this should reflect any pessimism towards your relationship but rather is just being realistic - people break up, people have several boyfriends/girlfriends and sometimes several husbands/wives. Since you're not getting married yet why put your assets at risk.

A millions times this. Don't just blindly let her contribute towards mortgage etc, no telling what the future holds so make sure you're fully covered if the relationship ends.
When my missus moved in last year we just agreed to split everything 50/50. I just make any over payments on the mortgage myself. We alternate buying the weekly food shopping each week but it generally comes out about the same price each time.
A friend of mine used to make his long time girlfriend split their contributions 50:50. At the time, he was on about £28,000 and she was on about £14,000. As a consequence he was perpetually loaded and she was perpetually broke.

He saw their money as strictly individual pots so come Friday night it would be a case of "I'm coming down the pub, but she can't afford to so she's staying in"

What a miserable existence for her.

My girlfriend and I earn similar amounts so it's not an issue for us, but if there is a big disparity it quickly becomes horrible for the person on the lower wage.
Wow well i thought it was a good idea, maybe not, based on your responses I should probably just dump her continue to live like a hobo and concentrate on getting my kill streaks up on team fortress lol
How I've always done it: work out what the fixed monthly outgoings are (Inc food, utilities, regular payments) and both deposit half that + contingency into a joint account. Keep your separate accounts for your own shiz like meals out together, drinks with the lads etc.

I'll tell you, it's no fun getting a birthday present you really don't want, even less when it's paid for out of your joint account! That and I think she'd go crazy on what I spend on gadgets/RC

E: assumes both are on a livable wage.

If not, just ask her to pay for the food shop
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I think I may have said this before, but does anyone find it sad that the standard response to this these days (rightly or wrongly) is to call in the solicitors.

"I love you honey, lets move in together..."

"Sign here please."

Split rent, food and bills 50/50. It doesn't matter how much more you are earning, she needs to be able to provide for herself and it will only make her work harder to get more money. You'll be doing her a favor.


If it was a property you owned I'd suggest you pay the mortgage, she covers the bills, but if it's rented 50/50 is fair, maybe a bit more contribution to leccy on your part if you've got a machine running 24/7 :p

I earn a lot more than my girlfriend does, but we pay equally towards the relationship, I wouldn't have it any other way and nor would she.
I think I may have said this before, but does anyone find it sad that the standard response to this these days (rightly or wrongly) is to call in the solicitors.

"I love you honey, lets move in together..."

"Sign here please."


Yes and no. If you own a house solo, it's a big gamble taking in a woman who a) hasn't paid her way into it and b) is fairly likely to walk away at some point (see OP). All it takes is some one to suggest she should take him to the cleaners if (when) they split
I think I may have said this before, but does anyone find it sad that the standard response to this these days (rightly or wrongly) is to call in the solicitors.

"I love you honey, lets move in together..."

"Sign here please."


I find it very sad. However unfortunately it's also the sensible option. There are far too many horror stories about people losing everything for you to not consider it :(
Wow well i thought it was a good idea, maybe not, based on your responses I should probably just dump her continue to live like a hobo and concentrate on getting my kill streaks up on team fortress lol

exactly and maybe work on bulking out the muscles in your frapping arm........

on a serious note don't mug yourself off either she pays her way or you be prepared to bank roll her. I know it sounds crap, but if you enter into this situation with a softly monkey approach you will be hen pecked before dawn....
50/50 split is utter nonsense in my mind.

The way me and my partner work out the split is simple, whatever percentage of take you have of the total household income, that's what you're liable for.

Some simple figures;

If I take home £2,000 one month and my girlfriend takes home £1,000, then my liability of the bills for that month is 66%, whilst my partners is 33%. So if the bills come to £1,500, I pay for £990 of it and she pays the rest.

Say for example that she has actually paid more than her theoretical 33%, then I'll give her the difference, or vice versa.

In my mind, that's ultimately the only fair way these things can be worked out.
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