Girlfriend's Contributions

I would suggest 50% of all house OpEx costs, so food, utilites etc (and also rent if the property is rented). For CapEx costs like mortgages, I wouldn't ask for a contribution unless we ended up getting a joint mortgage and then it's 50% again.

I think it's important to pay the same or similar to feel like equal members of the team. That avoids any resentment.
I earn a lot more than my girlfriend does, but we pay equally towards the relationship, I wouldn't have it any other way and nor would she.
The only notion of splitting things 50:50 is to make it 'fair', but as it's been stated multiple times, it's not really fair if one persons half of the rent is 30% of their salary, whilst it's 70% of the others.

When me and my girlfriend moved in together she paid more on rent but we split all bills equally. When I got a new job and a hefty payrise I insisted in paying half the rent. That said, we're not an 'ideal couple', as we've never told each other how much we earn, nor how much savings we have. We don't have a joint account, but we do have a joint credit card for everything we do together and that gets split equally.

EDIT: Was assuming it was rented. Missed the bit about a mortgage. Makes it much more complicated. Good luck :o

(You could get her to pay towards, but sign one of those things that says she can never stake a claim on the house. Friend of mine did that, he'd only been with his other half for a year or so when they moved in together)
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50/50 split is utter nonsense in my mind.

The way me and my partner work out the split is simple, whatever percentage of take you have of the total household income, that's what you're liable for.

Some simple figures;

If I take home £2,000 one month and my girlfriend takes home £1,000, then my liability of the bills for that month is 66%, whilst my partners is 33%. So if the bills come to £1,500, I pay for £990 of it and she pays the rest.

Say for example that she has actually paid more than her theoretical 33%, then I'll give her the difference, or vice versa.

In my mind, that's ultimately the only fair way these things can be worked out.

and then when you both decide to part company she'll rinse you for 66% of everything....................... because the courts will say that's fair too right ? Operating costs should be 50/50 you both live there don't you ?
Exactly as wingman says, my wife earns around 20k a year more than me, so pays a higher proportion of all the bills, that way we both have a similar amount of money left over for holidays, treats, nights out etc.

I have no problem with this :D
and then when you both decide to part company she'll rinse you for 66% of everything....................... because the courts will say that's fair too right ? Operating costs should be 50/50 you both live there don't you ?

If she's paid 66% of everything, why shouldn't she be entitled to 66% of everything?
Me and GF have just purchased our first house. We agreed to do the deposit and mortgage 50:50. However, I earn just over double what she does so I am going to cover all of the bills (Elec, gas etc...) and food. This way we will both have a reasonable amount of disposable income. This way we avoid the scenario that Lopéz described.

At the end of the day it is about finding a balance that is both fair, realistic and will enable both of you to enjoy living with one another.
It sounds like she already is spending 50% of her time at your place. That means you already gave away half your property. Whatever you do from now on is irrelevant., don't listen to this guy

Me and GF have just purchased our first house. We agreed to do the deposit and mortgage 50:50. However, I earn just over double what she does so I am going to cover all of the bills (Elec, gas etc...) and food. This way we will both have a reasonable amount of disposable income. This way we avoid the scenario that Lopéz described.

At the end of the day it is about finding a balance that is both fair, realistic and will enable both of you to enjoy living with one another.

That's fair enough, as you're going into it fully aware of (and with the intention of) half the house being hers
Is your house owned or rented?

If it's owned, I'd take as little as possible tbh - when it all goes wrong, if she can show she's been contributing to the house then she may be able to claim a stake in it.

If it's rented, then crack on :)

This. If you own the house then don't give any woman a reason to claim part of it.

It sounds like she already is spending 50% of her time at your place. That means you already gave away half your property. Whatever you do from now on is irrelevant.

Not true if she doesn't contribute to it.
I'd split it.

If you start paying for a woman enjoy being put into the provider role (srs).

And all the guys expressing their concern of her living there they are totally correct, I hope you really understand the legal implications of the situation you may be putting yourself into fully.... Or you can kiss goodbye to your stuff and you'll next be posting online how you lost half your house (if you own it).

This isn't scare tactics either it happens, so my suggestion is spend some serious time educating yourself or you can enjoy being shafted.

A friend of mine used to make his long time girlfriend split their contributions 50:50. At the time, he was on about £28,000 and she was on about £14,000. As a consequence he was perpetually loaded and she was perpetually broke.

He saw their money as strictly individual pots so come Friday night it would be a case of "I'm coming down the pub, but she can't afford to so she's staying in"

What a miserable existence for her.

My girlfriend and I earn similar amounts so it's not an issue for us, but if there is a big disparity it quickly becomes horrible for the person on the lower wage.

Well you do realise feminism is fighting viciously for equality, so in my mind there it is. Can't complain, they asked for it.

I'd absolutely do the same, no girlfriend would pay for a guy in a million years so why is it different when it's to do with a woman? we don't live in the 30's any more where woman didn't have jobs.
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Wow well i thought it was a good idea, maybe not, based on your responses I should probably just dump her continue to live like a hobo and concentrate on getting my kill streaks up on team fortress lol

Your asking for other peoples opinions so just remember its only that. You have people from all sorts of backgrounds and experiences giving their opinions so take each one with a pinch of salt and if you learn or think about something you hadn't considered previously then great, that's what GD is all about.

50/50 split is utter nonsense in my mind.

The way me and my partner work out the split is simple, whatever percentage of take you have of the total household income, that's what you're liable for.

Some simple figures;

If I take home £2,000 one month and my girlfriend takes home £1,000, then my liability of the bills for that month is 66%, whilst my partners is 33%. So if the bills come to £1,500, I pay for £990 of it and she pays the rest.

Say for example that she has actually paid more than her theoretical 33%, then I'll give her the difference, or vice versa.

In my mind, that's ultimately the only fair way these things can be worked out.

That's one way that seems fair to me, I'd probably do it a little differently myself but whatever works for you is best.

Me and GF have just purchased our first house. We agreed to do the deposit and mortgage 50:50. However, I earn just over double what she does so I am going to cover all of the bills (Elec, gas etc...) and food. This way we will both have a reasonable amount of disposable income. This way we avoid the scenario that Lopéz described.

At the end of the day it is about finding a balance that is both fair, realistic and will enable both of you to enjoy living with one another.

Another good example imo.

I certainly wouldn't start consulting legal services and the like.
Sounds like you need better girlfriends :p

You know what I mean. A guy living off of her, yeah sure it can happen but we all know it's mostly the other way round.

In which case be very careful what she contributes, and as suggested, maybe consult a solicitor. Yes, it sounds cynical and untrusting, but who knows what the future may hold, and otherwise you could end up seriously regretting it!

It's not cynical at all, I just need to turn to a handful of friends shafted also the internet is a wealth of information.

Tread carefully op or we'll see you in couple years when shes taken you to the cleaners lmao.

Don't come and say you were not warned. I'd speak to a lawyer.
50/50 on absolutly everything works a treat for me and the other half. theres no moaning or disputes about anything. doesn't matter who makes more or less. If they want more money get a better job
Dump her. Find a woman much richer than you and move in with her.

I did that - it works!

But other than that, just throw £300 out there as a starting number, tell her you don't know if that's too little or too much and ask what she thinks. Have an adult conversation about it and agree a figure and agree to talk about it a few more months down the line to see if the arrangement is working out for you.

NEVER let money become an issue in a relationship - it's corrosive - so you both need to have a sensible chat about it from the get go.
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When my missus moved in last year we just agreed to split everything 50/50. I just make any over payments on the mortgage myself. We alternate buying the weekly food shopping each week but it generally comes out about the same price each time.

This is exactly what we do. Except, i cover maintenance for my children myself too.
50/50 on absolutly everything works a treat for me and the other half. theres no moaning or disputes about anything. doesn't matter who makes more or less. If they want more money get a better job

This. The idea of scaling it depending on income is nuts imo. My rent is the same regardless of how much I earn, how is it fair to scale it for others. I live with 4 other mates at the moment, we all pay 1/5th and that's that.
Work out a percentage contribution of your salaries, e.g. 25%, 30% and both contribute that to the overall running of the house.
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